Revision history for Test-Moose-More

0.008     2012-04-13 13:52:33 America/Los_Angeles
- add has_attribute_ok, and extended to deal with attributes in roles, as the
  prior method seems to have stopped working.

0.007     2012-04-11 17:52:41 America/Los_Angeles
- add does_not_ok()
- add 'does_not' option to validate_thing()/etc

0.006     2012-04-07 23:19:40 America/Los_Angeles
- fix POD and actually implement more of validate_thing()

0.005     2012-02-05 06:14:58 America/Los_Angeles
- export Test::Moose::with_immutable()

0.004     2012-02-02 16:20:01 America/Los_Angeles
- add does_ok(), meta_ok()

0.003     2012-01-23 15:15:39 America/Los_Angeles

0.002     2012-01-21 20:07:26 America/Los_Angeles
- add check_sugar_ok and check_sugar_removed_ok

0.001     2012-01-21 10:52:14 America/Los_Angeles
- initial release