Revision history for Perl extension B::Generate.

  _01 - (against 5.10)
      - fixed a GV assertion error by adding isGV_with_GP
      - silenced a const warning (another remains in COP_warnings)
  _02 - ifdef'd PMOP_precomp, removed in 5.11
  _03 - add a call to isGV_with_GP, 5.11 version of COP_warnings (released)
  _04 - isGV_with_GP is 5.10 only
      - reduced dependency on B => 1.09
      - added broken/failing t/synopsis.t - very raw, moving ahead
      - started build.nt - attempt to loop over opnames and construct ops
      - added and several files using it
  _06 - "duh, thanks CPANTS" release
      - undo creeping 'feature'isms in tests (5.8 friendly)
      - static renderings dont port, drop test_all_ops in inspect-btest 
      - drop filegv from nextstate tests (caused uninit-strings in prints)
  _07 Anton Berezin
      - fixed a leak in find_cv_by_root()
  _08 Reini Urban
      - cop_label now in hints_hash (5.11 Change #33656)
      - silence use64bitint warnings
      - fix t/inspect-btest.t test count
      - fix t/inspect-this.t not ok 568 - ->LEN 0.
	skip all PV->LEN tests >= 5.10
      - removed //= from BTest to support 5.8 and older
  _09 Reini Urban
      - fix 5.8.8 test PVIV->NV
      - < 5.8 and blead DEBUGGING builds fail, the rest passes
  _10 Dmitry Karasik 
      - B::COP->new won't coredump on 5.10.0
      - proper allocation of COP label
      - add B::cv_pad for switching padlist during op generation
      - add B::GVOP->new because B::PADOP is needed on threaded perls
        where B::SVOP is normally used
      - added missing t/op_list.t OP_LIST indices for 5.8 (Reini Urban)

1.11 - (releaed by Josh Ben Jore)
  - rt#29257 - patches from Reini Urban & Jim Cromie

  - License clarification. B::Generate is available under the same
    terms as perl. Dist now includes copy of Artistic and GPL licenses.

  - Merged distributions:
    - S/SW/SWALTERS/B-Generate-1.06_1.tar.gz
      - Removed ppaddr setting for OP_LIST
      - Call Perl_fold_constants instead of fold_constants
    - M/MS/MSCHWERN/B-Generate-1.06_2.tar.gz
      - Awesome!
      - fold_constants is called w/ thread context
    - J/JJ/JJORE/B-Generate-1.07.tar.gz
      - Populates specialsv_list
    - J/JJ/JJORE/B-Generate-1.08.tar.gz
      - Nothing interesting, apparently.
    - RT #4747:
      - changes to compile for 5.8.1+ by Jim Cromie <>
        - altered Build.PL to add extra_compiler_flags when building for 5.8.x,
          these didnt work for me under 5.6.x
        - silenced redefined warnings with $SIG{__WARN__}
        - various XS tweaks: casts, aTHX_, and Perl_ prefix on symbols
        - various pm tweaks to silence warnings

1.06 Sun Jul 28 18:43:06 CEST 2002
    - Added support for changing PV in SvPV

1.06 Tue Jul  2 14:37:43 CEST 2002
    - If PL_compcv is set, we will return that cv instead
      of trying to find the root. PL_compcv is only set
      during compilation when we only can safely work with ops
      during that compilation, and the next approach won't work
      since optree isn't complete.

1.05 Thu Jun 27 23:57:02 CEST 2002
    - Apperently we the previous release was a bit too quick.
      Sometimes the CV for the PL_eval_root doesn't have a real
      CvROOT set so we create a new fake temporary CV.

1.04 Thu Jun 27 22:41:07 CEST 2002
    - Made find_cv support working in an existing eval ""

1.00  Wed Aug 29 00:24:30 BST 2001
    - It's time for a 1.0 release, this has been tested thoroughly
    - Support for custom ops. Oh yes.

0.07  Mon Jun  4 11:10:02 BST 2001
    - Oh, all sorts. Mainly undocumented. Added documentation about the
    - append_elem has been fixed up, and prepend_elem has been added.
    - convert and scope
    - assignment
    - constructor for conditional (if/then/else) ops. (B::LOGOP->newcond)
    - constructor for subroutines. (B::CV->newsub_simple)
    - lots of field testing with the bytecode compiler. (Shiny-Byte)

0.06  Mon May 28 18:08:12 BST 2001
    - Backed out disastrous context compilation fix
    - Fixed B::LOGOP->new and B::LISTOP->new - it was creating binops and 
      blessing them as B::BINOP. Oops!
    - Added the undocumented "append_elem" method; this is enough for
      you to create subroutine calls if you know how. I should probably
      make a "gimme a sub call" utility function.

0.05  Wed Apr 18 08:50:33 2001
    - The bastards took op_children away!
    - Fixed interpret context compilation bug

0.04  Wed Mar 21 00:18:27 2001
    - Urgh. Fixed *nasty* segfault bug. (PL_op==0x0 after ->new)
    - Added "linklist" and undocumented "clean" method
    - Added "newstate" method
    - Documentation nits

0.03  Wed Jan 10 00:21:08 2001
    - Test script needed a fix to stop ->targ pointing into never-never
      land. Not *exactly* sure why.

0.02  Fri Jan  5 13:14:29 2001
    - Added a couple more methods and tests, mainly SVOP and SV methods.

0.01  Sat Dec 23 18:00:08 2000
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.20 with options
		-A -n B::Generate