Revision history for Perl extension Pod-Markdown
1.322 2012-11-17T15:51:36Z
- Fix incorrect escaping of characters
that are inside inline code blocks in headers.
Thanks to Peter Vereshagin for the pull req (gh-3).
1.321 2012-10-27T01:23:56Z
- Improved list handling including support for ordered (numbered)
and nested lists.
Thanks to Yasutaka ATARASHI for the pull req (gh-2).
1.320 2012-04-30T23:30:11Z
- End markdown output with a newline to be more consistent with...
everything. If this causes a problem for you please report it.
- Enable pod2markdown to accept file paths as arguments
(for both input and output (defaulting to STDIN/STDOUT)).
Thanks to Mike Doherty for the suggestion [rt-76726].
1.301 2012-04-25T03:56:11Z
- Fix double-interpolation of list headings
which caused escaping of the markdown characters.
Thanks to motemen for the pull request (gh-1).
- Add TODO tests for improving list handling.
1.300000 2012-04-08T00:08:25Z
- Document that characters in varbatim paragraphs and code sections
are not escaped.
- Bump release number to demonstrate major formatting difference
of last change (backslash-escaped characters).
(Forgot to do it last time.)
1.200001 2012-04-07T23:16:23Z
- Escape characters that are special to Markdown
(but normal in Pod) with backslashes.
Thanks to Florian (fschlich at zedat dot fu-berlin dot de)
for the initial patch (rt-75620).
1.200000 2011-11-28T17:57:01Z
- Handle POD formatting codes embedded in links
- Render Z<> and X<> as blank strings
- Handle numeric (hex, octal, and decimal) E<> escapes
- Convert spaces in S<> to
[Format Changes]
- S<> no longer produces backticks (code sections).
This is consistent with perlpod and perlpodspec.
Use something like S<C<$x + $y>> if you intend it to be treated as code.
- Author meta tag with no title meta tag does not produce a leading newline.
This was considered a bug.
- More tests, increased coverage
1.120001 2011-11-27T04:07:30Z
- Require version 1.10 of Pod::ParseLink (core in perl 5.12)
to handle alt text with schemes/absolute URLs.
This can be changed from "requires" to "recommends" if it poses a problem.
[Test Fix]
- Skip tests (rather than fail) for alt text with absolute url
if Pod::ParseLink < 1.10
1.120000 2011-11-19T05:44:51Z
- Use Pod::ParseLink to dramatically improve (and simplify) link parsing
(including sections, alternate text, and man pages).
[Format Change]
- NOTE: L</foo> now becomes ["foo"](#foo) instead of [foo](#pod_foo).
This is consistent with perldoc, perlpodspec, and Pod::Simple::(X)HTML
which is used for and
No '#pod_' id/name attributes were ever generated so the links
probably weren't very useful (and probably still aren't).
If this change presents a problem please report it.
1.110732 2011-11-18T04:06:06Z
- Change /\h/ to /[ \t]/ for compatibility with older perls.
Thanks to David Golden for reporting [rt-71961]
1.110731 2011-11-18T03:28:34Z
- Ensure verbatim pod becomes verbatim markdown
by increasing indentation if necessary [rt-72414]
- Co-maintainership granted to RWSTAUNER
1.110730 2011-03-14 10:11:52 Europe/Vienna
- make bulleted lists work at least minimally (thanks ap)
1.103491 2010-12-15 23:03:02 Europe/Vienna
- added Ryan C. Thompson's email address
1.103490 2010-12-15 16:12:31 Europe/Vienna
- improved L<> link handling
- Enabled interpolation of I<these thingies> in headers
1.100860 2010-03-27 14:31:43 Europe/Vienna
- converted the distribution to Dist::Zilla-style
- bin/pod2markdown now uses '#!/usr/bin/env perl'
0.02 Sun Oct 4 16:30:06 CEST 2009 (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
- E<foo> now outputs '&foo;'
- only generate meta tags if asked to
0.01 2009-10-04T12:24:45Z (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
- original version