Revision history for Perl extension C::DynaLib
(formerly ExtUtils::DynaLib, very formerly CLib).
0.57 2008-01-18 12:34:43 rurban
Fix optimize for non-gcc, non-msvc
define $C::DynaLib::decl to "cdecl", "hack30", ...
skip hack30 pow() double test
reversed Changes
0.56 2005-09-20 18:34:43 - 2007-12-26 22:38:11 rurban
Maintainer changed to Reini Urban <>
Allow to build under cygwin and gcc >= 3.4
Added script/, moved tests to t/
0.55 Fri Feb 11 19:54:34 EST 2000
Allow to build with recent perls.
0.53 Sat Oct 25 12:47:32 1997
Improved error checking and reporting. Function calls occur
in the sub declarer's package. Second arg to C::DynaLib->new will be
passed along to DynaLoader::dl_load_file.
0.52 Sat Oct 18 18:41:42 1997
Some efforts toward portability, especially among Sparc
0.51 Fri Oct 3 23:55:27 1997
Renamed as C::DynaLib. Fixed Makefile.PL bug that resulted
in NUL chars in DynaLib.c. Errors in loading libs, finding symbols,
and allocating callbacks are no longer fatal.
0.50 Sat Sep 27 01:35:55 1997
Much nicification and many added arg/return types. Rewrote
a lot of the guts.
0.31 Thu Aug 28 23:42 1997
Digital Unix on the Alpha is supported, at least for gcc,
thanks to help from Achim Bohnet <>. Added PTR_TYPE.
0.30 Mon Aug 11 00:58:55 1997
Added testcall configuration utility to find system
dependencies for cdecl convention. Rewrote some docs.
0.22 Wed Jul 30 01:12 1997
Renamed methods to avoid possible future keyword conflict:
declare_sub became DeclareSub, poke became Poke, etc. Added
ExtUtils::DynaLib::Struct package. Got it to work on Windows 95 with
Borland C++ (but probably not repeatably ;-) )
0.21 Sat Jul 12 02:01:12 1997
die works with callbacks (except in certain complex cases).
Added a few bits & pieces.
Sun's cc is now supported (thanks to
0.20 Mon Jul 7 23:42:00 1997
Support for callbacks. Major and minor bugfixes.
0.13-0.14 Nicified for CPAN.
0.12 Sun Jun 22 10:34:21 1997
Minor stuff. Renamed to ExtUtils::DynaLib.
0.11 Thu Jun 19 23:43:29 1997
Added sparc convention.
0.10 Wed Jun 18 13:31:07 EDT 1997
Got `hack30' to return ints correctly on sparc/solaris.
Made compatible with perl 5.003.
0.04 Tue Jun 17 04:15:57 1997
Generalized the default calling convention; constructor
accepts filename; declare_sub accepts function pointer; added ``hack30''
calling convention
0.03 Sun Jun 15 22:56:26 1997
Fixed problem with Perl prototypes.
0.02 Sat Jun 14 19:22:36 1997
First release, only "cdecl" convention supported.
0.01 Thu Jun 12 01:17:41 1997
- original version; created by h2xs 1.18