Revision history for File-Read

0.06    2006.07.05  (SAPER)
        [CODE] _to_ascii(): Improved the substitution.

0.0501  2005.03.30  (SAPER)
        [DIST] Updated MANIFEST..

0.05    2005.03.30  (SAPER)
        [FEATURE] Added new filter: to_ascii.

0.04    2006.03.29  (SAPER)
        [DOC] Added a rationale subsection.
        [DOC] Added a See Also section.
        [DOC] Small presentation change.

0.03    2006.03.27  (SAPER)
        [CODE] Small improvment: replaced an eval-string with an eval-code.
        [DIST] Added missing prereq File::Slurp in Build.PL, Makefile.PL

0.02    2006.02.08  (SAPER)
        [BUGFIX] Fixed a problem when reading files as root.
        [API] Changed the semantic of the aggregate option for a more 
        useful one.
        [DOC] Fixed a few pod typos.

0.01    2006.02.03  (SAPER)
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.