python # GDB dashboard - Modular visual interface for GDB in Python. # # import ast import os import subprocess # Common attributes ------------------------------------------------------------ class R(): @staticmethod def attributes(): return { # miscellaneous 'ansi': { 'doc': 'Control the ANSI output of the dashboard.', 'default': True, 'type': bool }, # prompt 'prompt': { 'doc': """Command prompt. This value is parsed as a Python format string in which `{status}` is expanded with the substitution of either `prompt_running` or `prompt_not_running` attributes, according to the target program status. The resulting string must be a valid GDB prompt, see the command `python print(gdb.prompt.prompt_help())`""", 'default': '{status}' }, 'prompt_running': { 'doc': """`{status}` when the target program is running. See the `prompt` attribute. This value is parsed as a Python format string in which `{pid}` is expanded with the process identifier of the target program.""", 'default': '\[\e[1;35m\]>>>\[\e[0m\]' }, 'prompt_not_running': { 'doc': '`{status}` when the target program is not running.', 'default': '\[\e[1;30m\]>>>\[\e[0m\]' }, # divider 'divider_fill_char_primary': { 'doc': 'Filler around the label for primary dividers', 'default': '─' }, 'divider_fill_char_secondary': { 'doc': 'Filler around the label for secondary dividers', 'default': '─' }, 'divider_fill_style_primary': { 'doc': 'Style for `divider_fill_char_primary`', 'default': '36' }, 'divider_fill_style_secondary': { 'doc': 'Style for `divider_fill_char_secondary`', 'default': '1;30' }, 'divider_label_style_on_primary': { 'doc': 'Label style for non-empty primary dividers', 'default': '1;33' }, 'divider_label_style_on_secondary': { 'doc': 'Label style for non-empty secondary dividers', 'default': '0' }, 'divider_label_style_off_primary': { 'doc': 'Label style for empty primary dividers', 'default': '33' }, 'divider_label_style_off_secondary': { 'doc': 'Label style for empty secondary dividers', 'default': '1;30' }, 'divider_label_skip': { 'doc': 'Gap between the aligning border and the label.', 'default': 3, 'type': int, 'check': check_ge_zero }, 'divider_label_margin': { 'doc': 'Number of spaces around the label.', 'default': 1, 'type': int, 'check': check_ge_zero }, 'divider_label_align_right': { 'doc': 'Label alignment flag.', 'default': False, 'type': bool }, # common styles 'style_selected_1': { 'default': '1;32' }, 'style_selected_2': { 'default': '32' }, 'style_low': { 'default': '1;30' }, 'style_high': { 'default': '1;37' }, 'style_error': { 'default': '31' } } # Common ----------------------------------------------------------------------- def run(command): return gdb.execute(command, to_string=True) def ansi(string, style): if R.ansi: return '[{}m{}[0m'.format(style, string) else: return string def divider(label='', primary=False, active=True): width = Dashboard.term_width if primary: divider_fill_style = R.divider_fill_style_primary divider_fill_char = R.divider_fill_char_primary divider_label_style_on = R.divider_label_style_on_primary divider_label_style_off = R.divider_label_style_off_primary else: divider_fill_style = R.divider_fill_style_secondary divider_fill_char = R.divider_fill_char_secondary divider_label_style_on = R.divider_label_style_on_secondary divider_label_style_off = R.divider_label_style_off_secondary if label: if active: divider_label_style = divider_label_style_on else: divider_label_style = divider_label_style_off skip = R.divider_label_skip margin = R.divider_label_margin before = ansi(divider_fill_char * skip, divider_fill_style) middle = ansi(label, divider_label_style) after_length = width - len(label) - skip - 2 * margin after = ansi(divider_fill_char * after_length, divider_fill_style) if R.divider_label_align_right: before, after = after, before return ''.join([before, ' ' * margin, middle, ' ' * margin, after]) else: return ansi(divider_fill_char * width, divider_fill_style) def check_gt_zero(x): return x > 0 def check_ge_zero(x): return x >= 0 def to_unsigned(value, size=8): # values from GDB can be used transparently but are not suitable for # being printed as unsigned integers, so a conversion is needed return int(value.cast(gdb.Value(0).type)) % (2 ** (size * 8)) def format_address(address): return '0x{:016x}'.format(address) # Dashboard -------------------------------------------------------------------- class Dashboard(gdb.Command): """Redisplay the dashboard.""" def __init__(self): gdb.Command.__init__(self, 'dashboard', gdb.COMMAND_USER, gdb.COMPLETE_NONE, True) self.enabled = True # setup subcommands Dashboard.EnabledCommand(self) Dashboard.LayoutCommand(self) # setup style commands Dashboard.StyleCommand(self, 'dashboard', R, R.attributes()) # setup events _: self.on_continue()) _: self.on_stop()) _: self.on_exit()) def on_continue(self): if self.enabled and self.is_running(): os.system('clear') print(divider('Output/messages', True)) self.pre_display = False def on_stop(self): if self.enabled and self.is_running(): self.display() def on_exit(self): pass def load_modules(self, modules): self.modules = [] for module in modules: info = Dashboard.ModuleInfo(self, module) self.modules.append(info) def redisplay(self): if self.is_running(): os.system('clear') self.display() def inferior_pid(self): return gdb.selected_inferior().pid def is_running(self): return self.inferior_pid() != 0 def display(self): Dashboard.update_term_width() # fetch lines lines = [] for module in self.modules: if not module.enabled: continue module = module.instance # active if more than zero lines module_lines = module.lines() lines.append(divider(module.label(), True, module_lines)) lines.extend(module_lines) if len(lines) == 0: lines.append(divider('Error', True)) if len(self.modules) == 0: lines.append('No module loaded') else: lines.append('No module to display (see `help dashboard`)') lines.append(divider(primary=True)) # print the dashboard print('\n'.join(lines)) # Utility methods -------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def start(): # initialize the dashboard Dashboard.update_term_width() dashboard = Dashboard() Dashboard.set_custom_prompt(dashboard) # parse Python inits, load modules then parse GDB inits Dashboard.parse_inits(True) modules = Dashboard.get_modules() dashboard.load_modules(modules) Dashboard.parse_inits(False) # GDB override run('set pagination off') run('alias -a db = dashboard') @staticmethod def update_term_width(): height, width = subprocess.check_output(['stty', 'size']).split() Dashboard.term_width = int(width) @staticmethod def set_custom_prompt(dashboard): def custom_prompt(_): # render thread status indicator if dashboard.is_running(): pid = dashboard.inferior_pid() status = R.prompt_running.format(pid=pid) else: status = R.prompt_not_running # build prompt prompt = R.prompt.format(status=status) prompt = gdb.prompt.substitute_prompt(prompt) return prompt + ' ' # force trailing space gdb.prompt_hook = custom_prompt @staticmethod def parse_inits(python): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.expanduser('~/.gdbinit.d/')): dirs.sort() for init in sorted(files): path = os.path.join(root, init) _, ext = os.path.splitext(path) # either load Python files or GDB if python ^ (ext != '.py'): gdb.execute('source ' + path) @staticmethod def get_modules(): # scan the scope for modules modules = [] for name in globals(): obj = globals()[name] try: if issubclass(obj, Dashboard.Module): modules.append(obj) except TypeError: continue # sort modules alphabetically modules.sort(key=lambda x: x.__name__) return modules @staticmethod def create_command(name, invoke, doc, is_prefix, complete=None): Class = type('', (gdb.Command,), {'invoke': invoke, '__doc__': doc}) Class(name, gdb.COMMAND_USER, complete or gdb.COMPLETE_NONE, is_prefix) @staticmethod def err(string): print(ansi(string, R.style_error)) @staticmethod def complete(word, candidates): matching = [] for candidate in candidates: if candidate.startswith(word): matching.append(candidate) return matching @staticmethod def parse_arg(arg): # encode unicode GDB command arguments as utf8 in Python 2.7 if type(arg) is not str: arg = arg.encode('utf8') return arg # Module descriptor ------------------------------------------------------------ class ModuleInfo: def __init__(self, dashboard, module): = module.__name__.lower() # from class to module name self.enabled = True self.instance = module() self.doc = self.instance.__doc__ or '(no documentation)' self.prefix = 'dashboard {}'.format( # add GDB commands self.add_main_command(dashboard) self.add_style_command(dashboard) self.add_subcommands(dashboard) def add_main_command(self, dashboard): module = self def invoke(self, arg, from_tty, info=self): arg = Dashboard.parse_arg(arg) if arg == '': info.enabled ^= True if dashboard.is_running(): dashboard.redisplay() else: status = 'enabled' if info.enabled else 'disabled' print('{} module {}'.format(, status)) else: Dashboard.err('Wrong argument "{}"'.format(arg)) doc_brief = 'Configure the {} module.'.format( doc_extended = 'Toggle the module visibility.' doc = '{}\n{}\n\n{}'.format(doc_brief, doc_extended, self.doc) Dashboard.create_command(self.prefix, invoke, doc, True) def add_style_command(self, dashboard): if 'attributes' in dir(self.instance): Dashboard.StyleCommand(dashboard, self.prefix, self.instance, self.instance.attributes()) def add_subcommands(self, dashboard): if 'commands' in dir(self.instance): for name, command in self.instance.commands().items(): self.add_subcommand(dashboard, name, command) def add_subcommand(self, dashboard, name, command): action = command['action'] doc = command['doc'] complete = command.get('complete') def invoke(self, arg, from_tty, info=self): arg = Dashboard.parse_arg(arg) if info.enabled: try: action(arg) except Exception as e: Dashboard.err(e) return # don't catch redisplay errors dashboard.redisplay() else: Dashboard.err('Module disabled') prefix = '{} {}'.format(self.prefix, name) Dashboard.create_command(prefix, invoke, doc, False, complete) # GDB commands ----------------------------------------------------------------- def invoke(self, arg, from_tty): arg = Dashboard.parse_arg(arg) if arg == '': if self.is_running(): self.redisplay() else: Dashboard.err('Is the target program running?') else: Dashboard.err('Wrong argument "{}"'.format(arg)) class EnabledCommand(gdb.Command): """Enable or disable the dashboard [on|off]. The current status is printed if no argument is present.""" def __init__(self, dashboard): gdb.Command.__init__(self, 'dashboard -enabled', gdb.COMMAND_USER) self.dashboard = dashboard def invoke(self, arg, from_tty): arg = Dashboard.parse_arg(arg) if arg == '': status = 'enabled' if self.dashboard.enabled else 'disabled' print('The dashboard is {}'.format(status)) elif arg == 'on': self.dashboard.enabled = True self.dashboard.redisplay() elif arg == 'off': self.dashboard.enabled = False else: msg = 'Wrong argument "{}"; expecting "on" or "off"' Dashboard.err(msg.format(arg)) def complete(self, text, word): return Dashboard.complete(word, ['on', 'off']) class LayoutCommand(gdb.Command): """Set or show the dashboard layout. Accepts a space-separated list of directive. Each directive is in the form "[!]<module>". Modules in the list are placed in the dashboard in the same order as they appear and those prefixed by "!" are disabled by default. Omitted modules are hidden and placed at the bottom in alphabetical order. Without arguments the current layout is shown; enabled and disabled modules are properly marked.""" def __init__(self, dashboard): gdb.Command.__init__(self, 'dashboard -layout', gdb.COMMAND_USER) self.dashboard = dashboard def invoke(self, arg, from_tty): arg = Dashboard.parse_arg(arg) directives = str(arg).split() if directives: self.layout(directives) if from_tty and not self.dashboard.is_running(): else: def show(self): for module in self.dashboard.modules: style = R.style_high if module.enabled else R.style_low print(ansi(, style)) def layout(self, directives): modules = self.dashboard.modules # reset visibility for module in modules: module.enabled = False # move and enable the selected modules on top last = 0 n_enabled = 0 for directive in directives: # parse next directive enabled = (directive[0] != '!') name = directive[not enabled:] try: # it may actually start from last, but in this way repeated # modules can be handler transparently and without error todo = enumerate(modules[last:], start=last) index = next(i for i, m in todo if name == modules[index].enabled = enabled modules.insert(last, modules.pop(index)) last += 1 n_enabled += enabled except StopIteration: def find_module(x): return == name first_part = modules[:last] if len(filter(find_module, first_part)) == 0: Dashboard.err('Cannot find module "{}"'.format(name)) else: Dashboard.err('Module "{}" already set'.format(name)) continue # redisplay the dashboard if n_enabled: self.dashboard.redisplay() def complete(self, text, word): all_modules = ( for m in self.dashboard.modules) return Dashboard.complete(word, all_modules) class StyleCommand(gdb.Command): """Access the stylable attributes. Without arguments print all the stylable attributes. Subcommands are used to set or print (when the value is omitted) individual attributes.""" def __init__(self, dashboard, prefix, obj, attributes): self.prefix = prefix + ' -style' gdb.Command.__init__(self, self.prefix, gdb.COMMAND_USER, gdb.COMPLETE_NONE, True) self.dashboard = dashboard self.obj = obj self.attributes = attributes self.add_styles() def add_styles(self): this = self for name, attribute in self.attributes.items(): # fetch fields attr_name = attribute.get('name', name) attr_type = attribute.get('type', str) attr_check = attribute.get('check', lambda _: True) attr_default = attribute['default'] # set the default value (coerced to the type) value = attr_type(attr_default) setattr(self.obj, attr_name, value) # create the command def invoke(self, arg, from_tty, name=name, attr_name=attr_name, attr_type=attr_type, attr_check=attr_check): new_value = Dashboard.parse_arg(arg) if new_value == '': # print the current value value = getattr(this.obj, attr_name) print('{} = {!r}'.format(name, value)) else: try: # convert and check the new value parsed = ast.literal_eval(new_value) value = attr_type(parsed) if not attr_check(value): msg = 'Invalid value "{}" for "{}"' raise Exception(msg.format(new_value, name)) # set and redisplay setattr(this.obj, attr_name, value) this.dashboard.redisplay() except Exception as e: Dashboard.err(e) prefix = self.prefix + ' ' + name doc = attribute.get('doc', 'This style is self-documenting') Dashboard.create_command(prefix, invoke, doc, False) def invoke(self, arg, from_tty): # print all the pairs for name, attribute in self.attributes.items(): attr_name = attribute.get('name', name) value = getattr(self.obj, attr_name) print('{} = {!r}'.format(name, value)) # Base module ------------------------------------------------------------------ # just a tag class Module(): pass # Default modules -------------------------------------------------------------- class Source(Dashboard.Module): """Show the program source code, if available.""" def label(self): return 'Source' def lines(self): # try to fetch the current line (skip if no line information) pc = gdb.newest_frame().pc() current_line = gdb.find_pc_line(pc).line if current_line == 0: return [] # try to fetch the source code in the range try: start = max(current_line - self.context, 1) end = current_line + self.context source = run('list {},{}'.format(start, end)).split('\n')[:-1] except gdb.error: # e.g., start and end are in different *system* files; it is not # a matter of file bounds anyway return [] # omit useless 'list' output when no source code is available if len(source) == 1: if not source[0].startswith(str(current_line) + '\t'): return [] # return the source code out = [] number_format = '{{:>{}}}'.format(len(str(end))) for line in source: number, _, code = line.partition('\t') if int(number) == current_line: line_format = ansi(number_format + ' {}', R.style_selected_1) else: line_format = ansi(number_format, R.style_low) + ' {}' out.append(line_format.format(number, code)) return out def set_context(self, arg): msg = 'expecting a positive integer' self.context = parse_value(arg, int, check_ge_zero, msg) def attributes(self): return { 'context': { 'doc': 'Number of context lines.', 'default': 5, 'type': int, 'check': check_ge_zero } } class Assembly(Dashboard.Module): """Show the disassembled code surrounding the program counter. The instructions constituting the current statement are marked, if available.""" def label(self): return 'Assembly' def lines(self): line_info = None frame = gdb.selected_frame() # PC is here disassemble = frame.architecture().disassemble try: # try to fetch the function boundaries using the disassemble command output = run('disassemble').split('\n') start = int(output[1][3:].partition(' ')[0], 16) end = int(output[-3][3:].partition(' ')[0], 16) asm = disassemble(start, end_pc=end) # find the location of the PC pc_index = next(index for index, instr in enumerate(asm) if instr['addr'] == frame.pc()) start = max(pc_index - self.context, 0) end = pc_index + self.context + 1 asm = asm[start:end] # if there are line information then use it, it may be that # line_info is not None but line_info.last is None line_info = gdb.find_pc_line(frame.pc()) line_info = line_info if line_info.last else None except gdb.error: # if it is not possible (stripped binary) start from PC and end # after a fixed number of instructions asm = disassemble(frame.pc(), count=self.context) # fetch function start if available func_start = None if self.show_function and try: value = gdb.parse_and_eval( func_start = to_unsigned(value) except gdb.error: pass # e.g., @plt # return the machine code max_length = max(instr['length'] for instr in asm) inferior = gdb.selected_inferior() out = [] for index, instr in enumerate(asm): addr = instr['addr'] length = instr['length'] text = instr['asm'] addr_str = format_address(addr) if self.show_opcodes: # fetch and format opcode region = inferior.read_memory(addr, length) opcodes = (' '.join('{:02x}'.format(ord(byte)) for byte in region)) opcodes += (max_length - len(region)) * 3 * ' ' + ' ' else: opcodes = '' # compute the offset if available if self.show_function: if func_start: max_offset = len(str(asm[-1]['addr'] - func_start)) offset = str(addr - func_start).ljust(max_offset) func_info = '{}+{} '.format(, offset) else: func_info = '? ' else: func_info = '' format_string = '{} {}{}{}' if addr == frame.pc(): addr_str = ansi(addr_str, R.style_selected_1) opcodes = ansi(opcodes, R.style_selected_1) func_info = ansi(func_info, R.style_selected_1) text = ansi(text, R.style_selected_1) elif line_info and line_info.pc <= addr < line_info.last: addr_str = ansi(addr_str, R.style_selected_2) opcodes = ansi(opcodes, R.style_selected_2) func_info = ansi(func_info, R.style_selected_2) text = ansi(text, R.style_selected_2) else: addr_str = ansi(addr_str, R.style_low) func_info = ansi(func_info, R.style_low) out.append(format_string.format(addr_str, opcodes, func_info, text)) return out def attributes(self): return { 'context': { 'doc': 'Number of context instructions.', 'default': 3, 'type': int, 'check': check_ge_zero }, 'opcodes': { 'doc': 'Opcodes visibility flag.', 'default': False, 'name': 'show_opcodes', 'type': bool }, 'function': { 'doc': 'Function information visibility flag.', 'default': True, 'name': 'show_function', 'type': bool } } class Stack(Dashboard.Module): """Show the current stack trace including the function name and the file location, if available. Optionally list the frame arguments and locals too.""" def label(self): return 'Stack' def lines(self): lines = [] number = 0 frame = gdb.newest_frame() while frame: # fetch frame info selected = (frame == gdb.selected_frame()) style = R.style_selected_1 if selected else R.style_selected_2 frame_id = ansi(str(number), style) info = Stack.get_pc_line(frame, style) lines.append('[{}] {}'.format(frame_id, info)) # fetch frame arguments and locals decorator = gdb.FrameDecorator.FrameDecorator(frame) if self.show_arguments: frame_args = decorator.frame_args() args_lines = self.fetch_frame_info(frame, frame_args, 'arg') if args_lines: lines.extend(args_lines) else: lines.append(ansi('(no arguments)', R.style_low)) if self.show_locals: frame_locals = decorator.frame_locals() locals_lines = self.fetch_frame_info(frame, frame_locals, 'loc') if locals_lines: lines.extend(locals_lines) else: lines.append(ansi('(no locals)', R.style_low)) # next frame = frame.older() number += 1 # apply the limit if self.limit and number >= self.limit: if frame: lines.append('[{}]'.format(ansi('+', R.style_selected_2))) break return lines def fetch_frame_info(self, frame, data, prefix): prefix = ansi(prefix, R.style_low) lines = [] for elem in data or []: name = elem.sym value = elem.sym.value(frame) lines.append('{} {} = {}'.format(prefix, name, value)) return lines @staticmethod def get_pc_line(frame, style): frame_pc = ansi(format_address(frame.pc()), style) info = 'from {}'.format(frame_pc) if frame_name = ansi(, style) try: # try to compute the offset relative to the current function value = gdb.parse_and_eval( func_start = to_unsigned(value) offset = frame.pc() - func_start frame_name += '+' + ansi(str(offset), style) except gdb.error: pass # e.g., @plt info += ' in {}()'.format(frame_name) sal = frame.find_sal() if sal.symtab: file_name = ansi(sal.symtab.filename, style) file_line = ansi(str(sal.line), style) info += ' at {}:{}'.format(file_name, file_line) return info def attributes(self): return { 'limit': { 'doc': 'Maximum number of displayed frames (0 means no limit).', 'default': 2, 'type': int, 'check': check_ge_zero }, 'arguments': { 'doc': 'Frame arguments visibility flag.', 'default': True, 'name': 'show_arguments', 'type': bool }, 'locals': { 'doc': 'Frame locals visibility flag.', 'default': False, 'name': 'show_locals', 'type': bool } } class History(Dashboard.Module): """List the last entries of the value history.""" def label(self): return 'History' def lines(self): out = [] # fetch last entries for i in range(-self.limit + 1, 1): try: value = gdb.history(i) value_id = ansi('$${}', R.style_low).format(abs(i)) line = '{} = {}'.format(value_id, value) out.append(line) except gdb.error: continue return out def attributes(self): return { 'limit': { 'doc': 'Maximum number of values to show.', 'default': 3, 'type': int, 'check': check_gt_zero } } class Memory(Dashboard.Module): """Allow to inspect memory regions.""" @staticmethod def format_byte(byte): # `type(byte) is bytes` in Python 3 if byte.isspace(): return ' ' elif 0x20 < ord(byte) < 0x7e: return chr(ord(byte)) else: return '.' @staticmethod def parse_as_address(expression): value = gdb.parse_and_eval(expression) return to_unsigned(value) def __init__(self): self.row_length = 16 self.table = {} def format_memory(self, start, memory): out = [] for i in range(0, len(memory), self.row_length): region = memory[i:i + self.row_length] pad = self.row_length - len(region) address = format_address(start + i) hexa = (' '.join('{:02x}'.format(ord(byte)) for byte in region)) text = (''.join(Memory.format_byte(byte) for byte in region)) out.append('{} {}{} {}{}'.format(ansi(address, R.style_low), hexa, ansi(pad * ' --', R.style_low), ansi(text, R.style_high), ansi(pad * '.', R.style_low))) return out def label(self): return 'Memory' def lines(self): out = [] inferior = gdb.selected_inferior() for address, length in sorted(self.table.items()): try: memory = inferior.read_memory(address, length) out.extend(self.format_memory(address, memory)) except gdb.error: msg = 'Cannot access {} bytes starting at {}' msg = msg.format(length, format_address(address)) out.append(ansi(msg, R.style_error)) out.append(divider()) # drop last divider if out: del out[-1] return out def watch(self, arg): if arg: address, _, length = arg.partition(' ') address = Memory.parse_as_address(address) if length: length = Memory.parse_as_address(length) else: length = self.row_length self.table[address] = length else: raise Exception('Specify an address') def unwatch(self, arg): if arg: try: del self.table[Memory.parse_as_address(arg)] except KeyError: raise Exception('Memory region not watched') else: raise Exception('Specify an address') def clear(self, arg): self.table.clear() def commands(self): return { 'watch': { 'action':, 'doc': 'Watch a memory region by address and length.\n' 'The length defaults to 16 byte.', 'complete': gdb.COMPLETE_EXPRESSION }, 'unwatch': { 'action': self.unwatch, 'doc': 'Stop watching a memory region by address.', 'complete': gdb.COMPLETE_EXPRESSION }, 'clear': { 'action': self.clear, 'doc': 'Clear all the watched regions.' } } class Registers(Dashboard.Module): """Show the CPU registers and their values.""" def __init__(self): self.table = {} def label(self): return 'Registers' def lines(self): # fetch registers status registers = [] for reg_info in run('info registers').strip().split('\n'): # fetch register and update the table name = reg_info.split(None, 1)[0] value = gdb.parse_and_eval('${}'.format(name)) string_value = self.format_value(value) changed = self.table and (self.table.get(name, '') != string_value) self.table[name] = string_value registers.append((name, string_value, changed)) # split registers in rows and columns, each column is composed of name, # space, value and another trailing space which is skipped in the last # column (hence term_width + 1) max_name = max(len(name) for name, _, _ in registers) max_value = max(len(value) for _, value, _ in registers) max_width = max_name + max_value + 2 per_line = int((Dashboard.term_width + 1) / max_width) or 1 # redistribute extra space among columns extra = int((Dashboard.term_width + 1 - max_width * per_line) / per_line) if per_line == 1: # center when there is only one column max_name += int(extra / 2) max_value += int(extra / 2) else: max_value += extra # format registers info partial = [] for name, value, changed in registers: styled_name = ansi(name.rjust(max_name), R.style_low) value_style = R.style_selected_1 if changed else '' styled_value = ansi(value.ljust(max_value), value_style) partial.append(styled_name + ' ' + styled_value) out = [] for i in range(0, len(partial), per_line): out.append(' '.join(partial[i:i + per_line]).rstrip()) return out def format_value(self, value): try: if value.type.code in [gdb.TYPE_CODE_INT, gdb.TYPE_CODE_PTR]: int_value = to_unsigned(value, value.type.sizeof) value_format = '0x{{:0{}x}}'.format(2 * value.type.sizeof) return value_format.format(int_value) except (gdb.error, ValueError): # convert to unsigned but preserve code and flags information pass return str(value) class Threads(Dashboard.Module): """List the currently available threads.""" def label(self): return 'Threads' def lines(self): out = [] selected = gdb.selected_thread() for thread in gdb.Inferior.threads(gdb.selected_inferior()): is_selected = (thread.ptid == selected.ptid) style = R.style_selected_1 if is_selected else R.style_selected_2 number = ansi(str(thread.num), style) tid = ansi(str(thread.ptid[1] or thread.ptid[2]), style) info = '[{}] id {}'.format(number, tid) if info += ' name {}'.format(ansi(, style)) # switch thread to fetch frame info thread.switch() frame = gdb.newest_frame() info += ' ' + Stack.get_pc_line(frame, style) out.append(info) # restore selected thread selected.switch() return out class Expressions(Dashboard.Module): """Watch user expressions.""" def __init__(self): self.number = 1 self.table = {} def label(self): return 'Expressions' def lines(self): out = [] for number, expression in sorted(self.table.items()): try: value = gdb.parse_and_eval(expression) except gdb.error as e: value = ansi(e, R.style_error) number = ansi(number, R.style_selected_2) expression = ansi(expression, R.style_low) out.append('[{}] {} = {}'.format(number, expression, value)) return out def watch(self, arg): if arg: self.table[self.number] = arg self.number += 1 else: raise Exception('Specify an expression') def unwatch(self, arg): if arg: try: del self.table[int(arg)] except Exception: raise Exception('Expression not watched') else: raise Exception('Specify an identifier') def clear(self, arg): self.table.clear() def commands(self): return { 'watch': { 'action':, 'doc': 'Watch an expression.', 'complete': gdb.COMPLETE_EXPRESSION }, 'unwatch': { 'action': self.unwatch, 'doc': 'Stop watching an expression by id.', 'complete': gdb.COMPLETE_EXPRESSION }, 'clear': { 'action': self.clear, 'doc': 'Clear all the watched expressions.' } } end # Better GDB defaults ---------------------------------------------------------- set history save set confirm off set verbose off set print pretty on set print array off set print array-indexes on set python print-stack full # Start ------------------------------------------------------------------------ python Dashboard.start() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Copyright (c) 2015 Andrea Cardaci <> # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # vi:syntax=python # Local Variables: # mode: python # End: