Revision history for Config-MVP-Writer-INI

0.004     2015-06-04T23:25:30Z

  - Remove unused dependency on List::AllUtils/List::MoreUtils. (@ether++)

0.003     2013-03-22T04:30:04Z

  - Don't leave a trailing space on a line where a config value is blank
  - Try harder to match the name to the package moniker to avoid duplicates.
  - Add 'strip_bundle_prefix' option to always remove the "@Foo/" part of
    the section name (default true).  This cuts down on the noise when the
    name is actually different from the package moniker.

0.002     2013-03-04T00:45:53Z

  - Document and test the 'spacing' and 'rewrite_package' options
  - Be more lenient in how sections are specified
  - Bug fixes
  - More tests

0.001     2013-03-02T23:00:07Z

  - Initial release