Revision history for Fedora-App-ReviewTool

0.10 Sun May  3 2009
- add auto_provides to Makefile.PL
- unmark methods in Fedora::App::ReviewTool as private
- (import) it's now possible to override the SRPM to import
- (import) we now use MooseX::Workers, to try to parallelize koji tasks
- (review) we try harder to use the koji-built scratch for review purposes...
  we still have a ton of cleanup to do, but WFN :)

0.09 Mon Apr 27 2009
- remove an oversight

0.08 Sun Apr 26 2009
- use IPC::System::Simple; autodie will autoload this but we need to make sure
  it's pulled in by rpm

0.07 Sat Apr 25 2009
- Major changes: add initial review bits; better upload/etc; more status
  information given.
- no_smart_comments.t is now a release test
- Archive::RPM is now its own separate package
- Additional methods in the Bugzilla role
- new import, review, etc command classes
- our default "branch to" is now: F-9 F-10 F-11 devel

0.06     8 Mar 2009
- add
- move bug table generation into Bugzilla role

0.05    27 Feb 2009
- implement some basic startup checks for submit, etc
- add requires on koji, scp, rpm2cpio, cpio
- start centralizing the "push to reviewspace" bits
- allow additional comment to be posted with submission
- tag submitted reviews with a (hopefully discreet) "*rt-$VERSION" at the
  bottom left of a submitted review
- start using Archive::RPM to get at info in the rpms (will be broken out into
  its own dist shortly)

0.04    06 Feb 2009
- remove the reviewer bits from MANIFEST for the moment
- update docs, etc
- make submit failure on koji a little more helpful
- make setup a little healthier, checking one's setup
- only try to fetch Bugzilla id/pw when we're asked for it, for
  Fedora::Bugzilla >= 0.05
- fixup _cert's builder, such that we check to make sure the cert actually
  exists first, and catch other errors
- make _cert et al less fragile

0.03    19 Jan 2009
- prompt for bugzilla id/pw when we don't have one
- look at fedora cert for cn/email defaults

0.01    18 Jan 2009 
- First version, released on an unsuspecting world.