Revision history for Perl module ShiftJIS::CP932::MapUTF.

1.02  Mon Jun  4 22:11:58 2007
    - mkheader, unilen() - avoid unpack('C*') on unicode.

1.01  Wed Oct 11 00:01:34 2006
    - POD, the section SEE ALSO:
      The dead link at
      was replaced with the page in WindowsBestFit under

1.00  Sun Mar 13 16:45:32 2005
    - META.yml is added.
    - Japanese POD named JAPANESE is added (again).
    - UTF-8 strings to be compared are encoded without the help
      of perl's "utf8" in t10heavy.t.

0.34  Sat Oct 18 12:22:31 2003
    - removed JP pod.

0.33  Sat Oct 11 20:34:47 2003
    - Internal tweak in XSUB: no longer relies on a string to be
      terminated with '\0'.

0.32  Sun Jul 20 13:23:44 2003
    - changed INSTALLATION (cf. README).
    - simplified Makefile.PL.
    - modified how to build XSUB edition (sorry for inconvenience).
      The purePerl-XSUB converter is now provided as two perl script files,
      named "enableXS" and "disableXS".
      (no longer <perl Makefile.PL xs> and <perl Makefile.PL noxs>.)

0.31  Sun May 04 22:48:10 2003
    - doc tweaks and detypos.
    - removed double-byte characters from MapUTF.pod.

0.30  Sun May 04 11:12:21 2003
    - clarified and documented on some ambiguous behaviors.
    - manipulation of illegal ShiftJIS strings: SJIS_CALLBACK coderef are
      called with two parameters (like UNICODE_CALLBACK).
    - added the 3rd parameter, OPTION.
      'g', 's', 't' for cp932-to-unicode conversions.
      'g', 's', 'f' for unicode-to-cp932 conversions.
    - added utf16_to_cp932() and utf32_to_cp932().
      [but not yet cp932_to_utf16() and cp932_to_utf32(); cf. Export in POD.]
    - modified t04xncr.t avoiding a non-character.
    - added new tests, t11grade.t to t15fall.t.

0.21  Sun Nov 03 19:32:21 2002
    - fixed a momery leak when the process died in a callback.
      like: eval { utf32be_to_cp932(sub { die }, "\x00"); };

0.20  Sat Nov 02 14:42:04 2002
    - manipulation of illegal Unicode strings: u*_to_cp932 functions
      may call a UNICODE_CALLBACK coderef with two parameters.
    - cp932_to_utf8() and utf8_to_cp932() are supported again
      (as before v. 0.08).
    - non-XS (pure Perl) version is supported again.
    - tests are improved.

0.14  Sat Jun 08 07:40:43 2002
    - fix: unicode_to_cp932() was broken with any character
      greater than U+FFFF, like "\x{10000}".

0.13  Sat May 11 13:55:25 2002
    - unreferenced local variables are removed.

0.12  Sun Apr 14 22:53:12 2002
    - now uses utf8n_to_uvuni() instead of utf8n_to_uvchr().
    - some doc fix.

0.11  Sun Feb 10 17:07:22 2002
    - added ShiftJIS::CP932::MapUTF::Supplements (experimental).

0.10  Sun Jan 20 19:44:06 2002
    - some detypo in POD and README.

0.09  Sun Jan 20 11:26:14 2002
    - Halfwidth Katakana take 4 bytes in UTF-EBCDIC.

0.08  Sun Jan 20 10:26:38 2002
    - now understands wide characters;
      but only works on Unicode aware Perl (i.e. Perl 5.6 or later).

0.07  Sun Oct 20 14:35:03 2001 (not released)
    - unpaired surrogate.

0.06  Sun Oct 13 16:24:52 2001 (not released)
    - surrogate pairs are supported.

0.05  Tue Oct 02 00:16:25 2001
    - input/output of wide characters are abandoned.

0.04  Sat Sep 08 12:11:15 2001
    - modified test.t: Perl 5.005 warns against '\x{hhhh}'.

0.03  Thu Sep 06 22:15:21 2001
    - fix: wrong utf8 regex.

0.02  Sun Jun 17 01:39:12 2001
    - added the CODEREF argument.

0.01  Wed Jun 13 20:14:08 2001
    - original version; created by h2xs 1.19