0.09 2009-03-19

    * don't assume that operand is a HASH, it can be any reference

0.08 2009-03-02

    * partial_solve and walk methods

0.07 2009-01-26

    * quoting and dequoting methods

0.06 2009-01-22

    * add support for @rest in filter, solve and fsolve
    * fix SYNOPSIS
    * more examples and docs

0.05 2008-11-21
    * fix some parsing issues
    * calling as class methods is NOT allowed anymore
    * support for custom boolean operators
    * support for custom parens
    * more examples, tests and docs

0.04 2008-09-16

    * fsolve method - filter+solve in one
    * fix problems with boolean operators (AND/OR)
      in the middle of an operand
    * parsing speed improvements, almost complete rewrite
    * fix skip_next logic in solve and filter
    * cover filter, solve and fsolve with tests
    * update docs

0.03 2008-06-08

    * filter and solve methods
    * constructor
    * doc updates
    * some incompatible API changes

0.02 2007-11-03

    * initial release