Revision history for Perl extension Class-Tree.

1.27  Wed Feb 10 14:01:36 2010
	- MANIFEST.SKIP updated to exclude MYMETA.yml. Add MYMETA.yml.

1.26  Fri Nov 13 13:20:00 2009
	- Run dos2unix
	- Rename Changes.txt to CHANGES

1.25  Thu Oct 27 19:40:00 2005
	- Regenerate META.yml with Module::Build V 0.2611 to correct a faulty
		META.yml output by V 0.24 which falsely said 'provides: {}',
		which in turn stopped the PAUSE indexer from finding the module file,
		which in turn meant this module might be omitted from the master index:

1.24  Mon Jul 19 14:43:00 2004
	- Change Makefile.PL to coexist with Module::Build
	- Add t/pod.t to test all PODs

1.23  Sun Mar 23 11:29:00 2003
	- Move demos into examples/ directory
	- No source code changes in this version
	- Patch to stop shipping blib/ directory in Unix distros, because the
		PAUSE indexer takes this directory to indicate a binary distro,
		which means it does not index the module, and this in turn means
		the module is not listed in the CPAN daily update list, etc.

1.22  Wed Oct  2 15:03:05
	- Ensure test program exits cleanly when the PERCEPS environment variable
		is not defined.
		Upgrading is not necessary

1.21  Sun May 12 13:12:11 2002
	- Clean up licence and email stuff in all modules, scripts and other docs.
		Upgrading is not necessary

1.20 27-Jun-99
o Thanks to CPAN testers
o Change so it is not dependent on Getopt::Simple.
o Add documentation for buildDirTree(), writeTree(), buildClassTree() and
	writeClassList(). My apologies for not including this earlier
o Add documentation for $ENV{'PERCEPS'} (only used for C++ parsing)
o Add examples to the synopsis in the pod

1.14 26-May-99
o Ensure POD survives buggy pod2man
o Ship Readme.txt, the output of pod2text

1.13 19-Apr-99
o Change Makefile.PL to support ActivePerl's ppm.

1.11  1-Apr-99
o Change die to croak
o Change to delete the .perceps file after running Perceps
o Croak if the environment variable PERCEPS is not set
o Croak if $ENV{'PERCEPS'}/perceps[.pl] is not found
o Ship t/family.h to test Cpp trees

1.10  Sun Mar 28 12:11:25 1999
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.18

Use h2xs to generate the skeleton for

Rename to
Rename to

Put code from & into

V 1.10 attempts to write to the current directory if it cannot write to the directory
containing the *.h files. This makes it possible to run (say) and input
a directory on CDROM.