package Bio::Phylo::Forest::DrawTree; use strict; use Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree (); use Bio::Phylo::Forest::DrawNode (); use Bio::Phylo::Util::CONSTANT qw(looks_like_hash); use vars '@ISA'; @ISA=qw(Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree); { # @fields array necessary for object destruction my @fields = \( my ( %width, %height, %node_radius, %tip_radius, %node_colour, %node_shape, %node_image, %branch_color, %branch_shape, %branch_width, %branch_style, %collapsed_width, %font_face, %font_size, %font_style, %margin, %margin_top, %margin_bottom, %margin_left, %margin_right, %padding, %padding_top, %padding_bottom, %padding_left, %padding_right, %mode, %shape, %text_horiz_offset, %text_vert_offset, ) ); =head1 NAME Bio::Phylo::Forest::DrawTree - Tree with extra methods for tree drawing =head1 SYNOPSIS # see Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree =head1 DESCRIPTION The object models a phylogenetic tree, a container of Bio::Phylo::For- est::Node objects. The tree object inherits from Bio::Phylo::Listable, so look there for more methods. In addition, this subclass of the default tree object L<Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree> has getters and setters for drawing trees, e.g. font and text attributes, etc. =head1 METHODS =head2 CONSTRUCTORS =over =item new() Tree constructor. Type : Constructor Title : new Usage : my $tree = Bio::Phylo::Forest::DrawTree->new; Function: Instantiates a Bio::Phylo::Forest::DrawTree object. Returns : A Bio::Phylo::Forest::DrawTree object. Args : No required arguments. =cut sub new { my $class = shift; my %args = looks_like_hash @_; if ( not $args{'-tree'} ) { return $class->SUPER::new( @_ ); } else { my $tree = $args{'-tree'}; my $self = $tree->clone; bless $self, $class; $self->visit(sub{bless shift, 'Bio::Phylo::Forest::DrawNode'}); delete $args{'-tree'}; for my $key ( keys %args ) { my $method = $key; $method =~ s/^-/set_/; $self->$method( $args{$key} ); } return $self; } } =back =head2 MUTATORS =over =item set_width() Type : Mutator Title : set_width Usage : $tree->set_width($width); Function: Sets width Returns : $self Args : width =cut sub set_width { my ( $self, $width ) = @_; my $id = $self->get_id; $width{$id} = $width; $self->_redraw; return $self; } =item set_height() Type : Mutator Title : set_height Usage : $tree->set_height($height); Function: Sets height Returns : $self Args : height =cut sub set_height { my ( $self, $height ) = @_; my $id = $self->get_id; $height{$id} = $height; $self->_redraw; return $self; } =item set_node_radius() Type : Mutator Title : set_node_radius Usage : $tree->set_node_radius($node_radius); Function: Sets node_radius Returns : $self Args : node_radius =cut sub set_node_radius { my ( $self, $node_radius ) = @_; my $id = $self->get_id; $node_radius{$id} = $node_radius; $self->_apply_to_nodes( 'set_radius', $node_radius ); return $self; } =item set_tip_radius() Type : Mutator Title : set_tip_node_radius Usage : $tree->set_tip_radius($node_radius); Function: Sets tip radius Returns : $self Args : tip radius =cut sub set_tip_radius { my ( $self, $r ) = @_; my $id = $self->get_id; $tip_radius{$id} = $r; $self->_apply_to_nodes( 'set_tip_radius', $r ); return $self; } =item set_node_colour() Type : Mutator Title : set_node_colour Usage : $tree->set_node_colour($node_colour); Function: Sets node_colour Returns : $self Args : node_colour =cut sub set_node_colour { my ( $self, $node_colour ) = @_; my $id = $self->get_id; $node_colour{$id} = $node_colour; $self->_apply_to_nodes( 'set_node_colour', $node_colour ); return $self; } *set_node_color = \&set_node_colour; =item set_node_shape() Type : Mutator Title : set_node_shape Usage : $tree->set_node_shape($node_shape); Function: Sets node_shape Returns : $self Args : node_shape =cut sub set_node_shape { my ( $self, $node_shape ) = @_; my $id = $self->get_id; $node_shape{$id} = $node_shape; $self->_apply_to_nodes( 'set_node_shape', $node_shape ); return $self; } =item set_node_image() Type : Mutator Title : set_node_image Usage : $tree->set_node_image($node_image); Function: Sets node_image Returns : $self Args : node_image =cut sub set_node_image { my ( $self, $node_image ) = @_; my $id = $self->get_id; $node_image{$id} = $node_image; $self->_apply_to_nodes( 'set_node_image', $node_image ); return $self; } =item set_collapsed_clade_width() Sets collapsed clade width. Type : Mutator Title : set_collapsed_clade_width Usage : $tree->set_collapsed_clade_width(6); Function: sets the width of collapsed clade triangles relative to uncollapsed tips Returns : Args : Positive number =cut sub set_collapsed_clade_width { my ( $self, $width ) = @_; my $id = $self->get_id; $collapsed_width{$id} = $width; $self->_apply_to_nodes( 'set_collapsed_clade_width', $width ); return $self; } =item set_branch_color() Type : Mutator Title : set_branch_color Usage : $tree->set_branch_color($branch_color); Function: Sets branch_color Returns : $self Args : branch_color =cut sub set_branch_color { my ( $self, $branch_color ) = @_; my $id = $self->get_id; $branch_color{$id} = $branch_color; $self->_apply_to_nodes( 'set_branch_color', $branch_color ); return $self; } *set_branch_colour = \&set_branch_colour; =item set_branch_shape() Type : Mutator Title : set_branch_shape Usage : $tree->set_branch_shape($branch_shape); Function: Sets branch_shape Returns : $self Args : branch_shape =cut sub set_branch_shape { my ( $self, $branch_shape ) = @_; my $id = $self->get_id; $branch_shape{$id} = $branch_shape; $self->_apply_to_nodes( 'set_branch_shape', $branch_shape ); return $self; } =item set_branch_width() Type : Mutator Title : set_branch_width Usage : $tree->set_branch_width($branch_width); Function: Sets branch width Returns : $self Args : branch_width =cut sub set_branch_width { my ( $self, $branch_width ) = @_; my $id = $self->get_id; $branch_width{$id} = $branch_width; $self->_apply_to_nodes( 'set_branch_width', $branch_width ); return $self; } =item set_branch_style() Type : Mutator Title : set_branch_style Usage : $tree->set_branch_style($branch_style); Function: Sets branch style Returns : $self Args : branch_style =cut sub set_branch_style { my ( $self, $branch_style ) = @_; my $id = $self->get_id; $branch_style{$id} = $branch_style; $self->_apply_to_nodes( 'set_branch_style', $branch_style ); return $self; } =item set_font_face() Type : Mutator Title : set_font_face Usage : $tree->set_font_face($font_face); Function: Sets font_face Returns : $self Args : font face, Verdana, Arial, Serif =cut sub set_font_face { my ( $self, $font_face ) = @_; my $id = $self->get_id; $font_face{$id} = $font_face; $self->_apply_to_nodes( 'set_font_face', $font_face ); return $self; } =item set_font_size() Type : Mutator Title : set_font_size Usage : $tree->set_font_size($font_size); Function: Sets font_size Returns : $self Args : Font size in pixels =cut sub set_font_size { my ( $self, $font_size ) = @_; my $id = $self->get_id; $font_size{$id} = $font_size; $self->_apply_to_nodes( 'set_font_size', $font_size ); return $self; } =item set_font_style() Type : Mutator Title : set_font_style Usage : $tree->set_font_style($font_style); Function: Sets font_style Returns : $self Args : Font style, e.g. Italic =cut sub set_font_style { my ( $self, $font_style ) = @_; my $id = $self->get_id; $font_style{$id} = $font_style; $self->_apply_to_nodes( 'set_font_style', $font_style ); return $self; } =item set_margin() Type : Mutator Title : set_margin Usage : $tree->set_margin($margin); Function: Sets margin Returns : $self Args : margin =cut sub set_margin { my ( $self, $margin ) = @_; my $id = $self->get_id; $margin{$id} = $margin; for my $setter ( qw(top bottom left right) ) { my $method = 'set_margin_' . $setter; $self->$method( $margin ); } $self->_redraw; return $self; } =item set_margin_top() Type : Mutator Title : set_margin_top Usage : $tree->set_margin_top($margin_top); Function: Sets margin_top Returns : $self Args : margin_top =cut sub set_margin_top { my ( $self, $margin_top ) = @_; my $id = $self->get_id; $margin_top{$id} = $margin_top; $self->_redraw; return $self; } =item set_margin_bottom() Type : Mutator Title : set_margin_bottom Usage : $tree->set_margin_bottom($margin_bottom); Function: Sets margin_bottom Returns : $self Args : margin_bottom =cut sub set_margin_bottom { my ( $self, $margin_bottom ) = @_; my $id = $self->get_id; $margin_bottom{$id} = $margin_bottom; $self->_redraw; return $self; } =item set_margin_left() Type : Mutator Title : set_margin_left Usage : $tree->set_margin_left($margin_left); Function: Sets margin_left Returns : $self Args : margin_left =cut sub set_margin_left { my ( $self, $margin_left ) = @_; my $id = $self->get_id; $margin_left{$id} = $margin_left; $self->_redraw; return $self; } =item set_margin_right() Type : Mutator Title : set_margin_right Usage : $tree->set_margin_right($margin_right); Function: Sets margin_right Returns : $self Args : margin_right =cut sub set_margin_right { my ( $self, $margin_right ) = @_; my $id = $self->get_id; $margin_right{$id} = $margin_right; $self->_redraw; return $self; } =item set_padding() Type : Mutator Title : set_padding Usage : $tree->set_padding($padding); Function: Sets padding Returns : $self Args : padding =cut sub set_padding { my ( $self, $padding ) = @_; my $id = $self->get_id; $padding{$id} = $padding; for my $setter ( qw(top bottom left right) ) { my $method = 'set_padding_' . $setter; $self->$method( $padding ); } $self->_redraw; return $self; } =item set_padding_top() Type : Mutator Title : set_padding_top Usage : $tree->set_padding_top($padding_top); Function: Sets padding_top Returns : $self Args : padding_top =cut sub set_padding_top { my ( $self, $padding_top ) = @_; my $id = $self->get_id; $padding_top{$id} = $padding_top; $self->_redraw; return $self; } =item set_padding_bottom() Type : Mutator Title : set_padding_bottom Usage : $tree->set_padding_bottom($padding_bottom); Function: Sets padding_bottom Returns : $self Args : padding_bottom =cut sub set_padding_bottom { my ( $self, $padding_bottom ) = @_; my $id = $self->get_id; $padding_bottom{$id} = $padding_bottom; $self->_redraw; return $self; } =item set_padding_left() Type : Mutator Title : set_padding_left Usage : $tree->set_padding_left($padding_left); Function: Sets padding_left Returns : $self Args : padding_left =cut sub set_padding_left { my ( $self, $padding_left ) = @_; my $id = $self->get_id; $padding_left{$id} = $padding_left; $self->_redraw; return $self; } =item set_padding_right() Type : Mutator Title : set_padding_right Usage : $tree->set_padding_right($padding_right); Function: Sets padding_right Returns : $self Args : padding_right =cut sub set_padding_right { my ( $self, $padding_right ) = @_; my $id = $self->get_id; $padding_right{$id} = $padding_right; $self->_redraw; return $self; } =item set_mode() Type : Mutator Title : set_mode Usage : $tree->set_mode($mode); Function: Sets mode Returns : $self Args : mode, e.g. 'CLADO' or 'PHYLO' =cut sub set_mode { my ( $self, $mode ) = @_; my $id = $self->get_id; $mode{$id} = $mode; $self->_redraw; return $self; } =item set_shape() Type : Mutator Title : set_shape Usage : $tree->set_shape($shape); Function: Sets shape Returns : $self Args : shape, e.g. 'RECT', 'CURVY', 'DIAG' =cut sub set_shape { my ( $self, $shape ) = @_; my $id = $self->get_id; $shape{$id} = $shape; return $self; } =item set_text_horiz_offset() Type : Mutator Title : set_text_horiz_offset Usage : $tree->set_text_horiz_offset($text_horiz_offset); Function: Sets text_horiz_offset Returns : $self Args : text_horiz_offset =cut sub set_text_horiz_offset { my ( $self, $text_horiz_offset ) = @_; my $id = $self->get_id; $text_horiz_offset{$id} = $text_horiz_offset; $self->_apply_to_nodes( 'set_text_horiz_offset', $text_horiz_offset ); return $self; } =item set_text_vert_offset() Type : Mutator Title : set_text_vert_offset Usage : $tree->set_text_vert_offset($text_vert_offset); Function: Sets text_vert_offset Returns : $self Args : text_vert_offset =cut sub set_text_vert_offset { my ( $self, $text_vert_offset ) = @_; my $id = $self->get_id; $text_vert_offset{$id} = $text_vert_offset; $self->_apply_to_nodes( 'set_text_vert_offset', $text_vert_offset ); return $self; } =back =head2 ACCESSORS =over =item get_width() Type : Accessor Title : get_width Usage : my $width = $tree->get_width(); Function: Gets width Returns : width Args : NONE =cut sub get_width { my $self = shift; my $id = $self->get_id; return $width{$id}; } =item get_height() Type : Accessor Title : get_height Usage : my $height = $tree->get_height(); Function: Gets height Returns : height Args : NONE =cut sub get_height { my $self = shift; my $id = $self->get_id; return $height{$id}; } =item get_node_radius() Type : Accessor Title : get_node_radius Usage : my $node_radius = $tree->get_node_radius(); Function: Gets node_radius Returns : node_radius Args : NONE =cut sub get_node_radius { my $self = shift; my $id = $self->get_id; return $node_radius{$id}; } =item get_node_colour() Type : Accessor Title : get_node_colour Usage : my $node_colour = $tree->get_node_colour(); Function: Gets node_colour Returns : node_colour Args : NONE =cut sub get_node_colour { my $self = shift; my $id = $self->get_id; return $node_colour{$id}; } *get_node_color = \&get_node_colour; =item get_node_shape() Type : Accessor Title : get_node_shape Usage : my $node_shape = $tree->get_node_shape(); Function: Gets node_shape Returns : node_shape Args : NONE =cut sub get_node_shape { my $self = shift; my $id = $self->get_id; return $node_shape{$id}; } =item get_node_image() Type : Accessor Title : get_node_image Usage : my $node_image = $tree->get_node_image(); Function: Gets node_image Returns : node_image Args : NONE =cut sub get_node_image { my $self = shift; my $id = $self->get_id; return $node_image{$id}; } =item get_collapsed_clade_width() Gets collapsed clade width. Type : Mutator Title : get_collapsed_clade_width Usage : $w = $tree->get_collapsed_clade_width(); Function: gets the width of collapsed clade triangles relative to uncollapsed tips Returns : Positive number Args : None =cut sub get_collapsed_clade_width { my $self = shift; my $id = $self->get_id; return $collapsed_width{$id}; } =item get_branch_color() Type : Accessor Title : get_branch_color Usage : my $branch_color = $tree->get_branch_color(); Function: Gets branch_color Returns : branch_color Args : NONE =cut sub get_branch_color { my $self = shift; my $id = $self->get_id; return $branch_color{$id}; } *get_branch_colour = \&get_branch_color; =item get_branch_shape() Type : Accessor Title : get_branch_shape Usage : my $branch_shape = $tree->get_branch_shape(); Function: Gets branch_shape Returns : branch_shape Args : NONE =cut sub get_branch_shape { my $self = shift; my $id = $self->get_id; return $branch_shape{$id}; } =item get_branch_width() Type : Accessor Title : get_branch_width Usage : my $branch_width = $tree->get_branch_width(); Function: Gets branch_width Returns : branch_width Args : NONE =cut sub get_branch_width { my $self = shift; my $id = $self->get_id; return $branch_width{$id}; } =item get_branch_style() Type : Accessor Title : get_branch_style Usage : my $branch_style = $tree->get_branch_style(); Function: Gets branch_style Returns : branch_style Args : NONE =cut sub get_branch_style { my $self = shift; my $id = $self->get_id; return $branch_style{$id}; } =item get_font_face() Type : Accessor Title : get_font_face Usage : my $font_face = $tree->get_font_face(); Function: Gets font_face Returns : font_face Args : NONE =cut sub get_font_face { my $self = shift; my $id = $self->get_id; return $font_face{$id}; } =item get_font_size() Type : Accessor Title : get_font_size Usage : my $font_size = $tree->get_font_size(); Function: Gets font_size Returns : font_size Args : NONE =cut sub get_font_size { my $self = shift; my $id = $self->get_id; return $font_size{$id}; } =item get_font_style() Type : Accessor Title : get_font_style Usage : my $font_style = $tree->get_font_style(); Function: Gets font_style Returns : font_style Args : NONE =cut sub get_font_style { my $self = shift; my $id = $self->get_id; return $font_style{$id}; } =item get_margin() Type : Accessor Title : get_margin Usage : my $margin = $tree->get_margin(); Function: Gets margin Returns : margin Args : NONE =cut sub get_margin { my $self = shift; my $id = $self->get_id; return $margin{$id}; } =item get_margin_top() Type : Accessor Title : get_margin_top Usage : my $margin_top = $tree->get_margin_top(); Function: Gets margin_top Returns : margin_top Args : NONE =cut sub get_margin_top { my $self = shift; my $id = $self->get_id; return $margin_top{$id}; } =item get_margin_bottom() Type : Accessor Title : get_margin_bottom Usage : my $margin_bottom = $tree->get_margin_bottom(); Function: Gets margin_bottom Returns : margin_bottom Args : NONE =cut sub get_margin_bottom { my $self = shift; my $id = $self->get_id; return $margin_bottom{$id}; } =item get_margin_left() Type : Accessor Title : get_margin_left Usage : my $margin_left = $tree->get_margin_left(); Function: Gets margin_left Returns : margin_left Args : NONE =cut sub get_margin_left { my $self = shift; my $id = $self->get_id; return $margin_left{$id}; } =item get_margin_right() Type : Accessor Title : get_margin_right Usage : my $margin_right = $tree->get_margin_right(); Function: Gets margin_right Returns : margin_right Args : NONE =cut sub get_margin_right { my $self = shift; my $id = $self->get_id; return $margin_right{$id}; } =item get_padding() Type : Accessor Title : get_padding Usage : my $padding = $tree->get_padding(); Function: Gets padding Returns : padding Args : NONE =cut sub get_padding { my $self = shift; my $id = $self->get_id; return $padding{$id}; } =item get_padding_top() Type : Accessor Title : get_padding_top Usage : my $padding_top = $tree->get_padding_top(); Function: Gets padding_top Returns : padding_top Args : NONE =cut sub get_padding_top { my $self = shift; my $id = $self->get_id; return $padding_top{$id}; } =item get_padding_bottom() Type : Accessor Title : get_padding_bottom Usage : my $padding_bottom = $tree->get_padding_bottom(); Function: Gets padding_bottom Returns : padding_bottom Args : NONE =cut sub get_padding_bottom { my $self = shift; my $id = $self->get_id; return $padding_bottom{$id}; } =item get_padding_left() Type : Accessor Title : get_padding_left Usage : my $padding_left = $tree->get_padding_left(); Function: Gets padding_left Returns : padding_left Args : NONE =cut sub get_padding_left { my $self = shift; my $id = $self->get_id; return $padding_left{$id}; } =item get_padding_right() Type : Accessor Title : get_padding_right Usage : my $padding_right = $tree->get_padding_right(); Function: Gets padding_right Returns : padding_right Args : NONE =cut sub get_padding_right { my $self = shift; my $id = $self->get_id; return $padding_right{$id}; } =item get_mode() Type : Accessor Title : get_mode Usage : my $mode = $tree->get_mode(); Function: Gets mode Returns : mode Args : NONE =cut sub get_mode { my $self = shift; my $id = $self->get_id; if ( $self->is_cladogram ) { $mode{$id} = 'CLADO'; } return $mode{$id}; } =item get_shape() Type : Accessor Title : get_shape Usage : my $shape = $tree->get_shape(); Function: Gets shape Returns : shape Args : NONE =cut sub get_shape { my $self = shift; my $id = $self->get_id; return $shape{$id}; } =item get_text_horiz_offset() Type : Accessor Title : get_text_horiz_offset Usage : my $text_horiz_offset = $tree->get_text_horiz_offset(); Function: Gets text_horiz_offset Returns : text_horiz_offset Args : NONE =cut sub get_text_horiz_offset { my $self = shift; my $id = $self->get_id; return $text_horiz_offset{$id}; } =item get_text_vert_offset() Type : Accessor Title : get_text_vert_offset Usage : my $text_vert_offset = $tree->get_text_vert_offset(); Function: Gets text_vert_offset Returns : text_vert_offset Args : NONE =cut sub get_text_vert_offset { my $self = shift; my $id = $self->get_id; return $text_vert_offset{$id}; } =begin comment This method re-computes the node coordinates =end comment =cut sub _redraw { my $self = shift; my ( $width, $height ) = ( $self->get_width, $self->get_height ); my $tips_seen = 0; my $total_tips = $self->calc_number_of_terminals(); my $tallest = $self->get_root->calc_max_path_to_tips; my $maxnodes = $self->get_root->calc_max_nodes_to_tips; my $is_clado = $self->get_mode =~ m/^c/i; $self->visit_depth_first( '-post' => sub { my $node = shift; my ( $x, $y ); if ( $node->is_terminal ) { $tips_seen++; $y = ( $height / $total_tips ) * $tips_seen; $x = $is_clado ? $width : ($width/$tallest)*$node->calc_path_to_root; } else { my @children = @{ $node->get_children }; $y += $_->get_y for @children; $y /= scalar @children; $x = $is_clado ? $width - (($width/$maxnodes)*$node->calc_max_nodes_to_tips) : ($width/$tallest)*$node->calc_path_to_root; } $node->set_y( $y ); $node->set_x( $x ); } ); } =begin comment This method applies settings for nodes globally. =end comment =cut sub _apply_to_nodes { my ( $self, $method, $value ) = @_; $self->visit(sub{shift->$method($value)}); } =begin comment Type : Internal method Title : _cleanup Usage : $trees->_cleanup; Function: Called during object destruction, for cleanup of instance data Returns : Args : =end comment =cut sub _cleanup { my $self = shift; my $id = $self->get_id; for my $field (@fields) { delete $field->{$id}; } } =back =cut # podinherit_insert_token =head1 SEE ALSO =over =item L<Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree> This object inherits from L<Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree>, so methods defined there are also applicable here. =item L<Bio::Phylo::Manual> Also see the manual: L<Bio::Phylo::Manual> and L<>. =back =head1 REVISION $Id: 1290 2010-04-01 13:37:56Z rvos $ =cut } 1;