Revision history for Net-Squid-Auth-Plugin-SimpleLDAP

0.1.13  06.03.2010 DIST VERSION 0.1.13
bf1c0b8 mkdist: Changed format of output into Changes file.
e85a02a Created accessor method config(). Changed code to use it.
7067349 Added perltidy to mkdist. Trimmed unnecessary check in git log output.
791e6a1 Removed META.yml again. Fixed mkdist, so it won't come back.
91eddfd No longer using "my $_" due to older versions of perl
425105e Not adding META.yml to git
ff83008 The Perl Critic test was poorly written.
6d8be1c Fixed the github URL.
3a0db0d Yet more candy on dev/mkdist. Should I make a module out of it?
988be4d No need to keep version of this build-generated file
4d0fb8b Candy candy I won't let you go..
06ebfd9 This is perl, son, not bash.

0.1.12  04.03.2010
        be56c30 Not allowing the same version to be commited twice. Printing first 20 lines of Changes.

0.1.11  04.03.2010

0.1.10  04.03.2010
        8affd80 Dry-run mode by default. Use -f to force. Adding module to git too.
        7ad5af7 Small fix in the -n code
        a294da4 Better messages. Added a '-n' switch for dry-run.
        1731432 Removed Module::Install stuff from git

0.1.9   04.03.2010
        45f857a Added messages and error handling to mkdist
        229719a Fixed mkdist to properly hold the new files
        21fa5a6 Removed old Module::Install stuff. Long live Module::Build!
        62fb076 mkdist did not added the updated Changes file

0.1.8   04.03.2010
        0b2a3d7 mkdist script is now ready for use
        0418c7d Fixed github URL in Changes
        ffd5423 Param validations in new(). initialize() for connecting

0.01.06 04.03.2010
        Changed the name of the Net::LDAP options section.
        More TO DO. Upgraded VERSION.
        Ran through perltidy

0.01.05 04.03.2010
        Fixed the module abstract.
        Added t/perlcritic.t anf fixed MANIFEST

0.01.04 03.03.2010
        Moved to github. See more at:
        Updated README.
        Added more perldoc lines.
        Moved to Module::Build.
        Added some tests.
        Now allows config file to hold options for Net::LDAP.

0.01.03 14.08.2009
        Public release

0.01    Date/time
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.