Revision history for DBIx-Connect-FromConfig
0.04 2008.04.16 (SAPER)
[FEATURE] Added support for more DBI drivers. Trying to use an
unsupported driver will result in a exception.
0.03 2008.03.01 (SAPER)
[DIST] Changed the name of the module so it can be published on the CPAN.
[CODE] The function is now always a class method, but can be installed in
DBI namesapce for easier use.
0.02 2007.02.16 (SAPER)
[FEATURE] Added support for Config::Simple and Config::Tiny.
[FEATURE] Added support for "section" parameter.
[TESTS] Several improvments.
0.01 2006.11.09 (SAPER)
First version, internal release.