Revision history for Perl extension HTML::Entities::Interpolate.

1.03  Sun Feb 21 12:55:15 2010
	- Remove text 'All rights reserved' (for Debian licensing).
	- Remove POD heads 'Required Modules' and 'Changes'.

1.02  Wed Feb 10 14:02:07 2010
	- MANIFEST.SKIP updated to exclude MYMETA.yml. Add MYMETA.yml.

1.01  Fri Nov 13 13:20:00 2009
	- Run dos2unix
	- Rename Changes.txt to CHANGES

1.00  Wed Nov  9 15:30:45 2004
	- Original version
	- Source code author: David Nicol
	- I (Ron Savage) am releasing this module, which David emailed to me,
		because it is a pre-requisite for my module DBIx::Admin
	- This module was recently released under the name HTML::Entitize, but
		I've changed this name so it will be found more easily via CPAN searches.
		The name HTML::Entitize was just a bit too obscure for its own good