Revision history for Perl module ShiftJIS::X0213::MapUTF.

0.20  Sun Feb 29 21:00:05 2004
    - Enhancement for JIS X 0213:2004 (Amendament 1), which repertoire is
      ten chracters larger than JIS X 0213:2000.
    * New functions named sjis2003_to_u* and u*_to_sjis2003 support
      Shift_JIS-2003 specified by JIS X 0213:2004. 
    * Old functions named sjis0213_to_u* and u*_to_sjis0213.
      continue to support Shift_JISX0213 specified by JIS X 0213:2000,
      but mapping for SJIS 0xFC5A is fixed after JIS X 0213:2004.

0.13  Sat Oct 18 12:01:25 2003
    - pod: added link to JISC.

0.12  Sat Oct 11 22:35:36 2003
    - manipulation of illegal ShiftJIS strings: SJIS_CALLBACK coderef are
      called with two parameters (like UNICODE_CODEREF).
    - Reserved bytes (0x80, 0xA0, 0xFD..0xFF) are no longer
      a single-byte character.
    - Internal tweak in XSUB: no longer relies on a string to be
      terminated with '\0'.
    - added utf16_to_sjis0213() and utf32_to_sjis0213().
      [but not yet sjis0213_to_utf16() and sjis0213_to_utf32()]
    - modified t04xncr.t avoiding a non-character.

0.11  Sun Nov 03 19:32:21 2002
    - fix a momery leak when the process died in a callback.
      like: eval { utf32be_to_sjis0213(sub { die }, "\x00"); };

0.10  Sat Nov 02 21:12:23 2002
    - manipulation of illegal Unicode strings: u*_to_sjis0213 functions
      may call UNICODE_CALLBACK coderef with two parameters.
    - UTF-8, UTF-32(BE|LE) are supported.
    - tests are improved.

0.02  Sun Jun 30 19:45:16 2002
    - change the mapping for 0x81D4, 0x81D5, 0xFC5A in Shift_JISX0213
      according to Shibano's JIS KANJI JITEN, the revised edition.
    - add

0.01  Sun Jun 16 18:45:16 2002
    - original version; created by h2xs 1.19