Revision history for Perl extension ShiftJIS::Regexp.
1.00 Tue Jan 2 22:21:08 2007
- POD: revised, fixed and modied.
- added Japanese POD.
- added class.t and META.yml.
0.26 Wed Apr 17 23:53:23 2002
- I don't know why perl 5.005_02 on sun4-solaris fails in t/test.t,
when C<my $str> (a file-scoped) precedes C<my $str> (in a block)...
Anyway, it seems better to put a my-variable in a block.
- a caveat on match() is documented.
0.25 Sun Apr 14 22:23:46 2002
- modifications breaking backward compatibility.
\p{Roman}, \pR, and [:roman:] consists of 94 graphic characters only.
(no longer equivalent to \p{ASCII} nor [:ascii:])
\p{X0201} and [:x0201:] exclude C0 control characters of JIS X 0211.
(no longer equivalent to \p{^Zenkaku} nor [:^zenkaku:].)
- add \p{X0211} and [:x0211:].
0.24 Sun Apr 14 19:29:08 2002
- Some tweaks in internals.
- A special regular expression \R{padG} is documented.
0.23 Mon Dec 31 13:07:52 2001
- When jsplit() gets undef as PATTERN,
splits the string on whiltespace characters
equivalently to splitspace().
- prototypes: all parameters are enforced in scalar context.
0.22 Sun Dec 09 13:20:02 2001
- add \p{Halfwidth}, \p{Fullwidth}, etc.
0.21 Sat Dec 08 00:09:52 2001
- modifications breaking backward compatibility.
\pB is a short form for \p{blank}, not for \p{Boxdrawing}.
\p{Space}, \pS, and [:space:] include VT.
\p{Cntrl}, \pC, and [:cntrl:] include DEL.
\p{Graph}, \pG, and [:graph:] exclude unassigned codepoints on JIS.
\p{Print}, \pT, and [:print:] exclude unassigned codepoints on JIS
and whitespace control characters.
0.20 Sat Nov 24 13:30:18 2001
- modify documentation (about \p{IsProp} and \p{InProp})
0.19 Thu Nov 22 23:34:38 2001
- add \p{Xdigit}, \p{Roman}, etc.
0.18 Thu Nov 22 00:01:12 2001
- jsplit() etc. of an empty string should return an empty list.
- add \p{JIS}, \p{NEC}, \p{IBM}, \p{MSWin}, etc.
- add \pP, \PP, etc.
- now Prop in \p{Prop} and class in [:class:] are case-insensitive.
0.17 Sun Sep 16 00:59:12 2001
- internal: match and replace.
0.16 Sat Sep 15 20:32:45 2001
- \p{ }, \P{ } in character classes.
0.15 Thu Aug 30 22:47:31 2001
- extended embedded modifiers at the beginning the regexp
0.14 Sun Jul 22 22:07:58 2001
- change test.t ([:print:] is not tested).
0.13 Sat Jul 07 00:55:24 2001
- add [=cc=] character classes.
0.12 Sat Jun 23 23:37:19 2001
- add \p{IsX0201}, \p{IsX0208}, etc.
0.11 Wed Jun 13 02:56:24 2001
- add o modifier.
- now jsplit accepts pattern with modifiers (but somewhat tricky).
- issjis is deprecated (use issjis of ShiftJIS::String).
0.10 Tue Jun 12 00:09:10 2001
- add I and j modifiers.
- now runs on perl 5.003 (maybe).
0.09 Tue Jun 5 00:30:43 2001
- divide ./t and ./sample.
0.08 Fri May 25 01:12:07 2001
- restricted support of (?{ ... }) assertions.
0.07 Wed May 23 23:39:41 2001
- add \p{IsWord} etc.
- bug fix in mkclass().
- bug fix about wrong matching of double-byte chars on ignore_case.
0.06 Tue May 15 21:52:03 2001
- bug fix to prevent $ from interpolation in the regexp for replace().
0.05 Mon May 14 00:21:58 2001
- add README. minor changes.
0.04 Sun May 13 15:38:15 2001
- bug fix. croak against illegal byte sequences.
0.03 Sun May 13 12:28:51 2001
- change some character classes. bug fix.
0.02 Sat May 12 15:46:05 2001
- add jsplit(). bug fix.
0.01 Sat May 12 01:12:38 2001
- original version; created by h2xs 1.19