Revision history for Plack-Middleware-Mirror
0.401 2011-07-15T00:03:28Z
- Update metadata
0.400 2011-07-12T15:15:18Z
- Only mirror if status code is 200
(or anything else in 'status_codes' attribute).
- Add more/clearer debug statements
- Improve test scripts for smoke environments
0.300 2011-07-05T23:34:43Z
- Set file mtime to reflect Last-Modified time of downloaded file
- Do dirname() manually to remove Path::Class dependency
(minimal usage didn't warrant it)
0.200 2011-07-02T22:26:10Z
- make 'path' option consistent with Plack::Middleware::Static
- use Path::Class to translate PATH_INFO to on-disk file name
- use legacy interface to File::Path for older installs
- Document specific example of building a simple mirror site
with Plack::Middleware::Static and Plack::App::Proxy
- Add tests
0.100 2011-07-01T01:51:01Z
- Initial release