Version 0.9.1 | The wee hours of December 19th, 2011 | 5506598358
API Changes/Compatibility Information:
* ::BEP03::build_piece(...) wants the actual data rather than a reference
* { error => $msg } is returned when parsing bad packet data
* ::BEP03::build_bitfield(...) expects bitfields to be in ascending order
which makes things easy for vec()
Resolved Issues/Bug Fixes:
* ::BEP03::build_piece(...) and ::BEP03::parse_port(...)
Documentation/Sample Code/Test Suite:
* BEP03 parsing functions are now documented
* Meanwhile...
- The first of two major clients, AnyEvent::BitTorrent should be on
PAUSE later today. I need to figure out some simple, light weight
tests first.
Version 0.9.0 | December 2nd, 2011 during the Nightly News | b921b4c08f
API Changes/Compatibility Information:
* Support for generating BEP05 (DHT Protocol) packets
Documentation/Sample Code/Test Suite:
* Include README
Version 0.1.0 | Mid-afternoon on December 2nd, 2011 | ad0b7b5a74
API Changes/Compatibility Information:
* It exists!
Resolved Issues/Bug Fixes:
* None yet!
Protocol/Behavioral Changes:
* It... exists?
Documentation/Sample Code/Test Suite:
* Guess.
* Meanwhile...
- This distribution is my first step toward breaking Net::BitTorrent
up into manageable parts. Next comes AnyEvent::DHT or
AnyEvent::BitTorrent::DHT... I haven't decided on a namespace.
_ -.-. .... .- -. --. . ... _________________________________________
For more information, see the commit log: