Revision history for Perl extension Text::CSV_PP::Iterator.

1.03  Sun Feb 21 12:56:32 2010
	- Remove text 'All rights reserved' (for Debian licensing).
	- Remove POD heads 'Required Modules' and 'Changes'.

1.02  Wed Feb 10 13:53:06 2010
	- Add META.yml. Update MANIFEST.SKIP. Add MANIFEST and MYMETA.yml.

1.01  Thu Feb  5 16:44:50 2009
	  - Add Exception::Class and Iterator to the list of dependencies in Build.PL and Makefile.PL :-(.
	  - Reformat these 2 files now that I use Emacs.
	  - Rename Changes.txt to CHANGES, since some CPAN tools refuse to recognize Changes.txt

1.00  Tue Jun 19 16:30:45 2007
	- Original version
	- Points of interest:
	o Text::CSV_PP::Iterator reads the file for you, using Iterator::IO.
		Warning: Iterator::IO V 0.02 has 3 bugs in it, where it does not
		call throw() properly. I've reported this via
	o All of Text::CSV_PP's new() parameters are supported by the fact
		that Text::CSV_PP::Iterator subclasses Text::CSV_PP
	o All data is returned as a hashref just like DBI's fetchrow_hashref(),
		using Text::CSV_PP::Iterator's only method, fetchrow_hashref()
	o The module reads the column headers from the first record in the file, or ...
	o The column headers can be passed in to new() if the file has none
	o Non-existent file errors throw the exception Iterator::X::IO_Error,
		which stringifies to a nice error message if you don't catch it
	o EOF returns undef to allow this neat construct:
		while ($hashref = $parser -> fetchrow_hashref() ){...}
	o Dependencies:
	- Iterator::IO
	- Text::CSV_PP
	o Example code: t/test.t demonstrates:
	- How to call fetchrow_hashref in isolation and in a loop
	- How to call fetchrow_hashref in eval{...} and catch exceptions