=head1 Revision history for Perl extension Capture::SystemIO.


=head2 0.01_4 Thu Dec  9 09:11:38 EST 2010


=item * Changed name again to avoid confilct with registered namespace on the CPAN.


=head2 0.01_3 Wed Dec  8 22:23:24 EST 2010


=item * Docmentation updates

=item * Add Capture::Tiny as a dependency in Makefile.PL


=head2 0.01_2 Thu Nov 11 02:23:24 UCT 2010


=item * Enhance test suite and add checks before running tests.

=item * Add Capture::System::Signal

=item * Switch from IO::CaptureOutput to Capture::Tiny

=item * Rename to Capture::System
