Revision history for Perl distribution Tree::Persist
1.04 Thu Jun 13 12:50:00 2013
- Add Module::Runtime to pre-reqs in Build.PL and Makefile.PL. This is a bad oversight on my part.
1.03 Tue Jun 11 17:04:00 2013
- Fix some tests which had stopped working.
- Implement user-specified class names for deflation/inflation of objects.
This was requested in a module review:
The new code uses Module::Runtime.
This also means the 'type' parameter to connect() and create_datastore() is no longer mandatory.
Instead, a 'class' parameter can be used to supply the name of a deflator/inflator class.
See t/load_from_file.t and t/save_and_load.t for sample code.
- Replace UNIVERSAL::require with Module::Runtime in various modules.
- Update PODs.
- Rename test files from \d\d\d_*.t to *.t.
1.02 Thu Nov 8 12:38:00 2012
- No code changes.
- For pre-reqs such as strict, warnings, etc, which ship with Perl, set the version # to 0.
Reported as RT#80663 by Father Chrysostomos for Tree::DAG_Node.
1.01 Thu Oct 4 10:27:00 2012
- Ron Savage is now co-maint.
- Re-write MySQL-specific code, which is only used in the tests.
- Rename Changes to CHANGES.
- Use (shipped with Module::Metadata::Changes) to add Changelog.ini to the distro.
- Reformat the dates in this file.
- Clean up the POD.
- Re-work Makefile.PL rather than have Build.PL generate it.
- Copy sub _strip_options() from Tree and add to Tree::Persist::Base. Then call it from within the
subs returned from _add_child_handler() and _remove_child_handler().
This resolves RT#61740, thereby allowing trees to be read in from a db and inserted into another
tree, and visa versa, i.e. allow trees to be inserted into a tree read in from a db.
- Add t/008_add_from_db.t to test this patch.
- Add an FAQ, whose first item explains using $ENV{DBI_DSN} etc to control the test database,
and that DBD::SQLite is used by default.
- Add code to File::Temp -> newdir(...) in tests to help run under BSD-based systems.
- Encode the 5 built-in XML character entities (within the node's value) when writing to an XML file.
They are decoded by XML::Parser when the file is read back in.
- Add scripts/ and scripts/store.xml.
0.99 Mon Oct 31 10:30:00 2005
- Split out from Forest