Revision history for Perl extension DBIx::HTML::ClientDB.

1.08  Sun Feb 21 12:54:57 2010
	- Remove text 'All rights reserved' (for Debian licensing).
	- Remove POD heads 'Required Modules' and 'Changes'.

1.07  Wed Feb 10 14:01:45 2010
	- MANIFEST.SKIP updated to exclude MYMETA.yml. Add MYMETA.yml.

1.06  Fri Nov 13 13:20:00 2009
	- Run dos2unix
	- Rename Changes.txt to CHANGES

1.05  Thu Oct 27 19:40:00 2005
	- Simplify code in new() to no longer check if caller is an object
		as per the new standard on such matters
	- Regenerate META.yml with Module::Build V 0.2611 to correct a faulty
		META.yml output by V 0.24 which falsely said 'provides: {}',
		which in turn stopped the PAUSE indexer from finding the module file,
		which in turn meant this module might be omitted from the master index:

1.04  Mon Jul 19 14:43:00 2004
	- Change Makefile.PL to coexist with Module::Build
	- Delete ./
	- Add t/pod.t to test all PODs

1.03  Sun Mar 23 11:29:00 2003
	- No source code changes in this version
	- Patch to stop shipping blib/ directory in Unix distros, because the
		PAUSE indexer takes this directory to indicate a binary distro,
		which means it does not index the module, and this in turn means
		the module is not listed in the CPAN daily update list, etc.

1.02  Wed Dec 11 14:29:00
	- Minor documentation changes. No need to upgrade

1.01  Sat Oct 26 14:29:00
	- Minor documentation changes. No need to upgrade

1.00  Tue Oct 15 12:37:29 2002
	- original version