Revision history for Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-Author-RWSTAUNER

3.000 2011-04-13

  - Rework configure() to modify actual 'plugins' attribute
    so that add_plugins() and add_bundle() can be used

  [Add Dist::Zilla Plugins]
  - use InstallRelease with 'install_command' attribute
  - use @TestingMania bundle
  - use @Git bundle (instead of individual plugins)

  - Explicitly prune some non-release files
  - Generate a MANIFEST.SKIP file to satisfy tests/historical expectations

2.001 2011-04-12

  - "use" recently required modules (*::Test::Pod::*)
  - test script fix

2.000 2011-04-12

  - Rename module into Author:: namespace

  - Use the @Git bundle by default

  - Replace deprecated Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PodLinkTests with
    Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::Pod::LinkCheck and

1.002 2011-04-11

  - The current namespace is deprecated.
    This always was/should have been an Author bundle.

  [Add Dist::Zilla Plugins]
  - Prepender
  - Git::NextVersion (instead of Git::DescribeVersion)

1.001 2011-02-10

  - Manage Changes respectably by replacing GitFmtChanges plugin
  with NextRelease, CheckChangesHasContent, and CPANChangesTests

1.000007 2011-01-19

  - remove Moose::Autobox dependency
  - allow attributes to be overridden in dist.ini for any included plugin
  - add 'skip_plugins' option

0.009007 2010-12-30

  - Use Pod::Weaver::Plugin::WikiDoc

0.008004 2010-12-16

  - Require Dist::Zilla::Stash::PodWeaver

  [Add Dist::Zilla Plugins]
  - Authority
  - DualBuilders (prefer 'build')
  - PodLinkTests if available
  - PodSpellingTests
  - ReportVersions::Tiny

  [Add Pod::Weaver Plugins]
  - StopWords

0.004001 2010-11-17

  - Use Dist::Zilla::Plugin::GithubMeta
  - Lower required version of Pod::Weaver::Section::Support

0.003011 2010-11-15

  - Initial Release to CPAN