Version History
2005.07.13 - 0.06
- Tests: Modified 03showrefs1.t so that it passes under Perl 5.004
- Updated documentation.
2005.07.31 - 0.05
- Bugfix: added support for references and objects passed to die().
- Added import option 'showrefs'.
- Added test scripts 03showrefs0.t, 03showrefs1.t
2005.05.18 - 0.04
- Updated documentation.
2005.03.20 - 0.03
- Added test scripts 00load.t, 00prereq.t, podcover.t
- Updated documentation.
2004.12.12 - 0.02
- Bugfix: last line was incorrectly always printing "main::".
- Improved documentation.
- Added link to the slides of my "Entreprise Perl" lightning talk.
- Added tests t/distchk.t, t/pod.t, t/portfs.t
2004.03.29 - 0.01
- Initial release.