Revision history for Perl extension Class::Tangram

   o Release 1.08
   o Added "transient" type
   o Documentation changes

   o Release 1.07
   o "array" and "hash" types are now as magical as set types on
     "get()" - that is, if they are undefined, an empty array is
     returned rather than undef.  Also, if evaluated in list context,
     the members of the array are returned in a list rather than a
     reference to the array.
   o Added &YourClass::set_init_default(field => $value)
   o made test suite a bit more complete
   o Removed support for bogus non-existant "time", "timestamp"
     Tangram types
   o Support for "rawdate", "rawtime", "dmdatetime".  This completes
     support for all standard Tangram data types.
   o Class::Tangram classes now pass the "empty sub-class" test


   o Release 1.06
   o Added run-time type information functions


   o Release 1.05
   o Some small speed optimisations and bug fixes.
   o Changed Makefile.PL to use Pod::Constants


   o Release 1.04
   o Added some Set::Object AUTOLOAD functions
   o More documentation fixes
   o Now creates empty Set::Object containers for set attributes so
     that Tangram doesn't get upset when you store a new object, but
     didn't initialise one of its sets.
   o Get of a Set::Object attribute returns its members when called in
     list context


   o Release 1.03
   o Supressed useless warning that I couldn't work around in
	'(in cleanup) Can't call method "FETCH" on an undefined value
	 at ...'
   o Documentation bugfixes


   o Release 1.02
   o Fixed many small bugs


   o Release 1.01
   o Fixed subtle bug with sets and clear_refs()


   o Release 1.00
   o Renamed from Tao::Object
   o Testing functions not yet complete, some field types might not be