Revision history for Perl module Gedcom::Date
0.06 17 Feb 2010
- Rename Changes to CHANGES.
0.05 11 FEB 2010
- Change %y to %Y. RT#52372. Thanx to Rob Fugina.
- Add Build.PL, Changelog.ini, MANIFEST.SKIP and MYMETA.yml.
0.04 31 AUG 2003
- BUG FIX: latest() and earliest() now return the correct values
for 'MONTH YEAR' dates
- new method add() does date math
- new method clone() makes a deep copy of the object
- new method sort_date() returns a string that is suited for
sorting, e.g. in indices
0.03 3 AUG 2003
- incomplete dates ("AUG 2003", "2003") are now handled correctly
0.02 2 AUG 2003
- added a localizable output routine as_text()
0.01 20 JUL 2003
- original version