Revision history for Catalyst-Plugin-LanguagePrefix
0.08 2015-10-13 19:15:00+0100 - Runar Buvik
- Support for redirecting users to url with language prefix if the language prefix is missing.
0.07 2011-12-07 17:37:00+0100
- Removed requirement for the 'language' method.
0.06 2011-12-06 18:27:00+0100
- Removed disclaimer about alpha quality.
0.05 2011-11-26 12:30:00+0100
- Fixed a warning (RT 71568) that i couldn't reproduce, though.
0.04 2011-05-05 23:49:00+0200
- Cleanup, refactoring, optimization.
- Added test for RT 67926. (The bug itself got fixed in the meantime.)
0.03 2010-09-30 15:19:00+0200
- Fixed a bug: used to unnecessarily set $c->req->path to the wrong
value when auto-detecting the language.
- Added a test for the request to '/'.
- "language_independent_paths" is not mandatory any more.
- Fixed how the valid language codes cache is stored.
- The "fallback_language" config option is now made lc in
0.02 2010-06-01 13:37:00+0200
- Removed non-ASCII chars from POD.
0.01 2010-02-19 01:33:00+0100
- First version. We will see where it goes.