#! /usr/bin/env perl # better use testcc.sh for debugging BEGIN { if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) { unshift @INC, ('t', '../../lib'); } else { unshift @INC, 't', "blib/arch", "blib/lib"; } require TestBC; # for run_perl() } use strict; my $DEBUGGING = ($Config{ccflags} =~ m/-DDEBUGGING/); #my $ITHREADS = ($Config{useithreads}); $ENV{SKIP_SLOW_TESTS} = 1 if $Config{ccflags} =~ /-flto|-fsanitize/; $ENV{SKIP_SLOW_TESTS} = 1 if is_CI() && $^O eq 'cygwin'; prepare_c_tests(); my @todo = todo_tests_default("cc"); # skip core dumps and endless loops, like custom sort or runtime labels my @skip = (14,21,30, 46, # unsupported: HvKEYS(%Exporter::) is 0 unless Heavy is included also 103, # hangs with non-DEBUGGING (importing B) ((!$DEBUGGING and $] > 5.010) ? (105) : ()), ); push @skip, (38) if $^O eq 'cygwin'; #hangs run_c_tests("CC", \@todo, \@skip); #run_cc_test(105, 'CC', 'my $s=q{ok};END{print $s}END{$x = 0}', 'ok');