Revision history for Perl extension HTML::Template.
0.00 Fri May 14 14:59:06 1999
- original version; created by h2xs 1.18
0.01 Mon May 17 15:17:00 1999
- added cacheing to module and perldoc
- moved .tmpl files used by 'make test' to /templates
- first release!
0.02 Mon May 31 12:47:00 1999
- die on multiple source parameters in new()
- tries to preserve newlines in loop body
- copies in array contents from array refs on param call
i.e. allows for reuse of scratch arrays on calling side
- Added a CREDITS section to the docs, inaugurated it with
Richard Chen for his many fixes.
- Added type => 'sometype', source => 'source' new() syntax.
- made "NAME=" in tags optional. Added a to check for
0.03 Fri June 11 17:37:00 1999
- fixed a few irritating "undefined variable" errors in -w
- big speedup on large TMPL_LOOPs. They are at least one order of
magnitude faster now!
- die_on_bad_params => 0 never really worked! It does now.
0.04 Fri June 18 12:00:00 1999
- fixed cacheing - under certain conditions it was totally broken!
- changed {param} to {param_values} - some older perls complained.
- die_on_bad_params => 0 now also applied to loop body.
- added copious comments about how bad m//i is to avoid future
bug reports about [tT][hH][iI][sS]!
- added numerous bug fixes and optimizations submitted by Mike
Blazer, Adriano Nagelschmidt Rodrigues, Andrej Mikus and
Ilya Obshadko. Thanks!
- Added <TMPL_INCLUDE> functionality!
- Added associate_CGI() method - donated by Richard Dice
- Cleaned up internal access to new() options.
- more bug fixes from such notables as Kevin Puetz, and Steve
- small problem with make test fixed.
- added associate parameter to new() and obsoleted
associate_CGI() (still supported for now)
- added support for HTML_TEMPLATE_ROOT environment variable
- small performance improvements using typeglobs
- added a performance testing script:
- near total rewrite - faster, smaller, more "compiler-esque" code.
- *MASSIVE* speedups in all modes - up to 10x faster!1
- bug fix : param() wasn't returning names of LOOPs
- This really is version 0.9 so 1.0 is coming up. Get those
bug reports in!
- bug fix: possible loss of text after a </TMPL_IF>
(Thanks to Tom Huskins for alerting me to this one!)
- bug fix: some lines were getting chomped (Eric Zylberstejn)
- *NUMEROUS* bug fixes (David Glasser - Thanks a lot!)
- new FAQ section in documentation
- code cleanup and improved comments
- Added "ESCAPE=1" option to <TMPL_VAR> to HTML-escape
variable values. (Peter Marelas, thanks!)
- more bug fixes (David Glasses, James William Carlson -
- even *more* code cleanup!
- new FAQ concerning pre-loading templates and mod_perl.
1.0 Fri October 28 12:00:00 1999
- An HTML::Template mailing-list! Send a blank message to to join.
- bug fixes
- improved docs