#! /usr/bin/env perl # http://code.google.com/p/perl-compiler/issues/detail?id=293 # Empty &Coro::State::_jit and READONLY no_modify double-init run-time errors use strict; BEGIN { unshift @INC, 't'; require TestBC; } use Test::More; use Config; eval "use EV;"; if ($@) { plan skip_all => "EV required for testing issue #368"; } else { plan tests => 1; } use B::C (); my $cmt = '#368 boot EV'; my $todo = $B::C::VERSION ge '1.51' ? "" : "TODO "; $todo = "TODO 5.10thr " if $] =~ /^5\.010001/ and $Config{useithreads}; $todo = "TODO cperl " if $Config{usecperl} or $] >= 5.022; my $script = 'use EV; print q(ok)'; ctestok(1, 'C,-O3', 'ccode368i', $script, $todo.'C '.$cmt);