package Tangram::Expr; use strict; use Tangram::Expr::Table; use Tangram::Expr::CursorObject; use Tangram::Expr::RDBObject; use Tangram::Expr::Filter; use Tangram::Expr; use Tangram::Expr::QueryObject; use Tangram::Expr::Select; use Set::Object qw(blessed); use Carp; # WARNING - many 'core' functions are redefined in this namespace. sub new { my ($pkg, $type, $expr, @objects) = @_; return bless { expr => $expr, type => $type, objects => Set::Object->new(@objects), storage => $objects[0]->{storage} }, $pkg; } sub expr { return shift->{expr}; } # XXX - not tested by test suite sub storage { return ((shift->{objects}->members)[0] or confess 'no storage')->storage; } # XXX - not tested by test suite sub type { return shift->{type}; } sub objects { return shift->{objects}->members; } sub eq { my ($self, $arg) = @_; return $self->binop('=', $arg); } sub ne { my ($self, $arg) = @_; return $self->binop('<>', $arg); } # BEGIN 2002/06/25 # XXX - not tested by test suite sub lt { my ($self, $arg, $swap) = @_; return $self->binop('<', $arg, undef, $swap); } sub le { my ($self, $arg, $swap) = @_; return $self->binop('<=', $arg, undef, $swap); } sub gt { my ($self, $arg, $swap) = @_; return $self->binop('>', $arg, undef, $swap); } # XXX - not tested by test suite sub ge { my ($self, $arg, $swap) = @_; return $self->binop('>=', $arg, undef, $swap); } # XXX - not tested by test suite sub add { my ($self, $arg) = @_; $self->binop('+', $arg, 90); } # XXX - not tested by test suite sub subt { my ($self, $arg, $swap) = @_; $self->binop('-', $arg, 90, $swap); } # XXX - not tested by test suite sub mul { my ($self, $arg) = @_; $self->binop('*', $arg, 95); } # XXX - not tested by test suite sub div { my ($self, $arg, $swap) = @_; $self->binop('/', $arg, 95, $swap); } # XXX - not tested by test suite sub cos { my ($self) = @_; $self->unaop('COS', 100); } # XXX - not tested by test suite sub sin { my ($self) = @_; $self->unaop('SIN', 100); } # XXX - not tested by test suite sub acos { my ($self) = @_; $self->unaop('ACOS', 100); } # XXX - not tested by test suite sub not { my ($self) = @_; $self->unaop('NOT', 100); } # XXX - not tested by test suite sub unaop { my ($self, $op, $tight) = @_; my @objects = $self->objects; my $objects = Set::Object->new(@objects); my $storage = $self->{storage}; return new Tangram::Expr::Filter (expr => "$op($self->{expr})", tight => $tight || 100, objects => $objects ); } sub binop { my ($self, $op, $arg, $tight, $swap) = @_; my @objects = $self->objects; my $objects = Set::Object->new(@objects); my $storage = $self->{storage}; if (defined $arg) { if (my $type = ref($arg)) { if ($arg->isa('Tangram::Expr')) { $objects->insert($arg->objects); $arg = $arg->expr; } elsif ($arg->isa('Tangram::Expr::QueryObject')) { $objects->insert($arg->object); $arg = $arg->{id}->expr; } elsif (exists $storage->{schema}{classes}{$type}) { $arg = $storage->export_object($arg) or Carp::confess "$arg is not persistent"; } else { # XXX - not reached by test suite $arg = $self->{type}->literal($arg, $storage); } } else { $arg = $self->{type}->literal($arg, $storage); } } else { # XXX - not wholly tested by test suite $op = $op eq '=' ? 'IS' : $op eq '<>' ? 'IS NOT' : Carp::confess("unknown op $op"); $arg = 'NULL'; } my ($l, $r) = $swap ? ($arg, $self->{expr}) : ($self->{expr}, $arg); $tight ||= 100; return new Tangram::Expr::Filter(expr => "$l $op $r", tight => $tight, objects => $objects ); } # END 2002/06/25 sub like { my ($self, $val) = @_; $val =~ s{'}{''}g; return new Tangram::Expr::Filter(expr => "$self->{expr} like '$val'", tight => 100, objects => Set::Object->new($self->objects) ); } # XXX - not tested by test suite - MySQL specific sub regexp_like { my ($self, $val) = @_; $val =~ s{'}{''}g; return new Tangram::Expr::Filter(expr => "regexp_like($self->{expr}, '$val')", tight => 0, objects => Set::Object->new($self->objects) ); } sub match { my ($self, $oper, $val) = @_; return Tangram::Expr::Filter->new(expr => "$self->{expr} $oper '$val'", tight => 100, objects => Set::Object->new($self->objects) ); } sub is_null { my ($self) = @_; return Tangram::Expr::Filter->new(expr => "$self->{expr} IS NULL", tight => 100, objects => Set::Object->new($self->objects) ); } sub count { my ($self, $val) = @_; $self->{storage} ->expr(Tangram::Type::Integer->instance, "COUNT($self->{expr})", $self->objects ); } # XXX - not tested by test suite sub as_string { my $self = shift; return ref($self) . "($self->{expr})"; } sub in { my $self = shift; my $storage = $self->{storage}; my @items; while ( defined(my $item = shift) ) { if ( ref $item eq "ARRAY" ) { push @items, @$item; } elsif ( UNIVERSAL::isa($item, "Set::Object") ) { push @items, $item->members; } else { push @items, $item; } } my $expr; if ( @items ) { $expr = ("$self->{expr} IN (" . join(', ', # FIXME - what about table aliases? Hmm... map {( blessed($_) ? $storage->export_object($_) : $storage->{db}->quote($_) )} @items ) . ')'); } else { # hey, you never know :) $expr = ("$self->{expr} IS NULL"); } Tangram::Expr::Filter->new( expr => $expr, tight => 100, objects => $self->{objects}, ); } # XXX - not tested by test suite sub log { my $self = shift; my $base = shift || exp(1); my $expr = $self->expr(); # the SQL string for this Expr $self->{type}->expr("log($base, $expr)", $self->objects); } sub DESTROY { } use vars qw( $AUTOLOAD ); sub AUTOLOAD { my $fun = $AUTOLOAD; $fun =~ s/.*:://; my $self = shift; my $expr = $self->expr(); # the SQL string for this Expr $self->{type}->expr("$fun($expr)", $self->objects); } use overload # BEGIN 2002/06/25 '+' => \&add, '-' => \&subt, '*' => \&mul, '/' => \&div, 'cos' => \&cos, 'sin' => \&sin, 'acos' => \&acos, # END 2002/06/25 "==" => \&eq, "eq" => \&eq, "!=" => \&ne, "ne" => \&ne, "<" => \<, "lt" => \<, "<=" => \&le, "le" => \&le, ">" => \>, "gt" => \>, ">=" => \&ge, "ge" => \&ge, "!" => \¬, '""' => \&as_string, fallback => 1; 1;