# zxid/Changes
# $Id: Changes,v 1.2 2006/09/25 05:05:42 sampo Exp $
# Change log, minor credits, and release history
zxid-0.7:: 25.9.2006
- WO encoding with namespace support
- First cut of XMLDSIG validation (very early signing, too)
- Fixes to PHP, mod_php, Perl, and mod_perl support
zxid-0.6:: 18.9.2006
- PHP support, including mod_php
zxid-0.5:: 15.9.2006
- Encoders and decoders for ID-WSF and ID-FF (various versions)
zxid-0.4:: 4.9.2006
- mod_perl/Net::SAML SP
zxid-0.3:: Late Ago 2005
- First fully functional release
zxid-0.2:: Ago 2005
- SAML 2.0 encoders and decoders, metadata import works
zxid-0.1:: Ago 2005
- Project founded.