Revision history for Perl extension Tie::CArray
0.13 2008-01-15 20:00
- fixed wrong tests
0.12 2000-01-11 06:22
- added SLICE
- finally fixed eof problems strict unix c compilers
(in 0.11 RCS put \r\n in again, sorry)
- under the Tie namespace (CArray -> Tie::CArray)
- added wantarray to functions which could return arrays
- fixed return of arrayrefs
- started with structured pack-style templates as in Tie::MmapArray
- changed test scripts
0.11 2000-01-02 02:29
- added CArray.def to help cc/gcc
- fixed eof problems and c comments for strict unix c compilers
(not really: RCS put \r\n in again, sorry)
- added XS_rcs_string, XS_compile_date
- added list() and init()
- changed SeqArrays to return arrayrefs instead of arrays (faster),
fast xs wantarray pending
0.10 06:31 05.12.99
- complete rewrite: no Ptr/Array seperation anymore,
the XS array contains the size info (as a pascal string)
- 7 times faster for arrays, 24 times faster for seq. arrays.
- renamed size() to len()
- added easier array resize: internal ->freelen field,
grow() and delete() methods, itemsize variable and read-only method
- fixed nreverse()
- still problematic DESTROY with DEBUGGING perl
- CStringArray's might be broken.
no fails with t/02strarr.t but some with strange.
0.09 Tue Nov 30 21:45:09 1999
- removed Exporter
- fixed some bugs in ->ToInt3, ToInt4
changed argument order in ->ToDouble2, ToDouble3
- fixed looping bug in all conversions: last element was not copied.
- Type coercion for the arrays was fixed as for the CPtrs quite okay.
Any numeric value is accepted and converted on set()
- fixed a bug in CDoublePtr::new with the RvAV assignment
(arrayrefs as ints instead of doubles)
t/02dblptr.t: 7 passes now
- changed CSeqBase class hierarchy
- nreverse still buggy, tie not tested, some errors in CSeqBase classes.
0.08 01:51 28.11.99
- added nreverse for IntPtr and DoublePtr
- new Int2 Int3 Int4 Double2 Double3 Ptr classes
and converters (for Geometry::Points, ...)
- changed classnames to full CArray::xxxPtr
- rewrote the importer
- removed SvROK_off from DESTROY, less crashes.
(only in DEBUG Perl, but this seems to be unrelated)
- added some t/ harness tests
- renamed *.txt to *.readme
0.07 05:23 26.11.99
- added SvROK_off to DESTROY
- CPtr::DESTROY crashes Perl_sysfree in DEBUG PERL
0.06 Sun Nov 22 1999
- changed CintPtr to CIntPtr, ...
- optional AV* initializer for CIntPtr and CStringPtr
- fixed OO methods
- changed CArray::C**Array to C**Array
- added convenient import tags
- CIntPtr->new() not supported
- added get_grouped_by(), isort(), and the CArray::CPtr base class
- test 15 fails: import tags. seems to be too lazy. ignore it.
- TIEARRAY not tested yet
0.05 Sat Nov 20 1999
- changed intPtr to CintPtr, ...
- compiles fine,
raw function syntax (type::new) works but $obj = new type not.
- optional AV* initializer for CDoublePtr only
0.04 Thu Nov 18 16:21:48 1999
- re-created from scratch by h2xs 1.19
- renamed from Geometry::CArray to CArray
- decided between CArray::CDoublePtr (raw) and
CArray::CDoubleArray (checked and tieable) objects
16:53 20.11.99
- fixed XS, PM, typemap
0.03 13:26 18.11.99
- renamed from Geometry::Arrays to Geometry::CArray
TIEARRAY and range checked classes
0.02 17.11.99 14:34
- fixed test (dangling indices), added array_isort,
0.01 Mon Nov 16 15:57:36 1999
- original version Geometry::Arrays for Geometry::Delaunay