Version 0.532007 | 2011-02-02 21:48:26Z (Wed, 02 Feb 2011) | 3d6d95a
Resolved Issues/Bug Fixes:
* $group->child( $i ) no longer crashes when $group has less than $i kids
* FLTK::Window::first( ) correctly returns the first/primary window
API Changes/Compatibility Information:
* FLTK::Group->add( ... ), ->insert( ... ), and ->replace( ... ) now
return the widget added, inserted, or used as a replacement. This
allows code like my $box = $window->add( FLTK::Widget->( ... ) ); and
is not compatible with the C++ API
* New Widgets/Types
- StatusBarGroup, ToggleButton, ToggleItem, ValueSlider
* Add support for add_fd( ... ) and remove_fd( ... )
* FLTK::GLWindow is no longer disabled on Win32 (try the example)
Documentation/Sample Code/Test Suite/Metadata:
* Updated repo URLs
* Updated README
* Moved basic POD from xs/FLTK.xs to lib/
* Allow systems to skip tests when Test::NeedsDisplay fails
* Upgraded ask( ... ) and choice( ... ) to major C++/Perl API differences
* New, simple IO watcher example (echo server)
* New, simple add_fd( ... ) and remove_fd( ... ) tests
* Final docs are generated on Build dist rather than Build install
* Delay test plan until we know Test::NeedsDisplay is finished
* Requires AF2 0.08323
Version 0.532006 | 2010-09-27 04:13:25Z (Mon, 27 Sep 2010) | 04ca288
Resolved Issues/Bug Fixes:
* Cleaned up general stupidity in FLTK::TabGroup->tab_positions()
* Attempt to use the correct resource builder for MSVC
* Fix doublefree when ...->destroy() is done manually on subclassed
Internal/Behavioral Changes:
* Build system has been tweaked to avoid a bug in ExtUtils::ParseXS
* Require Perl 5.10 (which I consider quite old) or better
Documentation/Sample Code/Test Suite/Metadata:
* New FLTK::Cookbook::TabGroup::Simple
* Move from META.yml to META.json. The future is now.
Version 0.532005001 | 2010-04-17 14:25:12Z (Sat, 17 Apr 2010) | b9f4e5a
API Changes/Compatibility Information:
* New Widgets/Types
- TextDisplay, TextDisplay::StyleTableEntry
* Early FLTK::Theme support
* 開例 R. was born November 16th at 8:58am. She was 3.670kg and 52cm long
* Requires Alien::FLTK2 now that Alien::FLTK only builds the 1.3.x branch
Version 0.531 | 2009-11-06 03:34:36Z (Fri, 06 Nov 2009) | 53908ec
API Changes/Compatibility Information:
* New Widgets/Types
- PackedGroup, PixelType, Preferences, ProgressBar, RadioButton,
RadioItem, RadioLightButton, Rectangle (base class of all Widgets),
RepeatButton, ReturnButton, Scrollbar, ScrollGroup, SecretInput
(for passwords), ShapedWindow, Slider, Symbol (.*Image base class),
Valuator, ValueInput, and xpmImage
* Support for fltk's file and directory chooser API
* The variables $FLTK::ok, $FLTK::yes, $FLTK::no, $FLTK::cancel,
$FLTK::message_window_label, $FLTK::message_window_timeout, and
$FLTK::message_window_scrollable are now connected to their C++
counterparts and may be imported with the :vars tag
Resolved Issues/Bug Fixes:
* FLTK::Menu->item() now (attempts to) return correctly blessed widgets
Internal/Behavioral Changes:
* The :default tag is no longer automatically exported
Documentation/Sample Code/Test Suite:
* Basic Rectangle tests
* New example script for xpmImage
* New FLTK::CheatSheet (incomplete)
* First few recipes in the FLTK::Cookbook
* The FLTK project is just getting started so now's a great time to join
* Ian G. was born October 23rd at 1:22pm. He was 8lbs 14oz and 22in long
Version 0.530 | 2009-10-05 00:42:52Z (Mon, 05 Oct 2009) | 3b70f43
API Changes/Compatibility Information:
* ...see below
Resolved Issues/Bug Fixes:
* ...see below
Internal/Behavioral Changes:
* It actually exists
Documentation/Sample Code/Test Suite:
* ...see above
* The FLTK project is just getting started so now's a great time to join
_ -.-. .... .- -. --. . ... _________________________________________
For more information, see the commit log:
$Ver: 0.532007 $ from git $Rev: 3d6d95a $
$Date: 2011-02-02 21:48:26Z (Wed, 02 Feb 2011) $
$Url: $