Revision history for Perl extension WebService::FreeDB

0.1 Fri Aug 30 16:00:23 MEST 2002
  - first internal release
0.3 Fri Sep 20 10:16:27 MEST 2002
  - 1st release on CPAN
  - bugfixes 
  - some changes for releasing on CPAN
0.4 Wed Oct 23 14:16:15 MEST 2002
  - Selection fixed 
  - No disc-found fixed
  - feature "alternatives" added
  - feature "categories" as selection added
  - feature "rest" aka "comment" added
    (only for a CD - does it exist for every track ?)
  - example/cdsearch does now accept a direkt cd-url for retrieving driectly
  - xml-output-method 

0.41 Wed Oct 23 15:40:41 MEST 2002
  -fixed cdsearch use..
   sorry for this....

  -ask4urls now prints a sorted list
  -now empty db-entries does not matter
  -xml output will now special coded (& -> &emph; and so on)

  -version 0.5 comes without subdirs ....better to be fixed !

0.52 Tue Jan 21 11:02:47 CET 2003
  -Error of incorrect tags corrected (thanks to Geoff for the comments...:-) )

0.55 Mon Mar 24 17:50:33 MET 2003
  -Lots of Thanks to Iain Truskett for the patches and other hints.
   They are now implemented. (Well - most of them)
   No more features but corrected spelling, POD, t/freedb.t and Makefile.PL :-)  - Wonderful Iain !

0.56 Mon Jun 16 22:31:40 MEST 2003
  -No technical new stuff.
  -more comments 
  -reformated to 4char indent
  -mainly 80chars are enough per line - except some lines.
0.60 Fri Sep 19 19:25:43 CEST 2003
  - outxml now supports more detailed informations and can be used by 
    other programs, too. Have a look at !

0.61 Fri Sep 26 11:35:12 CEST 2003
  - new upload to CPAN - version problem
0.62 Fri Sep 26 13:31:31 CEST 2003
  - XML Output closing CD Tag inserted (where has it gone ??? ;-) )

0.63 Oct 31 16:30:50 MET 2003
  - Changed $disc{cdname} to $disc{album}, like supposed to be in FreeDB.

0.7  Wed Nov  5 17:10:11 MET 2003
  - added proxy support
    (developed by Joerg Bensch - many THX to him!)
0.71 Sun Jun 12 12:44:44 MEST 200
  - Patched due to new html code by
    Thanks goes to Stew Benedict for hint and the patch !
0.72 Fri Mar 31 21:38:34 CEST 2006
  - Patched due to changes at HTML FreeDB Interface

0.73 Sun Apr  2 15:39:26 CEST 2006
  - Patched due to changes at HTML FreeDB Interface again

0.74 Fri Apr  7 13:11:30 CEST 2006
  - Forgot to change Version within module - now its 0.74 everywhere

0.75 Tue Apr 25 10:45:34 CEST 2006
  - Again patched due to changes at HTML Interface

0.76 Tue Apr 25 10:45:34 CEST 2006
  - Again patched due to changes at HTML Interface (track view commercial)

0.77 Wed Sep  6 13:10:33 CEST 2006
  - Again patched due to changes at HTML Interface

0.78 2011-09-28 rurban
  - Again patched due to changes at HTML Interface (single line results with JS expansion)
    Limitation: getdiscs only returns the first 10 results of the query