Revision history for CPANPLUS-Dist-RPM

0.0.7 Sat Dec 20 2008
- start using Software::License to guess at licenses
- fixup extra file processing -- was infinitely looping on extra files.  This
  should take care of RT#41553 and RT#41722.

0.0.6 Thu Dec  4 2008
- try to refine "unpackaged files not found" logic -- still broken
- try to get specpath from our status, not self
- drop rpm release to 0.1: if a repository we use releases a -1 of it, we want
  their version to be "newer" than our generated version

0.0.5  Sun Oct  5 2008
- additional methods split out
- update install() to look at using sudo (not quite sold on this yet)

0.0.4  Tue Sep 16 2008
- additional external bin reqs to Makefile.PL
- split out some functionality from prepare() and create() into private
  methods and document

0.0.3  Mon Sep 15 2008
- add missing requires_external_bin 'rpm' to Makefile.PL
- mark 'SUPER' as required

0.0.2  Sun Sep 14 18:48:33 PDT 2008
- update Makefile.PL:
    * all deps from CPANPLUS/Dist/
    * no_index package CPANPLUS::Dist::Fedora
- a few minor doc changes

0.0.1  Thu Sep 11 21:18:53 PDT 2008
       Initial release.