# $Id: Table.pm 810 2009-03-03 02:07:21Z rvos $
package Bio::Phylo::Parsers::Table;
use strict;
use Bio::Phylo::IO;
use Bio::Phylo::Factory;
use vars qw(@ISA);

# classic @ISA manipulation, not using 'base'
@ISA = qw(Bio::Phylo::IO);

my $fac = Bio::Phylo::Factory->new;
my $logger = Bio::Phylo->get_logger;

=head1 NAME

Bio::Phylo::Parsers::Table - Parses tab- (or otherwise) delimited matrices. No
serviceable parts inside.


This module is used to import data and taxa from plain text files or strings.
The following additional argument must be used in the call
to L<Bio::Phylo::IO|Bio::Phylo::IO>:


In addition, these arguments may be used to indicate line separators (default
is "\n") and field separators (default is "\t"):

 -fieldsep => '\t',
 -linesep  => '\n'

=begin comment

 Type    : Constructor
 Title   : new
 Usage   : my $table = new Bio::Phylo::Parsers::Table;
 Function: Initializes a Bio::Phylo::Parsers::Table object.
 Returns : A Bio::Phylo::Parsers::Table object.
 Args    : none.

=end comment


sub _new {
    my $class = $_[0];
    my $self  = {};
    bless( $self, $class );
    return $self;

=begin comment

 Type    : parser
 Title   : from_handle(%options)
 Usage   : $table->_from_handle(%options);
 Function: Extracts data from file, populates matrix object
 Returns : A Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Matrix object.
 Args    : -handle   => (\*FH),
           -fieldsep => (record separator)
           -linesep  => (line separator)
           -type     => (data type)

=end comment


*_from_handle = \&_from_both;
*_from_string = \&_from_both;

sub _from_both {
    my $self   = shift;
    my %opts   = @_;
    my $matrix = $fac->create_matrix(
        '-type' => $opts{'-type'},
    my $taxa   = $fac->create_taxa;
    my ( $fieldre, $linere );

    if ( $opts{'-fieldsep'} ) {
        if ( $opts{'-fieldsep'} =~ /^\b$/ ) {
            $fieldre = qr/$opts{'-fieldsep'}/;
        else {
            $fieldre = qr/\Q$opts{'-fieldsep'}/;
    else {
        $fieldre = qr/\t/;
    if ( $opts{'-linesep'} ) {
        if ( $opts{'-linesep'} =~ /^\b$/ ) {
            $linere = qr/$opts{'-linesep'}/;
        else {
            $linere = qr/\Q$opts{'-linesep'}/;
    else {
        $linere = qr/\n/;
    if ( $opts{'-handle'} ) {
        while ( readline( $opts{'-handle'} ) ) {
            my @temp = split( $fieldre, $_ );
            my $taxon = $fac->create_taxon( '-name' => $temp[0], );
            my $datum = $fac->create_datum(
                '-name'  => $temp[0],
                '-type'  => uc $opts{'-type'},
                '-char'  => [ @temp[ 1, -1 ] ],
    elsif ( $opts{'-string'} ) {
        foreach my $line ( split( $linere, $opts{'-string'} ) ) {
            my @temp = split( $fieldre, $line );
            my $taxon = $fac->create_taxon( '-name' => $temp[0], );
            my $datum = $fac->create_datum(
                '-name' => $temp[0],
                '-type' => uc $opts{'-type'},
                #'-char' => [ @temp[ 1 .. $#temp ] ],
            $datum->set_char(@temp[ 1 .. $#temp ]);
    if ( $opts{'-project'} ) {
    	my $taxa = $matrix->make_taxa();
    	return $opts{'-project'};
    elsif ( $opts{'-as_project'} ) {
    	my $proj = $fac->create_project;
    	my $taxa = $matrix->make_taxa();
    	return $proj;
    else {
    	return $matrix;

=head1 SEE ALSO


=item L<Bio::Phylo::IO>

The table parser is called by the L<Bio::Phylo::IO|Bio::Phylo::IO> object.
Look there to learn how to parse tab- (or otherwise) delimited matrices.

=item L<Bio::Phylo::Manual>

Also see the manual: L<Bio::Phylo::Manual> and L<http://rutgervos.blogspot.com>



 $Id: Table.pm 810 2009-03-03 02:07:21Z rvos $

