Revision history for Perl extension Termbox

2.01 2023-06-26T17:16:41Z

	- Skip 'hello world' test when we are headless or otherwise cannot access /dev/tty

2.00 2023-06-14T16:40:56Z

	- Based on incompatible fork of termbox (which was abandoned)
	- Old examples have been removed until they're rewritten
	- New UI example: eg/

0.12 2023-01-11T23:48:45Z

	- Pull upstream changes
	- Require FFI::Platypus 2.00

0.11 2020-07-16T21:53:10Z

	- New on-screen movement example: eg/
	- New mouse interaction event examples:
		* eg/
		* eg/
	- Switch to fork for libtermbox

0.10 2020-07-11T04:41:46Z

    - Let's see which headless smoker will fail first.