package Bio::Phylo::PhyloWS::Service::Tolweb; use strict; use base 'Bio::Phylo::PhyloWS::Service'; use Bio::Phylo::IO 'parse'; use Bio::Phylo::Factory; use Bio::Phylo::Util::Logger; use Bio::Phylo::Util::Exceptions 'throw'; use Bio::Phylo::Util::CONSTANT qw'looks_like_hash :namespaces'; use Bio::Phylo::Util::Dependency qw'XML::Twig'; use constant TOL_BASE => ''; use constant WEB_SRCH => TOL_BASE . 'tree/home.pages/searchTOL?taxon='; use constant XML_NODE => TOL_BASE . 'onlinecontributors/app?service=external&page=xml/TreeStructureService&page_depth=1&node_id='; use constant XML_SRCH => TOL_BASE . 'onlinecontributors/app?service=external&page=xml/GroupSearchService&group='; { my $fac = Bio::Phylo::Factory->new; my $logger = Bio::Phylo::Util::Logger->new; =head1 NAME Bio::Phylo::PhyloWS::Service::Tolweb - PhyloWS service wrapper for Tree of Life =head1 SYNOPSIS # inside a CGI script: use CGI; use Bio::Phylo::PhyloWS::Service::Tolweb; my $cgi = CGI->new; my $service = Bio::Phylo::PhyloWS::Service::Tolweb->new( '-url' => $url ); $service->handle_request($cgi); =head1 DESCRIPTION This is an example implementation of a PhyloWS service. The service wraps around the Tree of Life XML services described at L<>. When doing a record lookup this service returns project objects that include the focal node (identified by its PhyloWS ID) and the nearest child and parent nodes that have web pages. When querying, this service returns a project object with one taxa block containing zero or more taxon objects that matched the query. When URLs to this service specify format=html in the query string, this service returns redirect URLs to web pages on the Tree of Life web project site at L<>. The redirect URLs either point to search result listings or to node pages, depending on whether the redirect is for a record query or a record lookup, respectively. =head1 METHODS =head2 ACCESSORS =over =item get_record() Gets a tolweb record by its id Type : Accessor Title : get_record Usage : my $record = $obj->get_record( -guid => $guid ); Function: Gets a tolweb record by its id Returns : Bio::Phylo::Project Args : Required: -guid => $guid Comments: For the $guid argument, this method only cares whether the last part of the argument is a series of integers, which are understood to be the node identifier in the Tree of Life =cut sub get_record { my $self = shift; if ( my %args = looks_like_hash @_ ) { if ( $args{'-guid'} && $args{'-guid'} =~ m|(\d+)$| ) { my $tolweb_id = $1; $logger->info("Getting nexml record for id: $tolweb_id"); # fetch and parse the output my $proj = parse( '-format' => 'tolweb', '-url' => XML_NODE . $tolweb_id, '-as_project' => 1, ); $proj->set_link($self->get_url); $proj->set_name('Tree of Life web project lookup service'); $proj->set_desc("Results for ID $tolweb_id"); # post processing to make nice local links back to this service my $prefix = $self->get_url_prefix; my ($forest) = @{ $proj->get_forests }; my ($tree) = @{ $forest->get_entities }; my $taxa = $forest->make_taxa; $proj->insert($taxa); $tree->visit( sub { my $node = shift; $node->set_link( $prefix . $node->get_guid ); } ); $taxa->visit( sub { my $taxon = shift; my ($node) = @{ $taxon->get_nodes }; $taxon->set_link($node->get_link); $taxon->set_desc($node->get_desc); $taxon->add_meta($_) for @{ $node->get_meta }; } ); # done! return $proj; } else { throw 'BadArgs' => "Not a parseable guid: '$args{-guid}'"; } } } =item get_redirect() Gets a redirect URL if relevant Type : Accessor Title : get_redirect Usage : my $url = $obj->get_redirect; Function: Gets a redirect URL if relevant Returns : String Args : $cgi Comments: This method is called by handle_request so that services can 303 redirect a record lookup to another URL. By default, this method returns undef (i.e. no redirect), but if this implementation is called to handle a request that specifies 'format=html' the request is forwarded to the appropriate page on the website =cut sub get_redirect { my ( $self, $cgi ) = @_; if ( $cgi->param('format') eq 'html' ) { if ( my $query = $cgi->param('query') ) { return WEB_SRCH . $query; } else { my $path_info = $cgi->path_info; if ( $path_info =~ m/(\d+)$/ ) { my $tolweb_id = $1; $logger->info("Getting html redirect for id: $tolweb_id"); return TOL_BASE . $tolweb_id; } else { throw 'BadArgs' => "Not a parseable guid: '$path_info'"; } } } return; } =item get_query_result() Gets a query result and returns it as a project object Type : Accessor Title : get_query_result Usage : my $proj = $obj->get_query_result($query); Function: Gets a query result Returns : Bio::Phylo::Project Args : A simple query string for a group search Comments: The $query is a simple CQL level 0 term-only query =cut sub get_query_result { my ( $self, $query ) = @_; my $proj = $fac->create_project( '-link' => $self->get_url, '-namespaces' => { 'dc' => _NS_DC_ }, '-desc' => 'Results for query: ' . $self->get_query, '-name' => 'Tree of Life web project PhyloWS search service', ); my $taxa = $fac->create_taxa; my $prefix = $self->get_url_prefix; $proj->insert( $taxa ); XML::Twig->new( 'twig_handlers' => { 'NODE' => sub { my ( $twig, $node_elt ) = @_; my $id = $node_elt->att('ID'); my ($name_elt) = $node_elt->children('NAME'); $taxa->insert( $fac->create_taxon( '-name' => $name_elt->text, '-guid' => $id, '-link' => $prefix . $id, )->add_meta( $fac->create_meta( '-triple' => { 'dc:identifier' => $id } ) ) ); } } )->parseurl( XML_SRCH . $query ); return $proj; } =item get_supported_formats() Gets an array ref of supported formats Type : Accessor Title : get_supported_formats Usage : my @formats = @{ $obj->get_supported_formats }; Function: Gets an array ref of supported formats Returns : [ qw(nexml nexus newick html json phyloxml rss1) ] Args : NONE =cut sub get_supported_formats { [qw(nexml nexus newick html json phyloxml rss1)] } =item get_authority() Gets the authority prefix (e.g. TB2) for the implementing service Type : Abstract Accessor Title : get_authority Usage : my $auth = $obj->get_authority; Function: Gets authority prefix Returns : 'ToL' Args : None =cut sub get_authority { 'ToL' } =back =cut # podinherit_insert_token =head1 SEE ALSO There is a mailing list at L<!forum/bio-phylo> for any user or developer questions and discussions. Also see the manual: L<Bio::Phylo::Manual> and L<> =head1 CITATION If you use Bio::Phylo in published research, please cite it: B<Rutger A Vos>, B<Jason Caravas>, B<Klaas Hartmann>, B<Mark A Jensen> and B<Chase Miller>, 2011. Bio::Phylo - phyloinformatic analysis using Perl. I<BMC Bioinformatics> B<12>:63. L<> =cut } 1;