Revision history for Fedora-App-MaintainerTools
0.005 Mon Mar 8 2010
- Use '%{summary}.' as the default description
- "Suspect requires" are now filtered from the requires stream, and included
as BR's if not already present. (e.g. Test::More and the like).
- properly increment release when we're a revision
- We now have bits to invoke the RPM metadata filtering system. This can be
done on an override basis (e.g. in auto.ini) as well as by examining the
"no_index" parts in META.yml.
- We now log actual version++'s in the %changelog when updating to a new GA.
- We now try to get %docfile right.
- We always check to ensure EU::MM is BR'ed.
0.004 Tue Feb 23 2010
- various cleanups related to excising the last of the old "plugins" system
- better rpm/srpm building
- write specs to files, not just stdout
- add a "run for additional deps" option (see, e.g., find_optional_deps in
0.003 Wed Feb 17 2010
- rework plugins system -- role based (and makes sense) now
- first shot at SRPM generation code
0.002 Tue Feb 16 2010
- add missing Module::Pluggable::Ordered dep
0.001 Wed Jun 17 2009
- First version, released on an unsuspecting world.