2013-01-24  SATOH Hiroh <cho45@lowreal.net>

	* 0.05:
	Fix bug on invalid file names (by shibayu36)

2012-04-26  SATOH Hiroh <cho45@lowreal.net>

	* 0.04:
	Fix vulnerability of directory traversal (by onishi)

2011-08-10  SATOH Hiroh <cho45@lowreal.net>

	* 0.03:
	Fix fail to cache caused by invalid key

2011-02-10  SATOH Hiroh <cho45@lowreal.net>

	* 0.02:
	Does not insert too much \n.

2010-12-03  SATOH Hiroh <cho45@lowreal.net>

	* 0.01:
	First release.

2010-09-15  SATOH Hiroh <cho45@lowreal.net>

	* init

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