package Raisin; use strict; use warnings; use Carp qw(croak carp longmess); use HTTP::Status qw(:constants); use Plack::Response; use Plack::Util; use Raisin::Request; use Raisin::Routes; use Raisin::Util; use Raisin::Middleware::Formatter; use Raisin::Encoder; use Raisin::Decoder; use Plack::Util::Accessor qw( middleware mounted routes decoder encoder ); our $VERSION = '0.88'; sub new { my ($class, %args) = @_; my $self = bless { %args }, $class; $self->middleware({}); $self->mounted([]); $self->routes(Raisin::Routes->new); $self->decoder(Raisin::Decoder->new); $self->encoder(Raisin::Encoder->new); $self; } sub mount_package { my ($self, $package) = @_; push @{ $self->{mounted} }, $package; Plack::Util::load_class($package); } sub load_plugin { my ($self, $name, @args) = @_; return if $self->{loaded_plugins}{$name}; my $class = Plack::Util::load_class($name, 'Raisin::Plugin'); my $module = $self->{loaded_plugins}{$name} = $class->new($self); $module->build(@args); } sub add_middleware { my ($self, $name, @args) = @_; $self->{middleware}{$name} = \@args; } # Routes sub add_route { my ($self, %params) = @_; $self->routes->add(%params); } # Resource description sub resource_desc { my ($self, $ns, $desc) = @_; $self->{resource_desc}{$ns} = $desc if $desc; $self->{resource_desc}{$ns}; } # Hooks sub hook { my ($self, $name) = @_; $self->{hooks}{$name} || sub {}; } sub add_hook { my ($self, $name, $code) = @_; $self->{hooks}{$name} = $code; } # Application sub run { my $self = shift; my $psgi = sub { $self->psgi(@_) }; $self->{allowed_methods} = $self->generate_allowed_methods; # Add middleware for my $class (keys %{ $self->{middleware} }) { # Make sure the middleware was not already loaded next if $self->{_loaded_middleware}->{$class}++; my $mw = Plack::Util::load_class($class, 'Plack::Middleware'); my $args = $self->{middleware}{$class}; $psgi = $mw->wrap($psgi, @$args); } $psgi = Raisin::Middleware::Formatter->wrap( $psgi, default_format => $self->default_format, format => $self->format, decoder => $self->decoder, encoder => $self->encoder, raisin => $self, ); # load fallback logger (Raisin::Logger) $self->load_plugin('Logger', fallback => 1); return $psgi; } sub generate_allowed_methods { my $self = shift; my %allowed_methods_by_endpoint; # `options` for each `path` for my $path (keys %{ $self->routes->list }) { my $methods = join ', ', sort(keys(%{ $self->routes->list->{$path} }), 'OPTIONS'); $self->add_route( method => 'OPTIONS', path => $path, code => sub { $self->res->headers([Allow => $methods]); undef; }, ); $allowed_methods_by_endpoint{$path} = $methods; } \%allowed_methods_by_endpoint; } sub psgi { my ($self, $env) = @_; # New for each response my $req = $self->req(Raisin::Request->new($env)); my $res = $self->res(Plack::Response->new); # Generate API description if ($self->can('swagger_build_spec')) { $self->swagger_build_spec; } my $ret = eval { $self->hook('before')->($self); # Find a route my $route = $self->routes->find($req->method, $req->path); # The requested path exists but requested method not if (!$route && $self->{allowed_methods}{ $req->path }) { $res->status(HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED); return $res->finalize; } # Nothing found elsif (!$route) { $res->status(HTTP_NOT_FOUND); return $res->finalize; } my $code = $route->code; if (!$code || ($code && ref($code) ne 'CODE')) { $self->log(error => "route ${ \$req->path } returns nothing or not CODE"); $res->status(HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); $res->body('Internal error'); return $res->finalize; } $self->hook('before_validation')->($self); # Validation and coercion of declared params if (!$req->prepare_params($route->params, $route->named)) { $res->status(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST); $res->body('Invalid Parameters'); return $res->finalize; } $self->hook('after_validation')->($self); # Evaluate an endpoint my $data = $code->($req->declared_params); if (defined $data) { # Delayed response return $data if ref($data) eq 'CODE'; $res->body($data); } $self->hook('after')->($self); 1; } or do { my ($e) = longmess($@); $self->log(error => $e); my $msg = $ENV{PLACK_ENV} && $ENV{PLACK_ENV} eq 'deployment' ? 'Internal Error' : $e; $res->status(HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); $res->body($msg); }; if (ref($ret) eq 'CODE') { return $ret; } $self->finalize; } # Finalize response sub before_finalize { my $self = shift; $self->res->status(HTTP_OK) unless $self->res->status; $self->res->header('X-Framework' => "Raisin $VERSION"); if ($self->api_version) { $self->res->header('X-API-Version' => $self->api_version); } } sub finalize { my $self = shift; $self->before_finalize; $self->res->finalize; } # Application defaults sub default_format { my ($self, $format) = @_; if ($format) { $self->{default_format} = $format; } $self->{default_format} || 'yaml'; } sub format { my ($self, $format) = @_; if ($format) { my @decoders = keys %{ $self->decoder->all }; if (grep { lc($format) eq $_ } @decoders) { $self->{format} = lc $format; $self->default_format(lc $format); } else { carp 'Invalid format, choose one of: ', join(', ', @decoders); } } $self->{format}; } sub api_version { my ($self, $version) = @_; $self->{version} = $version if $version; $self->{version} } # Request and Response and shortcuts sub req { my ($self, $req) = @_; $self->{req} = $req if $req; $self->{req}; } sub res { my ($self, $res) = @_; $self->{res} = $res if $res; $self->{res}; } sub session { my $self = shift; if (not $self->req->env->{'psgix.session'}) { croak "No Session middleware wrapped"; } $self->req->session; } 1; __END__ =encoding utf8 =head1 NAME Raisin - A REST API microframework for Perl. =head1 SYNOPSIS use HTTP::Status qw(:constants); use List::Util qw(max); use Raisin::API; use Types::Standard qw(HashRef Any Int Str); my %USERS = ( 1 => { first_name => 'Darth', last_name => 'Wader', password => 'deathstar', email => '', }, 2 => { first_name => 'Luke', last_name => 'Skywalker', password => 'qwerty', email => '', }, ); plugin 'Logger', fallback => 1; app->log( debug => 'Starting Raisin...' ); middleware 'CrossOrigin', origins => '*', methods => [qw/DELETE GET HEAD OPTIONS PATCH POST PUT/], headers => [qw/accept authorization content-type api_key_token/]; plugin 'Swagger'; swagger_setup( title => 'A POD synopsis API', description => 'An example of API documentation.', #terms_of_service => '', contact => { name => 'Artur Khabibullin', url => '', email => '', }, license => { name => 'Perl license', url => '', }, ); desc 'Users API'; resource users => sub { summary 'List users'; params( optional('start', type => Int, default => 0, desc => 'Pager (start)'), optional('count', type => Int, default => 10, desc => 'Pager (count)'), ); get sub { my $params = shift; my @users = map { { id => $_, %{ $USERS{$_} } } } sort { $a <=> $b } keys %USERS; my $max_count = scalar(@users) - 1; my $start = $params->{start} > $max_count ? $max_count : $params->{start}; my $count = $params->{count} > $max_count ? $max_count : $params->{count}; my @slice = @users[$start .. $count]; { data => \@slice } }; summary 'List all users at once'; get 'all' => sub { my @users = map { { id => $_, %{ $USERS{$_} } } } sort { $a <=> $b } keys %USERS; { data => \@users } }; summary 'Create new user'; params( requires('user', type => HashRef, desc => 'User object', group { requires('first_name', type => Str, desc => 'First name'), requires('last_name', type => Str, desc => 'Last name'), requires('password', type => Str, desc => 'User password'), optional('email', type => Str, default => undef, regex => qr/.+\@.+/, desc => 'User email'), }), ); post sub { my $params = shift; my $id = max(keys %USERS) + 1; $USERS{$id} = $params->{user}; res->status(HTTP_CREATED); { success => 1 } }; desc 'Actions on the user'; params requires('id', type => Int, desc => 'User ID'); route_param 'id' => sub { summary 'Show user'; get sub { my $params = shift; $USERS{ $params->{id} }; }; summary 'Delete user'; del sub { my $params = shift; delete $USERS{ $params->{id} }; res->status(HTTP_NO_CONTENT); undef; }; }; }; run; =head1 DESCRIPTION Raisin is a REST API microframework for Perl. It's designed to run on Plack, providing a simple DSL to develop RESTful APIs easily. It was inspired by L<Grape|>. =for HTML <a href=""><img src="" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="CPAN version" height="18"></a> =head1 FUNCTIONS =head2 API DESCRIPTION =head3 resource Adds a route to an application. resource user => sub { ... }; =head3 route_param Defines a route parameter as a resource C<id> which can be anything if type isn't specified for it. route_param id => sub { ... }; Raisin allows you to nest C<route_param>: params requires => { name => 'id', type => Int }; route_param id => sub { get sub { ... }; params requires => { name => 'sub_id', type => Int }; route_param sub_id => sub { ... }; }; =head3 del, get, patch, post, put Shortcuts to add a C<route> restricted to the corresponding HTTP method. get sub { 'GET' }; del 'all' => sub { 'OK' }; params( requires('id', type => Int), optional('key', type => Str), ); get sub { 'GET' }; desc 'Put data'; params( required('id', type => Int), optional('name', type => Str), ); put 'all' => sub { 'PUT' }; =head3 desc Adds a description to C<resource> or any of the HTTP methods. Useful for OpenAPI as it's shown there as a description of an action. desc 'Some long explanation about an action'; put sub { ... }; desc 'Some exaplanation about a group of actions', resource => 'user' => sub { ... } =head3 summary Same as L</desc> but shorter. summary 'Some summary'; put sub { ... }; =head3 tags Tags can be used for logical grouping of operations by resources or any other qualifier. Using in API description. tags 'delete', 'user'; delete sub { ... }; By default tags are added automatically based on it's namespace but you always can overwrite it using the function. =head3 entity Describes response object which will be used to generate OpenAPI description. entity 'MusicApp::Entity::Album'; get { my $albums = $schema->resultset('Album'); present data => $albums, with => 'MusicApp::Entity::Album'; }; =head3 params Defines validations and coercion options for your parameters. Can be applied to any HTTP method and/or L</route_param> to describe parameters. params( requires('name', type => Str), optional('start', type => Int, default => 0), optional('count', type => Int, default => 10), ); get sub { ... }; params( requires('id', type => Int, desc => 'User ID'), ); route_param 'id' => sub { ... }; For more see L<Raisin/Validation-and-coercion>. =head3 api_default_format Specifies default API format mode when formatter isn't specified by API user. E.g. if URI is asked without an extension (C<json>, C<yaml>) or C<Accept> header isn't specified the default format will be used. Default value: C<YAML>. api_default_format 'json'; See also L<Raisin/API-FORMATS>. =head3 api_format Restricts API to use only specified formatter to serialize and deserialize data. Already exists L<Raisin::Encoder::JSON>, L<Raisin::Encoder::YAML>, and L<Raisin::Encoder::Text>, but you can always register your own using L</register_encoder>. api_format 'json'; See also L<Raisin/API-FORMATS>. =head3 api_version Sets up an API version header. api_version 1.23; =head3 plugin Loads a Raisin module. A module options may be specified after the module name. Compatible with L<Kelp> modules. plugin 'Swagger'; =head3 middleware Adds a middleware to your application. middleware '+Plack::Middleware::Session' => { store => 'File' }; middleware '+Plack::Middleware::ContentLength'; middleware 'Runtime'; # will be loaded Plack::Middleware::Runtime =head3 mount Mounts multiple API implementations inside another one. These don't have to be different versions, but may be components of the same API. In C<>: package RaisinApp; use Raisin::API; api_format 'json'; mount 'RaisinApp::User'; mount 'RaisinApp::Host'; 1; =head3 register_decoder Registers a third-party parser (decoder). register_decoder(xml => 'My::Parser::XML'); See also L<Raisin::Decoder>. =head3 register_encoder Registers a third-party formatter (encoder). register_encoder(xml => 'My::Formatter::XML'); See also L<Raisin::Encoder>. =head3 run Returns the C<PSGI> application. =head2 CONTROLLER =head3 req Provides quick access to the L<Raisin::Request> object for the current route. Use C<req> to get access to request headers, params, etc. use DDP; p req->headers; p req->params; say req->header('X-Header'); See also L<Plack::Request>. =head3 res Provides quick access to the L<Raisin::Response> object for the current route. Use C<res> to set up response parameters. res->status(403); res->headers(['X-Application' => 'Raisin Application']); See also L<Plack::Response>. =head3 param Returns request parameters. Without an argument will return an array of all input parameters. Otherwise it will return the value of the requested parameter. Returns L<Hash::MultiValue> object. say param('key'); # -> value say param(); # -> { key => 'value', foo => 'bar' } =head3 include_missing Returns all declared parameters even if there is no value for a param. See L<Raisin/Declared-parameters>. =head3 session Returns C<psgix.session> hash. When it exists, you can retrieve and store per-session data. # store param session->{hello} = 'World!'; # read param say session->{name}; =head3 present Raisin hash a built-in C<present> method, which accepts two arguments: an object to be presented and an options associated with it. The options hash may include C<with> key, which is defined the entity to expose. See L<Raisin::Entity>. my $artists = $schema->resultset('Artist'); present data => $artists, with => 'MusicApp::Entity::Artist'; present count => $artists->count; L<Raisin::Entity> supports L<DBIx::Class> and L<Rose::DB::Object>. For details see examples in I<examples/music-app> and L<Raisin::Entity>. =head1 ALLOWED METHODS When you add a route for a resource, a route for the OPTIONS method will also be added. The response to an OPTIONS request will include an "Allow" header listing the supported methods. get 'count' => sub { { count => $count }; }; params( requires('num', type => Int, desc => 'Value to add to the count.'), ); put 'count' => sub { my $params = shift; $count += $params->{num}; { count: $count }; }; curl -v -X OPTIONS http://localhost:5000/count > OPTIONS /count HTTP/1.1 > Host: localhost:5000 > * HTTP 1.0, assume close after body < HTTP/1.1 204 No Content < Allow: GET, OPTIONS, PUT If a request for a resource is made with an unsupported HTTP method, an HTTP 405 (Method Not Allowed) response will be returned. curl -X DELETE -v http://localhost:3000/count > DELETE /count HTTP/1.1 > Host: localhost:5000 > * HTTP 1.0, assume close after body < HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed < Allow: OPTIONS, GET, PUT =head1 PARAMETERS Request parameters are available through the C<params> C<HASH>. This includes GET, POST and PUT parameters, along with any named parameters you specify in your route strings. Parameters are automatically populated from the request body on C<POST> and C<PUT> for form input, C<JSON> and C<YAML> content-types. The request: curl localhost:5000/data -H Content-Type:application/json -d '{"id": "14"}' The Raisin endpoint: post data => sub { param('id') }; Multipart C<POST>s and C<PUT>s are supported as well. In the case of conflict between either of: =over =item * path parameters; =item * GET, POST and PUT parameters; =item * contents of request body on POST and PUT; =back Path parameters have precedence. Query string and body parameters will be merged (see L<Plack::Request/parameters>) =head2 Declared parameters Raisin allows you to access only the parameters that have been declared by you in L<Raisin/params> block. By default you can get all declared parameter as a first argument passed to your route subroutine. Application: api_format 'json'; post data => sub { my $params = shift; { data => $params }; }; Request: curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:5000/signup -d '{"id": 42}' Response: { "data": nil } Once we add parameters block, Raisin will start return only the declared parameters. Application: api_format 'json'; params( requires('id', type => Int), optional('email', type => Str) ); post data => sub { my $params = shift; { data => $params }; }; Request: curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:5000/signup -d '{"id": 42, "key": "value"}' Response: { "data": { "id": 42 } } By default declared parameters don't contain parameters which have no value. If you want to return all parameters you can use the C<include_missing> function. Application: api_format 'json'; params( requires('id', type => Int), optional('email', type => Str) ); post data => sub { my $params = shift; { data => include_missing($params) }; }; Request: curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:5000/signup -d '{"id": 42, "key": "value"}' Response: { "data": { "id": 42, "email": null } } =head2 Validation and coercion You can define validations and coercion options for your parameters using a L<Raisin/params> block. Parameters can C<requires> value or can be C<optional>. C<optional> parameters can have default value. params( requires('name', type => Str), optional('count', type => Int, default => 10), ); get sub { my $params = shift; "$params->{count}: $params->{name}"; }; Note that default values will NOT be passed through to any validation options specified. Available arguments: =over =item * name =item * type =item * default =item * desc =item * regex =item * in =back =head2 Nested Parameters =head3 Hash Use a keyword C<group> to define a group of parameters which is enclosed to the parent C<HashRef> parameter. params( requires('name', type => HashRef, group { requires('first_name', type => Str), requires('last_name', type => Str), }) ) =head3 Array Use C<ArrayRef[*]> types from your compatible type library to define arrays. requires('list', type => ArrayRef[Int], desc => 'List of integers') =head2 Types Raisin supports Moo(se)-compatible type constraint so you can use any of the L<Moose>, L<Moo> or L<Type::Tiny> type constraints. By default L<Raisin> depends on L<Type::Tiny> and it's L<Types::Standard> type contraint library. You can create your own types as well. See L<Type::Tiny::Manual> and L<Moose::Manual::Types>. =head1 HOOKS Those blocks can be executed before or/and after every API call, using C<before>, C<after>, C<before_validation> and C<after_validation>. Callbacks execute in the following order: =over =item * before =item * before_validation =item * after_validation =item * after =back The block applies to every API call before sub { my $self = shift; say $self->req->method . "\t" . $self->req->path; }; after_validation sub { my $self = shift; say $self->res->body; }; Steps C<after_validation> and C<after> are executed only if validation succeeds. Every callback has only one argument as an input parameter which is L<Raisin> object. For more information of available methods see L<Raisin/CONTROLLER>. =head1 API FORMATS By default, Raisin supports C<YAML>, C<JSON>, and C<TEXT> content types. Default format is C<YAML>. Response format can be determined by C<Accept header> or C<route extension>. Serialization takes place automatically. So, you do not have to call C<encode_json> in each C<JSON> API implementation. Your API can declare to support only one serializator by using L<Raisin/api_format>. Custom formatters for existing and additional types can be defined with a L<Raisin::Encoder>/L<Raisin::Decoder>. =over =item JSON Call C<JSON::encode_json> and C<JSON::decode_json>. =item YAML Call C<YAML::Dump> and C<YAML::Load>. =item Text Call C<Data::Dumper-E<gt>Dump> if output data is not a string. =back The order for choosing the format is the following. =over =item * Use the route extension. =item * Use the value of the C<Accept> header. =item * Fallback to default. =back =head1 LOGGING Raisin has a built-in logger and supports for C<Log::Dispatch>. You can enable it by: plugin 'Logger', outputs => [['Screen', min_level => 'debug']]; Or use L<Raisin::Logger> with a C<fallback> option: plugin 'Logger', fallback => 1; The plugin registers a C<log> subroutine to L<Raisin>. Below are examples of how to use it. app->log(debug => 'Debug!'); app->log(warn => 'Warn!'); app->log(error => 'Error!'); C<app> is a L<Raisin> instance, so you can use C<$self> instead of C<app> where it is possible. See L<Raisin::Plugin::Logger>. =head1 API DOCUMENTATION =head2 Raisin script You can see application routes with the following command: $ raisin examples/pod-synopsis-app/ GET /user GET /user/all POST /user GET /user/:id DELETE /user/:id PUT /user/:id GET /echo Including parameters: $ raisin --params examples/pod-synopsis-app/ GET /user start Int{0} count Int{10} GET /user/all POST /user *name Str *password Str email Str GET /user/:id *id Int DELETE /user/:id *id Int PUT /user/:id *id Int GET /echo *data Any{ёй} =head2 OpenAPI/Swagger L<Swagger|> compatible API documentations. plugin 'Swagger'; Documentation will be available on C<http://E<lt>urlE<gt>/swagger.json> URL. So you can use this URL in Swagger UI. See L<Raisin::Plugin::Swagger>. =head1 MIDDLEWARE You can easily add any L<Plack> middleware to your application using C<middleware> keyword. See L<Raisin/middleware>. =head1 PLUGINS Raisin can be extended using custom I<modules>. Each new module must be a subclass of the C<Raisin::Plugin> namespace. Modules' job is to initialize and register new methods into the web application class. For more see L<Raisin/plugin> and L<Raisin::Plugin>. =head1 TESTING See L<Plack::Test>, L<Test::More> and etc. my $app = Plack::Util::load_psgi("$Bin/../script/"); test_psgi $app, sub { my $cb = shift; my $res = $cb->(GET '/user'); subtest 'GET /user' => sub { if (!is $res->code, 200) { diag $res->content; BAIL_OUT 'FAILED!'; } my $got = Load($res->content); isdeeply $got, $expected, 'Data!'; }; }; =head1 DEPLOYING Deploying a Raisin application is done the same way any other Plack application is deployed: $ plackup -E deployment -s Starman app.psgi =head2 Kelp use Plack::Builder; use RaisinApp; use KelpApp; builder { mount '/' => KelpApp->new->run; mount '/api/rest' => RaisinApp->new; }; =head2 Dancer use Plack::Builder; use Dancer ':syntax'; use Dancer::Handler; use RaisinApp; my $dancer = sub { setting appdir => '/home/dotcloud/current'; load_app 'My::App'; Dancer::App->set_running_app('My::App'); my $env = shift; Dancer::Handler->init_request_headers($env); my $req = Dancer::Request->new(env => $env); Dancer->dance($req); }; builder { mount '/' => $dancer; mount '/api/rest' => RaisinApp->new; }; =head2 Mojolicious::Lite use Plack::Builder; use RaisinApp; builder { mount '/' => builder { enable 'Deflater'; require ''; }; mount '/api/rest' => RaisinApp->new; }; See also L<Plack::Builder>, L<Plack::App::URLMap>. =head1 EXAMPLES Raisin comes with three instance in I<example> directory: =over =item pod-synopsis-app Basic example. =item music-app Shows the possibility of using L<Raisin/present> with L<DBIx::Class> and L<Rose::DB::Object>. =item sample-app Shows an example of complex application. =back =head1 ROADMAP =over =item * Versioning support; =item * Mount API's in any place of C<resource> block; =back =head1 GITHUB L<|> =head1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This module was inspired both by Grape and L<Kelp>, which was inspired by L<Dancer>, which in its turn was inspired by Sinatra. =head1 AUTHOR Artur Khabibullin - =head1 LICENSE This module and all the modules in this package are governed by the same license as Perl itself. =cut