Revision History for Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-GopherRepellent
7fc2d4d Let GithubMeta plugin override Repository (if on github)
v0.4 2010-11-17
fb193f6 Feature-test PW::Section::Support instead of requiring a version that doesn't exist
8a558b8 Use latest Repository plugin and add Bugtracker plugin
b41b928 Change POD subtly to be slightly more readable
46d90a9 Improve ini-related POD for Weaver bundle
412ba4f Add example weaver.ini
c28eeb1 Reorder sections to match documentation
52f65b0 Explicitly list MetaNoIndex configuration in POD
ce6221a Add Pod::Coverage hint for 'configure'
ab662cb Add a few comments about ideas from Apocalypse
2d9ff83 Add [untested] 'releaser' attribute (defaulted to UploadToCPAN)
b28cf36 Use config_slice method to make code more clear/consistent/simple
08570d3 Comment on plugins (and versions) to consider for the future
v0.3 2010-11-15
983478c Improve META: describe provided packages and directories to ignore
53f09a0 "use" required modules to ensure availability
08da34d Merge CAVEATS into RATIONALE and expound on the intention and possible audience
1a18134 Add RATIONALE and SEE ALSO sections to POD
f84632f Add example dist.ini
bd474ee Add README file outside of distribution to make github happy
End of changes in the last 365 days