Revision history for Perl extension types.

0.05_02 2011-06-29 rurban
       - added YAPC::US 2011 slides

0.05_01 2011-02-27 rurban
       - renamed float to double
       - added attributes
       - support B::CC compiler optimizations. see L<B::CC/TYPES>, 
         planned are CORE optimizations also (i_opt, ARRAY, readonly, ...)

0.05   abergman
       - Added compile argument type checking, cleaned up code
       - Added support for CORE::int returning type int

	- Added support for return values.	
	- Added lexical scoping support
	- Added check for redefinition of subroutines
	- Expressions get return values

	- Added support for numbers and strings (James Duncan)
	- Allow implicit casts of
		int to float
		int to number
		number to int
		number to float
		float to number
	with a fatal exception if you try to cast float to int
	- Allow casting all numbers to string but not back from string
	- constants get types

0.01  Thu Jun 27 20:16:27 2002
	- added support for int and float
        - added detection of sassign
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.22 with options
		-n types -X