Revision history for Perl extension Tree-Binary.

1.06  Fri Sep 19 08:52:00 2014
	- Rename CHANGES to Changes.
	- Remove #!/usr/bin/perl from the 1st line of all test scripts.
	- Move t/pod.t and t/pod_coverage.t into xt/author/.
	- Add constant to the list of pre-reqs.
	- Update Build.PL and Makefile.PL re putting this package on github.
	- Add use strict and use warnings to Build.PL and Makefile.PL.

1.05  Fri Nov  9 15:11:00 2012
	- No code changes.
	- Fix tests which referred to Tree::Binary rather than Tree::Binary2. See V 1.00 below for details.
	- Bump the version # to 1.05 to avoid problems with old versions of the Tree distro, which also had
		a module called Tree::Binary, which causes PAUSE to not index Tree::Binary in this distro.
		V 1.05 was chosen because the most recent version of Tree I released was V 1.04.

1.00  Thu Nov  8 12:38:00 2012
	- Ron Savage is now co-maint.
	- Warning for users of the Tree module, which also used to have a module called Tree::Binary:
		The Tree::Binary /distro/ V 1.00 (this one) contains Tree::Binary,
		and the Tree /distro/ V 1.04 contains Tree::Binary2.
	- Incorporate patch kindly supplied by Karl Kastner 2009-04-05 as RT#44801.
	- Add t/15_Tree_Binary_delete_test.t, which is one of the test programs supplied by Karl.
	- Rename Changes to CHANGES
	- Use (shipped with Module::Metadata::Changes) to add Changelog.ini to the distro.
	- Reformat the dates in this file.
	- Re-work Makefile.PL.
	- Add Build.PL.
	- Add META.json and META.yml.
	- Add MYMETA.json and MYMETA.yml to my repository.

0.07  Thu May 26 12:00:00 2005
	- Tree::Binary::Search
		[ thanks to Jan Kratochvil for these ]
	- Some error message corrections
	- new min_key() and max_key() to get the node keys.

0.06  Thu Nov 18 12:00:00 2004
	- now using Scalar::Util::blessed() instead of  the convoluted UNIVERSAL::isa() stuff.
	- added Scalar::Util as a dependency

0.05  Tue Oct 12 12:00:00 2004
	- fixed issue with the clone method where it
		did not properly fix the parentel relations
	- added tests and docs for this
	- improved clone and cloneShallow with the addition
		of the _cloneNode utility function, we now deep
		clone the nodes
	- added test and docs for this

0.04  Tue Aug 31 12:00:00 2004
	- fixed memory leak in Tree::Binary, this is
		related to a bug found in Tree::Simple. The
		code is similar so I knew the issue would be
		in here too. I also added a DESTROY method
		to Tree::Binary::Search to force cleanup of
		the underlying Tree::Binary object.
	- added a test to check that the leak is
		fixed. It requires Test::Memory::Cycle
		to be run (14_Tree_Binary_leak_test.t)
	- added documentation (copied from Tree::Simple)
		relating to the use of the DESTROY method

0.03  Wed Aug 25 12:00:00 2004
	- added test with Theorems idea in the file
	- Tree::Binary
	- added the 'size' and 'height' methods
	- added tests for these
	- added documentation for these
	- Tree::Binary::Search -
	- added the 'accept', 'size' and 'height' methods
		which really just delegate to the underlying
		Tree::Binary object.
	- added tests for these
	- added documentation for these

0.02  Tue Aug 24 12:00:00 2004
    - beefed up the test suite a lot
	- Tree::Binary
	- Added the 'mirror' method
	- added tests and documentation for it
	- added exceptions to 'removeLeft' and 'removeRight'
		so you cannot remove something that is not there
	- added tests for that
	- Tree::Binary::Search
	- fixed up some edge cases on the 'delete' method
	- added tests for these
	- added 'isEmpty' method to test if there is a
	tree there yet

0.01  Thu Aug 12 01:16:00 2004
	- module released (today is my 31st birthday too!)