# $Id: Tree.pm 4265 2007-07-20 14:14:44Z rvosa $
package Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree;
use strict;
use Bio::Phylo::Listable;
use Bio::Phylo::Forest::Node;
use Bio::Phylo::IO qw(unparse);
use Bio::Phylo::Util::IDPool;
use Bio::Phylo::Adaptor;
use Bio::Phylo::Util::Logger;
use Bio::Phylo::Util::CONSTANT
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);

# One line so MakeMaker sees it.
use Bio::Phylo; our $VERSION = $Bio::Phylo::VERSION;

# classic @ISA manipulation, not using 'base'
@ISA = qw(Bio::Phylo::Listable);


	my $logger = Bio::Phylo::Util::Logger->new;

=head1 NAME

Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree - The tree object.


 # some way to get a tree
 use Bio::Phylo::IO;
 my $string = '((A,B),C);';
 my $forest = Bio::Phylo::IO->parse(
    -format => 'newick',
    -string => $string
 my $tree = $forest->first;

 # do something:
 print $tree->calc_imbalance;

 # prints "1"


The object models a phylogenetic tree, a container of
L<Bio::Phylo::Forest::Node> objects. The tree object
inherits from L<Bio::Phylo::Listable>, so look there
for more methods.

=head1 METHODS



=item new()

Tree constructor.

 Type    : Constructor
 Title   : new
 Usage   : my $tree = Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree->new;
 Function: Instantiates a Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree object.
 Returns : A Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree object.
 Args    : No required arguments.


	sub new {

		# could be child class
		my $class = shift;

		# notify user
		$logger->info("constructor called for '$class'");

		# go up inheritance tree, eventually get an ID
		my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);

		# adapt (or not, if $Bio::Phylo::COMPAT is not set)
		return Bio::Phylo::Adaptor->new($self);

=item new_from_bioperl()

Tree constructor from Bio::Tree::TreeI argument.

 Type    : Constructor
 Title   : new_from_bioperl
 Usage   : my $tree = 
 Function: Instantiates a 
           Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree object.
 Returns : A Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree object.
 Args    : A tree that implements Bio::Tree::TreeI


	sub new_from_bioperl {
		my ( $class, $bptree ) = @_;
		my $self;
		if ( blessed $bptree && $bptree->isa('Bio::Tree::TreeI') ) {
			$self = Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree->SUPER::new(@_);
			bless $self, $class;
			$self = $self->_recurse( $bptree->get_root_node );
		else {
				error => 'Not a bioperl tree!', );
		return $self;

=begin comment

 Type    : Internal method
 Title   : _recurse
 Usage   : $tree->_recurse( $bpnode );
 Function: Traverses a bioperl tree, instantiates a Bio::Phylo::Forest::Node
           object for every Bio::Tree::NodeI object it encounters, copying
           the parent, sibling and child relationships.
 Returns : None (modifies invocant).
 Args    : A Bio::Tree::NodeI object.

=end comment


	sub _recurse {
		my ( $self, $bpnode, $parent ) = @_;
		my $node = Bio::Phylo::Forest::Node->new_from_bioperl($bpnode);
		if ($parent) {
		foreach my $bpchild ( $bpnode->each_Descendent ) {
			$self->_recurse( $bpchild, $node );
		return $self;

=begin comment

 Type    : Internal method
 Title   : _analyze
 Usage   : $tree->_analyze;
 Function: Traverses the tree, creates references to first_daughter,
           last_daughter, next_sister and previous_sister.
 Returns : A Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree object.
 Args    : none.
 Comments: This method only looks at the parent, so theoretically
           one could mess around with the
           Bio::Phylo::Forest::Node::set_parent(Bio::Phylo::Forest::Node) method and
           subsequently call Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree::_analyze to overwrite old
           (and wrong) child and sister references with new (and correct) ones.

=end comment


	sub _analyze {
		my $tree  = $_[0];
		my $nodes = $tree->get_entities;
		foreach ( @{$nodes} ) {
		my ( $i, $j, $first, $next );

		# mmmm... O(N^2)
	  NODE: for $i ( 0 .. $#{$nodes} ) {
			$first = $nodes->[$i];
			for $j ( ( $i + 1 ) .. $#{$nodes} ) {
				$next = $nodes->[$j];
				my ( $firstp, $nextp ) =
				  ( $first->get_parent, $next->get_parent );
				if ( $firstp && $nextp && $firstp == $nextp ) {
					if ( !$first->get_next_sister ) {
					if ( !$next->get_previous_sister ) {
					next NODE;

		# O(N)
		foreach ( @{$nodes} ) {
			my $p = $_->get_parent;
			if ($p) {
				if ( !$_->get_next_sister ) {
				if ( !$_->get_previous_sister ) {
		return $tree;


=head2 QUERIES


=item get_terminals()

Get terminal nodes.

 Type    : Query
 Title   : get_terminals
 Usage   : my @terminals = @{ $tree->get_terminals };
 Function: Retrieves all terminal nodes in
           the Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree object.
 Returns : An array reference of 
           Bio::Phylo::Forest::Node objects.
 Args    : NONE
 Comments: If the tree is valid, this method 
           retrieves the same set of nodes as 
           $node->get_terminals($root). However, 
           because there is no recursion it may 
           be faster. Also, the node method by 
           the same name does not see orphans.


	sub get_terminals {
		my $self = shift;
		my @terminals;
		for ( @{ $self->get_entities } ) {
			if ( $_->is_terminal ) {
				push @terminals, $_;
		return \@terminals;

=item get_internals()

Get internal nodes.

 Type    : Query
 Title   : get_internals
 Usage   : my @internals = @{ $tree->get_internals };
 Function: Retrieves all internal nodes 
           in the Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree object.
 Returns : An array reference of 
           Bio::Phylo::Forest::Node objects.
 Args    : NONE
 Comments: If the tree is valid, this method 
           retrieves the same set of nodes as 
           $node->get_internals($root). However, 
           because there is no recursion it may 
           be faster. Also, the node method by 
           the same name does not see orphans.


	sub get_internals {
		my $self = shift;
		my @internals;
		foreach ( @{ $self->get_entities } ) {
			if ( $_->is_internal ) {
				push @internals, $_;
		return \@internals;

=item get_root()

Get root node.

 Type    : Query
 Title   : get_root
 Usage   : my $root = $tree->get_root;
 Function: Retrieves the first orphan in 
           the current Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree
           object - which should be the root.
 Returns : Bio::Phylo::Forest::Node
 Args    : NONE


	sub get_root {
		my $self = shift;
		for ( @{ $self->get_entities } ) {
			if ( !$_->get_parent ) {
				return $_;

=item get_tallest_tip()

Retrieves the node furthest from the root. 

 Type    : Query
 Title   : get_tallest_tip
 Usage   : my $tip = $tree->get_tallest_tip;
 Function: Retrieves the node furthest from the
           root in the current Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree
 Returns : Bio::Phylo::Forest::Node
 Args    : NONE
 Comments: If the tree has branch lengths, the tallest tip is
           based on root-to-tip path length, else it is based
           on number of nodes to root


	sub get_tallest_tip {
		my $self = shift;
		my $criterion;

		# has (at least some) branch lengths
		if ( $self->calc_tree_length ) {
			$criterion = 'calc_path_to_root',;
		else {
			$criterion = 'calc_nodes_to_root';

		my $tallest;
		my $height = 0;
		for my $tip ( @{ $self->get_terminals } ) {
			if ( my $path = $tip->$criterion ) {
				if ( $path > $height ) {
					$tallest = $tip;
					$height  = $path;
		return $tallest;

=item get_mrca()

Get most recent common ancestor of argument nodes.

 Type    : Query
 Title   : get_mrca
 Usage   : my $mrca = $tree->get_mrca(\@nodes);
 Function: Retrieves the most recent 
           common ancestor of \@nodes
 Returns : Bio::Phylo::Forest::Node
 Args    : A reference to an array of 
           Bio::Phylo::Forest::Node objects 
           in $tree.


	sub get_mrca {
		my ( $tree, $nodes ) = @_;
		my $mrca;
		for my $i ( 1 .. $#{$nodes} ) {
			$mrca ? $mrca = $mrca->get_mrca( $nodes->[$i] ) : $mrca =
			  $nodes->[0]->get_mrca( $nodes->[$i] );
		return $mrca;


=head2 TESTS


=item is_rooted()

Test if tree is rooted.

 Type    : Test
 Title   : is_rooted
 Usage   : if ( $tree->is_rooted ) {
              # do something
 Function: Tests whether the invocant 
           object is rooted.
 Returns : BOOLEAN
 Args    : NONE
 Comments: A tree is considered unrooted if the basal
 		   split is a polytomy


	sub is_rooted {
		my $self = shift;
		return scalar( @{ $self->get_root->get_children } ) <= 2;

=item is_binary()

Test if tree is bifurcating.

 Type    : Test
 Title   : is_binary
 Usage   : if ( $tree->is_binary ) {
              # do something
 Function: Tests whether the invocant 
           object is bifurcating.
 Returns : BOOLEAN
 Args    : NONE


	sub is_binary {
		my $self = shift;
		for ( @{ $self->get_internals } ) {
			if ( $_->get_first_daughter->get_next_sister->get_id !=
				$_->get_last_daughter->get_id )
		return 1;

=item is_ultrametric()

Test if tree is ultrametric.

 Type    : Test
 Title   : is_ultrametric
 Usage   : if ( $tree->is_ultrametric(0.01) ) {
              # do something
 Function: Tests whether the invocant is 
 Returns : BOOLEAN
 Args    : Optional margin between pairwise 
           comparisons (default = 0).
 Comments: The test is done by performing 
           all pairwise comparisons for
           root-to-tip path lengths. Since many 
           programs introduce rounding errors 
           in branch lengths the optional argument is
           available to test TRUE for nearly 
           ultrametric trees. For example, a value 
           of 0.01 indicates that no pairwise
           comparison may differ by more than 1%. 
           Note: behaviour is undefined for 
           negative branch lengths.


	sub is_ultrametric {
		my ( $tree, $margin ) = @_;
		if ( !$margin ) {
			$margin = 0;
		my @paths;
		foreach ( @{ $tree->get_terminals } ) {
			push @paths, $_->calc_path_to_root;
		for my $i ( 0 .. $#paths ) {
			for my $j ( ( $i + 1 ) .. $#paths ) {
				my $diff;
				if ( $paths[$i] < $paths[$j] ) {
					$diff = $paths[$i] / $paths[$j];
				else {
					if ( $paths[$i] ) {
						$diff = $paths[$j] / $paths[$i];
				if ( $diff && ( 1 - $diff ) > $margin ) {
		return 1;

=item is_monophyletic()

Tests if first argument (node array ref) is monophyletic with respect
to second argument.

 Type    : Test
 Title   : is_monophyletic
 Usage   : if ( $tree->is_monophyletic(\@tips, $node) ) {
              # do something
 Function: Tests whether the set of \@tips is
           monophyletic w.r.t. $outgroup.
 Returns : BOOLEAN
 Args    : A reference to a list of nodes, and a node.
 Comments: This method is essentially the
           same as 


	sub is_monophyletic {
		my ( $tree, $nodes, $outgroup ) = @_;
		for my $i ( 0 .. $#{$nodes} ) {
			for my $j ( ( $i + 1 ) .. $#{$nodes} ) {
				my $mrca = $nodes->[$i]->get_mrca( $nodes->[$j] );
				return if $mrca->is_ancestor_of($outgroup);
		return 1;

=item is_clade()

Tests if argument (node array ref) forms a clade.

 Type    : Test
 Title   : is_clade
 Usage   : if ( $tree->is_clade(\@tips) ) {
              # do something
 Function: Tests whether the set of 
           \@tips forms a clade
 Returns : BOOLEAN
 Args    : A reference to an array of 
           Bio::Phylo::Forest::Node objects.


	sub is_clade {
		my ( $tree, $tips ) = @_;
		my $mrca;
		for my $i ( 1 .. $#{$tips} ) {
			$mrca ? $mrca = $mrca->get_mrca( $tips->[$i] ) : $mrca =
			  $tips->[0]->get_mrca( $tips->[$i] );
		scalar @{ $mrca->get_terminals } == scalar @{$tips} ? return 1 : return;




=item calc_tree_length()

Calculates the sum of all branch lengths.

 Type    : Calculation
 Title   : calc_tree_length
 Usage   : my $tree_length = 
 Function: Calculates the sum of all branch 
           lengths (i.e. the tree length).
 Returns : FLOAT
 Args    : NONE


	sub calc_tree_length {
		my $self = shift;
		my $tl   = 0;
		for ( @{ $self->get_entities } ) {
			if ( my $bl = $_->get_branch_length ) {
				$tl += $bl if defined $bl;
		return $tl;

=item calc_tree_height()

Calculates the height of the tree.

 Type    : Calculation
 Title   : calc_tree_height
 Usage   : my $tree_height = 
 Function: Calculates the height 
           of the tree.
 Returns : FLOAT
 Args    : NONE
 Comments: For ultrametric trees this 
           method returns the height, but 
           this is done by averaging over 
           all root-to-tip path lengths, so 
           for additive trees the result 
           should consequently be interpreted


	sub calc_tree_height {
		my $self = shift;
		my $th   = $self->calc_total_paths / $self->calc_number_of_terminals;
		return $th;

=item calc_number_of_nodes()

Calculates the number of nodes.

 Type    : Calculation
 Title   : calc_number_of_nodes
 Usage   : my $number_of_nodes = 
 Function: Calculates the number of 
           nodes (internals AND terminals).
 Returns : INT
 Args    : NONE


	sub calc_number_of_nodes {
		my $self     = shift;
		my $numnodes = scalar @{ $self->get_entities };
		return $numnodes;

=item calc_number_of_terminals()

Calculates the number of terminal nodes.

 Type    : Calculation
 Title   : calc_number_of_terminals
 Usage   : my $number_of_terminals = 
 Function: Calculates the number 
           of terminal nodes.
 Returns : INT
 Args    : NONE


	sub calc_number_of_terminals {
		my $self    = shift;
		my $numterm = scalar @{ $self->get_terminals };
		return $numterm;

=item calc_number_of_internals()

Calculates the number of internal nodes.

 Type    : Calculation
 Title   : calc_number_of_internals
 Usage   : my $number_of_internals = 
 Function: Calculates the number 
           of internal nodes.
 Returns : INT
 Args    : NONE


	sub calc_number_of_internals {
		my $self   = shift;
		my $numint = scalar @{ $self->get_internals };
		return $numint;

=item calc_total_paths()

Calculates the sum of all root-to-tip path lengths.

 Type    : Calculation
 Title   : calc_total_paths
 Usage   : my $total_paths = 
 Function: Calculates the sum of all 
           root-to-tip path lengths.
 Returns : FLOAT
 Args    : NONE


	sub calc_total_paths {
		my $self = shift;
		my $tp   = 0;
		foreach ( @{ $self->get_terminals } ) {
			$tp += $_->calc_path_to_root;
		return $tp;

=item calc_redundancy()

Calculates the amount of shared (redundant) history on the total.

 Type    : Calculation
 Title   : calc_redundancy
 Usage   : my $redundancy = 
 Function: Calculates the amount of shared 
           (redundant) history on the total.
 Returns : FLOAT
 Args    : NONE
 Comments: Redundancy is calculated as
 1 / ( treelength - height / ( ntax * height - height ) )


	sub calc_redundancy {
		my $self = shift;
		my $tl   = $self->calc_tree_length;
		my $th   = $self->calc_tree_height;
		my $ntax = $self->calc_number_of_terminals;
		my $red  = 1 - ( ( $tl - $th ) / ( ( $th * $ntax ) - $th ) );
		return $red;

=item calc_imbalance()

Calculates Colless' coefficient of tree imbalance.

 Type    : Calculation
 Title   : calc_imbalance
 Usage   : my $imbalance = $tree->calc_imbalance;
 Function: Calculates Colless' coefficient 
           of tree imbalance.
 Returns : FLOAT
 Args    : NONE
 Comments: As described in Colless, D.H., 1982. 
           The theory and practice of phylogenetic 
           systematics. Systematic Zoology 31(1): 100-104


	sub calc_imbalance {
		my $self = shift;
		my ( $maxic, $sum, $Ic ) = ( 0, 0 );
		if ( !$self->is_binary ) {
			Bio::Phylo::Util::Exceptions::ObjectMismatch->throw( 'error' =>
				  'Colless\' imbalance only possible for binary trees' );
		my $numtips = $self->calc_number_of_terminals;
		$numtips -= 2;
		while ($numtips) {
			$maxic += $numtips;
		for my $node ( @{ $self->get_internals } ) {
			my ( $fd, $ld, $ftips, $ltips ) =
			  ( $node->get_first_daughter, $node->get_last_daughter, 0, 0 );
			if ( $fd->is_internal ) {
				for ( @{ $fd->get_descendants } ) {
					if   ( $_->is_terminal ) { $ftips++; }
					else                     { next; }
			else { $ftips = 1; }
			if ( $ld->is_internal ) {
				foreach ( @{ $ld->get_descendants } ) {
					if   ( $_->is_terminal ) { $ltips++; }
					else                     { next; }
			else { $ltips = 1; }
			$sum += abs( $ftips - $ltips );
		$Ic = $sum / $maxic;
		return $Ic;

=item calc_i2()

Calculates I2 imbalance.

 Type    : Calculation
 Title   : calc_i2
 Usage   : my $ci2 = $tree->calc_i2;
 Function: Calculates I2 imbalance.
 Returns : FLOAT
 Args    : NONE


	sub calc_i2 {
		my $self = shift;
		my ( $maxic, $sum, $I2 ) = ( 0, 0 );
		if ( !$self->is_binary ) {
				'error' => 'I2 imbalance only possible for binary trees' );
		my $numtips = $self->calc_number_of_terminals;
		$numtips -= 2;
		while ($numtips) {
			$maxic += $numtips;
		foreach my $node ( @{ $self->get_internals } ) {
			my ( $fd, $ld, $ftips, $ltips ) =
			  ( $node->get_first_daughter, $node->get_last_daughter, 0, 0 );
			if ( $fd->is_internal ) {
				foreach ( @{ $fd->get_descendants } ) {
					if ( $_->is_terminal ) {
					else {
			else {
				$ftips = 1;
			if ( $ld->is_internal ) {
				foreach ( @{ $ld->get_descendants } ) {
					if ( $_->is_terminal ) {
					else {
			else {
				$ltips = 1;
			next unless ( $ftips + $ltips - 2 );
			$sum += abs( $ftips - $ltips ) / abs( $ftips + $ltips - 2 );
		$I2 = $sum / $maxic;
		return $I2;

=item calc_gamma()

Calculates the Pybus gamma statistic.

 Type    : Calculation
 Title   : calc_gamma
 Usage   : my $gamma = $tree->calc_gamma();
 Function: Calculates the Pybus gamma statistic
 Returns : FLOAT
 Args    : NONE
 Comments: As described in Pybus, O.G. and 
           Harvey, P.H., 2000. Testing
           macro-evolutionary models using 
           incomplete molecular phylogenies. 
           Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 267, 2267-2272


	# code due to Aki Mimoto
	sub calc_gamma {
		my $self      = shift;
		my $tl        = $self->calc_tree_length;
		my $terminals = $self->get_terminals;
		my $n         = scalar @{$terminals};
		my $height    = $self->calc_tree_height;

	  # Calculate the distance of each node to the root
	  #        my %soft_refs;
	  #        my $root = $self->get_root;
	  #        $soft_refs{$root} = 0;
	  #        my @nodes = $root;
	  #        while (@nodes) {
	  #            my $node     = shift @nodes;
	  #            my $path_len = $soft_refs{$node} += $node->get_branch_length;
	  #            my $children = $node->get_children or next;
	  #            for my $child (@$children) {
	  #                $soft_refs{$child} = $path_len;
	  #            }
	  #            push @nodes, @{$children};
	  #        }
	  # the commented out block is more efficiently implemented like so:
		my %soft_refs =
		  map { $_ => $_->calc_path_to_root } @{ $self->get_entities };

		# Then, we know how far each node is from the root. At this point, we
		# can sort through and create the @g array
		my %node_spread =
		  map { ( $_ => 1 ) } values %soft_refs;    # remove duplicates
		my @sorted_nodes = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %node_spread;
		my $prev = 0;
		my @g;
		for my $length (@sorted_nodes) {
			push @g, $length - $prev;
			$prev = $length;
		my $sum = 0;
		eval "require Math::BigFloat";
		if ($@) {                                   # BigFloat is not available.
			for ( my $i = 2 ; $i < $n ; $i++ ) {
				for ( my $k = 2 ; $k <= $i ; $k++ ) {
					$sum += $k * $g[ $k - 1 ];
			my $numerator = ( $sum / ( $n - 2 ) ) - ( $tl / 2 );
			my $denominator = $tl * sqrt( 1 / ( 12 * ( $n - 2 ) ) );
			$self->_store_cache( $numerator / $denominator );
			return $numerator / $denominator;

		# Big Float is available. We'll use it then
		$sum = Math::BigFloat->new(0);
		for ( my $i = 2 ; $i < $n ; $i++ ) {
			for ( my $k = 2 ; $k <= $i ; $k++ ) {
				$sum->badd( $k * $g[ $k - 1 ] );
		$sum->bdiv( $n - 2 );
		$sum->bsub( $tl / 2 );
		my $denominator = Math::BigFloat->new(1);
		$denominator->bdiv( 12 * ( $n - 2 ) );
		$sum->bdiv( $denominator * $tl );
		return $sum;

=item calc_fiala_stemminess()

Calculates stemminess measure of Fiala and Sokal (1985).

 Type    : Calculation
 Title   : calc_fiala_stemminess
 Usage   : my $fiala_stemminess = 
 Function: Calculates stemminess measure 
           Fiala and Sokal (1985).
 Returns : FLOAT
 Args    : NONE
 Comments: As described in Fiala, K.L. and 
           R.R. Sokal, 1985. Factors 
           determining the accuracy of 
           cladogram estimation: evaluation 
           using computer simulation. 
           Evolution, 39: 609-622


	sub calc_fiala_stemminess {
		my $self      = shift;
		my @internals = @{ $self->get_internals };
		my $total     = 0;
		my $nnodes    = ( scalar @internals - 1 );
		foreach my $node (@internals) {
			if ( $node->get_parent ) {
				my $desclengths = $node->get_branch_length;
				my @children    = @{ $node->get_descendants };
				for my $child (@children) {
					$desclengths += $child->get_branch_length;
				$total += ( $node->get_branch_length / $desclengths );
		$total /= $nnodes;
		return $total;

=item calc_rohlf_stemminess()

Calculates stemminess measure from Rohlf et al. (1990).

 Type    : Calculation
 Title   : calc_rohlf_stemminess
 Usage   : my $rohlf_stemminess = 
 Function: Calculates stemminess measure 
           from Rohlf et al. (1990).
 Returns : FLOAT
 Args    : NONE
 Comments: As described in Rohlf, F.J., 
           W.S. Chang, R.R. Sokal, J. Kim, 
           1990. Accuracy of estimated 
           phylogenies: effects of tree 
           topology and evolutionary model. 
           Evolution, 44(6): 1671-1684


	sub calc_rohlf_stemminess {
		my $self = shift;
		if ( !$self->is_ultrametric(0.01) ) {
			Bio::Phylo::Util::Exceptions::ObjectMismatch->throw( 'error' =>
				  'Rohlf stemminess only possible for ultrametric trees' );
		my @internals            = @{ $self->get_internals };
		my $total                = 0;
		my $one_over_t_minus_two = 1 / ( scalar @internals - 1 );
		foreach my $node (@internals) {
			if ( $node->get_parent ) {
				my $Wj_i   = $node->get_branch_length;
				my $parent = $node->get_parent;
				my $hj     = $parent->calc_min_path_to_tips;
				if ( !$hj ) {
				$total += ( $Wj_i / $hj );
		unless ($total) {
				'error' => 'it looks like all branches were of length zero' );
		my $crs = $one_over_t_minus_two * $total;
		return $crs;

=item calc_resolution()

Calculates tree resolution.

 Type    : Calculation
 Title   : calc_resolution
 Usage   : my $resolution = 
 Function: Calculates the total number 
           of internal nodes over the
           total number of internal nodes 
           on a fully bifurcating
           tree of the same size.
 Returns : FLOAT
 Args    : NONE


	sub calc_resolution {
		my $self = shift;
		my $res  = $self->calc_number_of_internals /
		  ( $self->calc_number_of_terminals - 1 );
		return $res;

=item calc_branching_times()

Calculates branching times.

 Type    : Calculation
 Title   : calc_branching_times
 Usage   : my $branching_times = 
 Function: Returns a two-dimensional array. 
           The first dimension consists of 
           the "records", so that in the 
           second dimension $AoA[$first][0] 
           contains the internal node references, 
           and $AoA[$first][1] the branching 
           time of the internal node. The 
           records are orderered from root to 
           tips by time from the origin.
 Returns : SCALAR[][] or FALSE
 Args    : NONE


	sub calc_branching_times {
		my $self = shift;
		my @branching_times;
		if ( !$self->is_ultrametric(0.01) ) {
			Bio::Phylo::Util::Exceptions::ObjectMismatch->throw( 'error' =>
				  'tree isn\'t ultrametric, results would be meaningless' );
		else {
			my ( $i, @temp ) = 0;
			foreach ( @{ $self->get_internals } ) {
				$temp[$i] = [ $_, $_->calc_path_to_root ];
			@branching_times = sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] } @temp;
		return \@branching_times;

=item calc_ltt()

Calculates lineage-through-time data points.

 Type    : Calculation
 Title   : calc_ltt
 Usage   : my $ltt = $tree->calc_ltt;
 Function: Returns a two-dimensional array. 
           The first dimension consists of the 
           "records", so that in the second 
           dimension $AoA[$first][0] contains 
           the internal node references, and
           $AoA[$first][1] the branching time 
           of the internal node, and $AoA[$first][2] 
           the cumulative number of lineages over
           time. The records are orderered from 
           root to tips by time from the origin.
 Returns : SCALAR[][] or FALSE
 Args    : NONE


	sub calc_ltt {
		my $self = shift;
		if ( !$self->is_ultrametric(0.01) ) {
				'error' => 'tree isn\'t ultrametric, results are meaningless' );
		my $ltt      = ( $self->calc_branching_times );
		my $lineages = 1;
		for my $i ( 0 .. $#{$ltt} ) {
			$lineages += ( scalar @{ $ltt->[$i][0]->get_children } - 1 );
			$ltt->[$i][2] = $lineages;
		return $ltt;

=item calc_symdiff()

Calculates the symmetric difference metric between invocant and argument.

 Type    : Calculation
 Title   : calc_symdiff
 Usage   : my $symdiff = 
 Function: Returns the symmetric difference 
           metric between $tree and $other_tree, 
           sensu Penny and Hendy, 1985.
 Returns : SCALAR
 Args    : A Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree object
 Comments: Trees in comparison must span 
           the same set of terminal taxa
           or results are meaningless.


	sub calc_symdiff {
		my ( $tree, $other_tree ) = @_;
		my ( $symdiff, @clades1, @clades2 ) = (0);
		foreach my $node ( @{ $tree->get_internals } ) {
			my $tips = join ' ',
			  sort { $a cmp $b } map { $_->get_name } @{ $node->get_terminals };
			push @clades1, $tips;
		foreach my $node ( @{ $other_tree->get_internals } ) {
			my $tips = join ' ',
			  sort { $a cmp $b } map { $_->get_name } @{ $node->get_terminals };
			push @clades2, $tips;
	  OUTER: foreach my $outer (@clades1) {
			foreach my $inner (@clades2) {
				next OUTER if $outer eq $inner;
	  OUTER: foreach my $outer (@clades2) {
			foreach my $inner (@clades1) {
				next OUTER if $outer eq $inner;
		return $symdiff;

=item calc_fp() 

Calculates the Fair Proportion value for each terminal.

 Type    : Calculation
 Title   : calc_fp
 Usage   : my $fp = $tree->calc_fp();
 Function: Returns the Fair Proportion 
           value for each terminal
 Returns : HASHREF
 Args    : NONE


	# code due to Aki Mimoto
	sub calc_fp {
		my $self = shift;

		# First establish how many children sit on each of the nodes
		my %weak_ref;
		my $terminals = $self->get_terminals;
		for my $terminal (@$terminals) {
			my $index = $terminal;
			do { $weak_ref{$index}++ } while ( $index = $index->get_parent );

		# Then, assign each terminal a value
		my $fp = {};
		for my $terminal (@$terminals) {
			my $name = $terminal->get_name;
			my $fpi  = 0;
			do {
				$fpi +=
				  ( $terminal->get_branch_length || 0 ) / $weak_ref{$terminal};
			} while ( $terminal = $terminal->get_parent );
			$fp->{$name} = $fpi;
		return $fp;

=item calc_es() 

Calculates the Equal Splits value for each terminal

 Type    : Calculation
 Title   : calc_es
 Usage   : my $es = $tree->calc_es();
 Function: Returns the Equal Splits value for each terminal
 Returns : HASHREF
 Args    : NONE


	# code due to Aki Mimoto
	sub calc_es {
		my $self = shift;

		# First establish how many children sit on each of the nodes
		my $terminals = $self->get_terminals;
		my $es        = {};
		for my $terminal ( @{$terminals} ) {
			my $name    = $terminal->get_name;
			my $esi     = 0;
			my $divisor = 1;
			do {
				my $length   = $terminal->get_branch_length || 0;
				my $children = $terminal->get_children      || [];
				$divisor *= @$children || 1;
				$esi += $length / $divisor;
			} while ( $terminal = $terminal->get_parent );
			$es->{$name} = $esi;
		return $es;

=item calc_pe()

Calculates the Pendant Edge value for each terminal.

 Type    : Calculation
 Title   : calc_pe
 Usage   : my $es = $tree->calc_pe();
 Function: Returns the Pendant Edge value for each terminal
 Returns : HASHREF
 Args    : NONE


	# code due to Aki Mimoto
	sub calc_pe {
		my $self = shift;
		my $terminals = $self->get_terminals or return {};
		my $pe =
		  { map { $_->get_name => $_->get_branch_length } @{$terminals} };
		return $pe;

=item calc_shapley()

Calculates the Shapley value for each terminal.

 Type    : Calculation
 Title   : calc_shapley
 Usage   : my $es = $tree->calc_shapley();
 Function: Returns the Shapley value for each terminal
 Returns : HASHREF
 Args    : NONE


	# code due to Aki Mimoto
	sub calc_shapley {
		my $self = shift;

		# First find out how many tips are at the ends of each edge.
		my $terminals   = $self->get_terminals or return;    # nothing to see!
		my $edge_lookup = {};
		my $index       = $terminals->[0];

		# Iterate through the edges and find out which side each terminal reside
		_calc_shapley_traverse( $index, undef, $edge_lookup, 'root' );

		# At this point, it's possible to create the calculation matrix
		my $n = @$terminals;
		my @m;
		my $edges = [ keys %$edge_lookup ];
		for my $e ( 0 .. $#$edges ) {
			my $edge = $edges->[$e];
			my $el =
			  $edge_lookup->{$edge};    # Lookup for terminals on one edge side
			my $v =
			  keys %{ $el
				  ->{terminals} };  # Number of elements on one side of the edge
			for my $l ( 0 .. $#$terminals ) {
				my $terminal = $terminals->[$l];
				my $name     = $terminal->get_name;
				if ( $el->{terminals}{$name} ) {
					$m[$l][$e] = ( $n - $v ) / ( $n * $v );
				else {
					$m[$l][$e] = $v / ( $n * ( $n - $v ) );

		# Now we can calculate through the matrix
		my $shapley = {};
		for my $l ( 0 .. $#$terminals ) {
			my $terminal = $terminals->[$l];
			my $name     = $terminal->get_name;
			for my $e ( 0 .. $#$edges ) {
				my $edge = $edge_lookup->{ $edges->[$e] };
				$shapley->{$name} += $edge->{branch_length} * $m[$l][$e];
		return $shapley;

	sub _calc_shapley_traverse {

		# This does a depth first traversal to assign the terminals
		# to the outgoing side of each branch.
		my ( $index, $previous, $edge_lookup, $direction ) = @_;
		return unless $index;
		$previous ||= '';

		# Is this element a root?
		my $is_root = !$index->get_parent;

		# Now assemble all the terminal datapoints and use the soft reference
		# to keep track of which end the terminals are attached
		my @core_terminals;
		if ( $previous and $index->is_terminal ) {
			push @core_terminals, $index->get_name;
		my $parent = $index->get_parent || '';
		my @child_terminals;
		my $child_nodes = $index->get_children || [];
		for my $child (@$child_nodes) {
			next unless $child ne $previous;
			push @child_terminals,
			  _calc_shapley_traverse( $child, $index, $edge_lookup, 'tip' );
		my @parent_terminals;
		if ( $parent ne $previous ) {
			push @parent_terminals,
			  _calc_shapley_traverse( $parent, $index, $edge_lookup, 'root' );

# We're going to toss the root node and we need to merge the root's child branches
		unless ($is_root) {
			$edge_lookup->{$index} = {
				branch_length => $index->get_branch_length,
				terminals     => {
					map { $_ => 1 } @core_terminals,
					$direction eq 'root' ? @parent_terminals : @child_terminals
		return ( @core_terminals, @child_terminals, @parent_terminals );



The following methods are a - not entirely true-to-form - implementation of the Visitor
design pattern: the nodes in a tree are visited, and rather than having an object
operate on them, a set of code references is used. This can be used, for example, to
serialize a tree to a string format. To create a newick string without branch lengths
you would use something like this (there is a more powerful 'to_newick' method, so this
is just an example):

	'-pre_daughter'   => sub { print '('             },	
	'-post_daughter'  => sub { print ')'             },	
	'-in'             => sub { print shift->get_name },
	'-pre_sister'     => sub { print ','             },	
 print ';';


=item visit_depth_first()

Visits nodes depth first

 Type    : Visitor method
 Title   : visit_depth_first
 Usage   : $tree->visit_depth_first( -pre => sub{ ... }, -post => sub { ... } );
 Function: Visits nodes in a depth first traversal, executes subs
 Returns : $tree
  Args    : Optional handlers in the order in which they would be executed on an internal node:
			# first event handler, is executed when node is reached in recursion
			-pre            => sub { print "pre: ",            shift->get_name, "\n" },

			# is executed if node has a daughter, but before that daughter is processed
			-pre_daughter   => sub { print "pre_daughter: ",   shift->get_name, "\n" },
			# is executed if node has a daughter, after daughter has been processed	
			-post_daughter  => sub { print "post_daughter: ",  shift->get_name, "\n" },

			# is executed whether or not node has sisters, if it does have sisters
			# they're processed first	
			-in             => sub { print "in: ",             shift->get_name, "\n" },
			# is executed if node has a sister, before sister is processed
			-pre_sister     => sub { print "pre_sister: ",     shift->get_name, "\n" },	
			# is executed if node has a sister, after sister is processed
			-post_sister    => sub { print "post_sister: ",    shift->get_name, "\n" },							
			# is executed last			
			-post           => sub { print "post: ",           shift->get_name, "\n" },
			# specifies traversal order, default 'ltr' means first_daugher -> next_sister
			# traversal, alternate value 'rtl' means last_daughter -> previous_sister traversal
			-order          => 'ltr', # ltr = left-to-right, 'rtl' = right-to-left


	sub visit_depth_first {
		my $self = shift;
		my %args = @_;
		return $self;

=item visit_breadth_first()

Visits nodes breadth first

 Type    : Visitor method
 Title   : visit_breadth_first
 Usage   : $tree->visit_breadth_first( -pre => sub{ ... }, -post => sub { ... } );
 Function: Visits nodes in a breadth first traversal, executes handlers
 Returns : $tree
 Args    : Optional handlers in the order in which they would be executed on an internal node:
			# first event handler, is executed when node is reached in recursion
			-pre            => sub { print "pre: ",            shift->get_name, "\n" },
			# is executed if node has a sister, before sister is processed
			-pre_sister     => sub { print "pre_sister: ",     shift->get_name, "\n" },	
			# is executed if node has a sister, after sister is processed
			-post_sister    => sub { print "post_sister: ",    shift->get_name, "\n" },			
			# is executed whether or not node has sisters, if it does have sisters
			# they're processed first	
			-in             => sub { print "in: ",             shift->get_name, "\n" },			
			# is executed if node has a daughter, but before that daughter is processed
			-pre_daughter   => sub { print "pre_daughter: ",   shift->get_name, "\n" },
			# is executed if node has a daughter, after daughter has been processed	
			-post_daughter  => sub { print "post_daughter: ",  shift->get_name, "\n" },				
			# is executed last			
			-post           => sub { print "post: ",           shift->get_name, "\n" },
			# specifies traversal order, default 'ltr' means first_daugher -> next_sister
			# traversal, alternate value 'rtl' means last_daughter -> previous_sister traversal
			-order          => 'ltr', # ltr = left-to-right, 'rtl' = right-to-left


	sub visit_breadth_first {
		my $self = shift;
		my %args = @_;
		return $self;

=item visit_level_order()

Visits nodes in a level order traversal.

 Type    : Visitor method
 Title   : visit_level_order
 Usage   : $tree->visit_level_order( sub{...} );
 Function: Visits nodes in a level order traversal, executes sub
 Returns : $tree
 Args    : A subroutine reference that operates on visited nodes.


	sub visit_level_order {
		my ( $tree, $sub ) = @_;
		return $tree;




=item ultrametricize()

Sets all root-to-tip path lengths equal.

 Type    : Tree manipulator
 Title   : ultrametricize
 Usage   : $tree->ultrametricize;
 Function: Sets all root-to-tip path 
           lengths equal by stretching
           all terminal branches to the 
           height of the tallest node.
 Returns : The modified invocant.
 Args    : NONE
 Comments: This method is analogous to 
           the 'ultrametricize' command
           in Mesquite, i.e. no rate smoothing 
           or anything like that happens, just 
           a lengthening of terminal branches.


	sub ultrametricize {
		my $tree    = shift;
		my $tallest = 0;
		foreach ( @{ $tree->get_terminals } ) {
			my $path_to_root = $_->calc_path_to_root;
			if ( $path_to_root > $tallest ) {
				$tallest = $path_to_root;
		foreach ( @{ $tree->get_terminals } ) {
			my $newbl =
			  $_->get_branch_length + ( $tallest - $_->calc_path_to_root );
		return $tree;

=item scale()

Scales the tree to the specified height.

 Type    : Tree manipulator
 Title   : scale
 Usage   : $tree->scale($height);
 Function: Scales the tree to the 
           specified height.
 Returns : The modified invocant.
 Args    : $height = a numerical value 
           indicating root-to-tip path length.
 Comments: This method uses the 
           $tree->calc_tree_height method, and 
           so for additive trees the *average* 
           root-to-tip path length is scaled to
           $height (i.e. some nodes might be 
           taller than $height, others shorter).


	sub scale {
		my ( $tree, $target_height ) = @_;
		my $current_height = $tree->calc_tree_height;
		my $scaling_factor = $target_height / $current_height;
		foreach ( @{ $tree->get_entities } ) {
			my $bl = $_->get_branch_length;
			if ($bl) {
				my $new_branch_length = $bl * $scaling_factor;
		return $tree;

=item resolve()

Randomly breaks polytomies.

 Type    : Tree manipulator
 Title   : resolve
 Usage   : $tree->resolve;
 Function: Randomly breaks polytomies by inserting 
           additional internal nodes.
 Returns : The modified invocant.
 Args    :


	sub resolve {
		my $tree = shift;
		for my $node ( @{ $tree->get_internals } ) {
			my @children = @{ $node->get_children };
			if ( scalar @children > 2 ) {
				my $i = 1;
				while ( scalar @children > 2 ) {
					my $newnode = Bio::Phylo::Forest::Node->new(
						'-branch_length' => 0.00,
						'-name'          => 'r' . $i++,
					for ( 1 .. 2 ) {
						my $i = int( rand( scalar @children ) );
						splice @children, $i, 1;
					push @children, $newnode;
		return $tree;

=item prune_tips()

Prunes argument nodes from invocant.

 Type    : Tree manipulator
 Title   : prune_tips
 Usage   : $tree->prune_tips(\@taxa);
 Function: Prunes specified taxa from invocant.
 Returns : A pruned Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree object.
 Args    : A reference to an array of taxon names.


	sub prune_tips {
		my ( $self, $tips ) = @_;
		if ( blessed $tips ) {
			my @tmp = map { $_->get_name } @{ $tips->get_entities };
			$tips = \@tmp;
		my %names_to_delete = map { $_           => 1 } @{$tips};
		my %keep            = map { $_->get_name => 1 }
		  grep { not exists $names_to_delete{ $_->get_name } }
		  @{ $self->get_terminals };
			sub {
				my $node = shift;
				if ( $node->is_terminal ) {
					$self->delete($node) if not $keep{ $node->get_name };
				else {
					my $seen_tip_to_keep = 0;
					for my $tip ( @{ $node->get_terminals } ) {
						$seen_tip_to_keep++ if $keep{ $tip->get_name };
					$self->delete($node) if not $seen_tip_to_keep;
		return $self;

=item keep_tips()

Keeps argument nodes from invocant (i.e. prunes all others).

 Type    : Tree manipulator
 Title   : keep_tips
 Usage   : $tree->keep_tips(\@taxa);
 Function: Keeps specified taxa from invocant.
 Returns : The pruned Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree object.
 Args    : An array ref of taxon names or a Bio::Phylo::Taxa object


	sub keep_tips {
		my ( $tree, $tips ) = @_;
		if ( blessed $tips ) {
			my @tmp = map { $_->get_name } @{ $tips->get_entities };
			$tips = \@tmp;
		my %tip_names = map { $_->get_name => 1 } @{ $tree->get_terminals };
		my %keep_taxa = map { $_           => 1 } @{$tips};
		my @taxa_to_prune;
		for my $name ( keys %tip_names ) {
			if ( not exists $keep_taxa{$name} ) {
				push @taxa_to_prune, $name;
		$tree->prune_tips( \@taxa_to_prune );
		return $tree;

=item negative_to_zero()

Converts negative branch lengths to zero.

 Type    : Tree manipulator
 Title   : negative_to_zero
 Usage   : $tree->negative_to_zero;
 Function: Converts negative branch 
           lengths to zero.
 Returns : The modified invocant.
 Args    : NONE


	sub negative_to_zero {
		my $tree = shift;
		foreach my $node ( @{ $tree->get_entities } ) {
			my $bl = $node->get_branch_length;
			if ( $bl && $bl < 0 ) {
		return $tree;

=item exponentiate()

Raises branch lengths to argument.

 Type    : Tree manipulator
 Title   : exponentiate
 Usage   : $tree->exponentiate($power);
 Function: Raises branch lengths to $power.
 Returns : The modified invocant.
 Args    : A $power in any of perl's number formats.


	sub exponentiate {
		my ( $tree, $power ) = @_;
		if ( !looks_like_number $power ) {
				'error' => "Power \"$power\" is a bad number" );
		else {
			foreach my $node ( @{ $tree->get_entities } ) {
				my $bl = $node->get_branch_length;
				$node->set_branch_length( $bl**$power );
		return $tree;

=item log_transform()

Log argument base transform branch lengths.

 Type    : Tree manipulator
 Title   : log_transform
 Usage   : $tree->log_transform($base);
 Function: Log $base transforms branch lengths.
 Returns : The modified invocant.
 Args    : A $base in any of perl's number formats.


	sub log_transform {
		my ( $tree, $base ) = @_;
		if ( !looks_like_number $base ) {
				'error' => "Base \"$base\" is a bad number" );
		else {
			foreach my $node ( @{ $tree->get_entities } ) {
				my $bl = $node->get_branch_length;
				my $newbl;
				eval { $newbl = ( log $bl ) / ( log $base ); };
				if ($@) {
						'error' => "Invalid input for log transform: $@" );
				else {
		return $tree;

=item remove_unbranched_internals()

Collapses internal nodes with fewer than 2 children.

 Type    : Tree manipulator
 Title   : remove_unbranched_internals
 Usage   : $tree->remove_unbranched_internals;
 Function: Collapses internal nodes 
           with fewer than 2 children.
 Returns : The modified invocant.
 Args    : NONE


	sub remove_unbranched_internals {
		my $self = shift;
		for my $node ( @{ $self->get_internals } ) {
			my @children = @{ $node->get_children };
			if ( scalar @children == 1 ) {
				my $child = $children[0];
				$child->set_parent( $node->get_parent );
				my $child_bl = $children[0]->get_branch_length;
				my $node_bl  = $node->get_branch_length;
				if ( defined $child_bl ) {
					if ( defined $node_bl ) {
						$child->set_branch_length( $child_bl + $node_bl );
					else {
				else {
					$child->set_branch_length($node_bl) if defined $node_bl;
		return $self;

=item to_newick()

Serializes invocant to newick string.

 Type    : Stringifier
 Title   : to_newick
 Usage   : my $string = $tree->to_newick;
 Function: Turns the invocant tree object 
           into a newick string
 Returns : SCALAR
 Args    : NONE


	sub to_newick {
		my $self   = shift;
		my %args   = @_;
		my $newick = unparse( -format => 'newick', -phylo => $self, %args );
		return $newick;

=item to_cipres()

Converts invocant to CIPRES object.

 Type    : Format converter
 Title   : to_cipres
 Usage   : my $ciprestree = $tree->to_cipres;
 Function: Turns the invocant tree object 
           into a CIPRES CORBA compliant 
           data structure
 Returns : HASHREF
 Args    : NONE


	sub to_cipres {
		eval { require CipresIDL_api1; };
		if ($@) {
			Bio::Phylo::Util::Exceptions::Extension::Error->throw( 'error' =>
				  'This method requires CipresIDL, which you don\'t have', );
		my $self      = shift;
		my $m_newick  = $self->to_newick;
		my $m_name    = $self->get_name;
		my $_score    = $self->get_score;
		my $scoretype = $self->get_generic('score_type');
		my $m_score   = CipresIDL_api1::TreeScore->new;
		my $m_leafSet = [];

		for my $i ( 0 .. $#{ $self->get_entities } ) {
			push @{$m_leafSet}, $i if $self->get_by_index($i)->is_terminal;
		if ( defined $scoretype && $scoretype == INT_SCORE_TYPE ) {
			$m_score->intScore( 'CipresIDL_api1::INT_SCORE_TYPE', $_score );
		elsif ( defined $scoretype && $scoretype == DOUBLE_SCORE_TYPE ) {
			$m_score->doubleScore( 'CipresIDL_api1::DOUBLE_SCORE_TYPE',
				$_score );
		else {
			$m_score->noScore( 'CipresIDL_api1::NO_SCORE_TYPE', $_score );
		my $cipres_tree = CipresIDL_api1::Tree->new(
			'm_newick'  => $m_newick,
			'm_score'   => $m_score,
			'm_leafSet' => $m_leafSet,
			'm_name'    => $m_name,
		return $cipres_tree;

=begin comment

 Type    : Internal method
 Title   : _cleanup
 Usage   : $trees->_cleanup;
 Function: Called during object destruction, for cleanup of instance data
 Returns : 
 Args    :

=end comment


	sub _cleanup {
		my $self = shift;
		$logger->debug("cleaning up '$self'");

=begin comment

 Type    : Internal method
 Title   : _container
 Usage   : $tree->_container;
 Returns : CONSTANT
 Args    :

=end comment


	sub _container { $CONTAINER_CONSTANT }

=begin comment

 Type    : Internal method
 Title   : _type
 Usage   : $tree->_type;
 Returns : CONSTANT
 Args    :

=end comment


	sub _type { $TYPE_CONSTANT }


=head1 SEE ALSO


=item L<Bio::Phylo::Listable>

The L<Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree|Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree> object inherits from
the L<Bio::Phylo::Listable|Bio::Phylo::Listable> object, so the methods defined
therein also apply to trees.

=item L<Bio::Phylo::Manual>

Also see the manual: L<Bio::Phylo::Manual>.



 $Id: Tree.pm 4265 2007-07-20 14:14:44Z rvosa $

