package WWW::Contact::AOL; use Moose; extends 'WWW::Contact::Base'; our $VERSION = '0.13'; our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:FAYLAND'; sub get_contacts { my ($self, $email, $password) = @_; # reset $self->errstr(undef); my @contacts; my ( $username ) = split('@', $email); my $ua = $self->ua; $self->debug("start get_contacts from AOL mail"); # to form $self->get('') || return; $self->submit_form( form_name => 'AOLLoginForm', fields => { loginId => $username, password => $password, }, ) || return; my $content = $ua->content(); if ($content =~ /name\=\"loginId\"/) { $self->errstr('Wrong Password'); return; } $self->debug('Login OK'); my ($url) = ( $content =~ /\'(http\:\/\/(.*?))\'/ ); $self->get($url) || return; $self->get(''); $content = $ua->content(); if ( $content =~ /checkErrorAndSubmitForm/ and $content =~ /\'(http\:\/\/(.*?))\'/ ) { $url = $1; $self->get($url) || return; } my ($gSuccessPath) = ( $ua->content() =~ /\.com\/([^\/]+)\/aol/ ); $self->get( "$gSuccessPath/aol/en-us/Lite/MsgList.aspx" ) || return; my ($uid) = ($ua->content() =~ /user\=([^\'\&]+)[\'\&]/); unless ($uid) { $self->errstr('Wrong Password'); return; } # $ua->get( "$gSuccessPath/aol/en-us/Lite/addresslist-print.aspx?command=all&sort=FirstLastNick&sortDir=Ascending&nameFormat=FirstLastNick&user=$uid" ) || return; $content = $ua->content(); @contacts = $self->get_contacts_from_html($content); # we don't care if it works or not, to avoid # Error GETing Forbidden at lib/WWW/Contact/ line 64 eval { $ua->get( "" ); }; return wantarray ? @contacts : \@contacts; } sub get_contacts_from_html { my ($self, $content) = @_; my @contacts; my @contents = split( '<tr><td colspan="4"><hr class="contactSeparator"></td></tr>', $content ); foreach my $c (@contents) { my ( $firstname, $last_name, $name ) = ( $c =~ /fullName\"\>(\S*)\s*(\S*)\s*\<i\>\((.*?)\)/ ); my ($email1) = ( $c =~ /\<span\>Email 1\:\<\/span\>\s*\<span\>([^<^>]*)\<\/span\>/ ); my ($email2) = ( $c =~ /\<span\>Email 2\:\<\/span\>\s*\<span\>([^<^>]*)\<\/span\>/ ); my $email = $email1 || $email2; unless ($email) { my ($screen_name) = ( $c =~ /\<span\>Screen Name\:\<\/span\>\s*\<span\>([^<^>]*)\<\/span\>/ ); $email = $screen_name . '' if ($screen_name); } next unless ($email); push @contacts, { name => $name, email => $email }; } return @contacts; } no Moose; __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; 1; __END__ =head1 NAME WWW::Contact::AOL - Get contacts/addressbook from AOL Mail =head1 SYNOPSIS use WWW::Contact; my $wc = WWW::Contact->new(); my @contacts = $wc->get_contacts('', 'password'); my $errstr = $wc->errstr; if ($errstr) { die $errstr; } else { print Dumper(\@contacts); } =head1 DESCRIPTION get contacts from AOL Mail. extends L<WWW::Contact::Base> =head1 SEE ALSO L<WWW::Contact>, L<WWW::Mechanize> =head1 AUTHOR Fayland Lam, C<< <fayland at> >> =head1 COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2008 Fayland Lam, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut