Revision history for MooseX-CascadeClearing

0.05      2012-09-15 00:15:21 America/Los_Angeles
	* drop our init_meta() in favor of just Moose::Exporter
	* minor pod tweaks
	* make our changelog log more like a changelog

	* Allow MooseX::CascadeClearing to be used in a role with Moose 1.9900+ (Dave

0.03    Mon Sep  6 15:22:50 PDT 2010
	* Update how we use Moose::Util::MetaRole such that we avoid depreciation

0.02    Thu Sep 17 08:30:27 PDT 2009
	* dial back our Moose req to 0.88; we don't strictly need 0.90 and 0.88 is
	  available in Fedora 11 at the moment
	* same with namespace::autoclean (0.09 back to 0.08)

0.01    Wed Sep 16 23:01:01 PDT 2009
	* First version, released on an unsuspecting world