Revision history for HTML-LinkList

0.0502 Tue 17 January 2006

  * (17 Jan 2006) futher correction to navbar
  	This time fer shure!

0.0501 Tue 17 January 2006

  * (17 Jan 2006) corrected navbar error
  	My feature enhancement... didn't do what I thought it did.  Oops.

0.05 Tue 17 January 2006

  * (17 Jan 2006) improved navbar
  	Now the navbar shows the next level up when the current page
  is not an index page; the siblings of its parent.

0.04 Fri 13 January 2006

  * (13 Jan 2006) improved nav_tree
  	Revamped the logic and the options to make nav_tree more sensible
  and simpler to use.

  * (12 Jan 2006) nomenclature
  	Stop referring to directories; they're index pages.
  	Renamed 'dir_tree' to 'full_tree'.

0.03 Thu 12 January 2006

  * (12 Jan 2006) renames,additions,nav_tree
  	- renamed breadcrumb_tree to breadcrumb_trail
  	- added the 'preserve_order' option to dir_tree
  	- added new function 'nav_tree' to make a nested navbar
  	- updated documentation
  	- fixes and tweaks

0.02 Wed 11 January 2006

  * (11 Jan 2006) breadcrumb_tree
  	Added the 'breadcrumb_tree' function which makes a breadcrumb
  trail from the current_url.

  * (11 Jan 2006) minor fixes
  	Made the checking of the 'current_url' better.

0.01 Mon 09 January 2006

  * (9 Jan 2006) tweaking documentation

  * (9 Jan 2006) commit tweaking
  	The ModDevAid stuff needed to not try to chmod non-existant scripts.

  * (9 Jan 2006) fixing tests
  	Just some minor bugs with the tests.

  * (9 Jan 2006) initial checkin